Pregnancy is weird

Whereas my husband and all his brothers were 5 and 6lbs, and my child was nearly 10 :joy: it’s such a. Crap shoot for sure


Did not know they came that big! Every day I learn


I asked a LOT of questions after being told my baby was 43rd percentile with weekly MFM monitoring & growth scans, then delivering a 9lb 14oz baby.

One nurse told me that growth scans are the 3rd most accurate way of determining size and can be off by 1lb in each direction (mine was even more). Apparently the first is if the pregnant person “feels big”. The second is manual palpation by an experienced person. And the third is all the science and false precision of ultrasound measurements :upside_down_face:. I didn’t ask her for source but the estimate I was given was off by nearly 1.5 pounds.


Well, according to my doctor they don’t come that big unless you have gestational diabetes. His mom swears she didn’t but my doctor said she absolutely did and it was very often not diagnosed back in 1980.

Yes! It’s funny, I actually had a growth scan at MFM the day I went into labor. The growth scan estimated that she was 7# 6oz. Then I went into labor that night and she was born 26 hours later the following night. She was the EXACT size they had estimated from the MFM scan. The nurses couldn’t believe it and said they had never seen a baby actually the same size as the scan :joy: With L they actually induced me when I hit 39 weeks because she was measuring “big” and B had been so big at the beginning of 37 weeks. She was born at 7# 7oz :joy: The scans had her pegged at over 9 lbs!


I wonder how big the doc considers the cut off on that? The basically “GD required” size? Since I passed my GD screen by a wide margin, and personally spot checked my fasting glucose and post prandial glucose at home a few times throughout my third tri (since I was so huge lol) and it was always in normal ranges.



Oooh, I don’t know?! I wonder if at some point you just cross a threshold? My mom had GD with me and I was born right at 40 weeks and didn’t even weigh 6 lbs! So obviously not all GD babies are huge!

Latte was 10 lbs, right? I just did a quick google search and it looks like the average baby size is 7.5 lbs and the standard deviation is 0.7 lbs. I wonder if it’s basically impossible to pass a certain # of deviations from the mean without the chance of GD being so high that it’s essentially 100%? If my sick brain is calculating correctly 13.5# is more than 8 standard deviations away from the mean.

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9lb10oz. I was born 8lb4oz and I think SirB was like 6lb6oz if memory serves?

I did have preE which typically makes babies small, not big, lol.

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I think some babies are just big! I was 9 lbs, 1 oz, and my little brother was over 10 lbs. My mom didn’t have gestational diabetes or anything, though she had to be induced at 42 weeks with both of us. 13 lbs is definitely the biggest baby I’ve heard of, though. Was he born past his due date too?


He wasn’t past his due date and he was the biggest baby the hospital had ever had! His oldest sibling was over 10 pounds and every baby afterward was bigger. He was #4 (and the last). Iirc, his mom said each baby was born earlier, but heavier. I can’t imagine what she went through each time.


I had GD with both and with my first they were telling me the whole time how huge she was. “Over 9 lbs at this point definitely (days before birth).” She was born at 6lbs 10 oz.

I didn’t worry so much with the second one, although they said the same things. She was 7 lbs 10 oz. Both were early, so if they had gone full term they would have been bigger but I still can’t get over how wrong the medical peeps were about their current sizes in utero.


Ugh, failed my GD screener by 2 points.


On to the 3 hour hour?


Yep! Trying to figure out if the new Bridgerton is low enough on the sexy scale and long enough for me to binge it while I’m there.


The bright side is that since you were barely above the cutoff, it’s low odds still you’ll be positive on the 3 hour. My recollection is it’s something like 70% negative if you fail by fewer than 10 points? Don’t quote me on that though it’s been a couple years since I’ve tracked that data down lol. But the larger the gap to the cutoff line the higher odds you have it, so that’s still promising it may not be a factor for you after all :crossed_fingers::crossed_fingers::crossed_fingers: one less thing to deal with if so!


I failed the one hour by a few points but passed the 3 hour test. Be aware that you may be nauseous during the test. Make sure to have a good source right after the final blood draw.


Yes, the 3 hour test was not my favorite. I made a little nest for myself in the Kaiser lab and just toughed it out!

Although maybe the reason I was so ill was that I was flunking and my blood sugar was over 200 :sweat_smile:. The GD itself was not nearly as bad as I thought it would be, though. Good luck on the second test @Greyweld!


Good luck with the 3!


I’m just a little past hour 1 of the test and keep going back and forth between completely fine and feeling a little woobly and weird. But I also have my allergies driving me bonkers, am exhausted from too little sleep, and of course not having had a meal or coffee today, so who knows if it’s the glucose or just… Everything.


I survived! Hour 1 was the worst, hour 2 was slightly better, hour 3 I felt normal and got to chat with someone who was just starting their test which passed the time quickly.

Now we go eat rice before anyone could potentially tell me that’s not allowed anymore :sweat_smile: