On the fringes of violation

I’ve been thinking about this a lot lately. I didn’t see the posts/thread that caused this most recent flurry of posts so please keep that in mind, I’m not sure if what I am saying is relevant to that specifically. This is not meant to be a comment on the piling on aspect people have been mentioning either, so much as the initial reactions that I’ve noticed in myself and others sometimes when we learn something we did was less funny/more harmful than we had intended.

We have all (maybe a few of us haven’t but at least most) been swimming in the water of a deeply capitalistic, white supremacist, and colonial society for a long time. There are many things about this water that isn’t great for anyone and some of them are hard to see. But these things have been normal and accepted for so long that many of us, especially if we haven’t been hurt by them, have no idea that they’re hurting people. We are just minding our own business, going along making jokes that everyone we know has always thought were funny and whatnot. We aren’t trying to be hurtful but we are all products of a society that makes it almost impossible not to be hurtful.

And this society has also always protected the feelings of people in power who might be harming over the feelings/experience/needs of safety of people who are not in power. Because of this, we have become enormously sensitive about learning that we are harming people with our actions and words when we did not consciously intend that harm. George Bush famously said that the all time low point of his presidency was being called a racist by Kanye West. Since the forum seems to be primarily as far as I can tell, people who really want to be kind and do right to others, it makes sense that we would feel very hurt to discover that we are acting in a way that is harmful. It’s really hard to push past those feelings of hurt and realize that someone else is also hurt and they are inviting us to be the kindest people that we want to be by letting us know that what we said was problematic.

One of the last chapters of So you want to talk about Race is about how to react when someone tells you you are hurting them, because everyone who has been a part of this society has been touched by these toxic parts of it and are going to hurt someone as we stumble through. Next time I have my copy, I can write out some of her suggestions, but I don’t have access to it right now. Perhaps some of these steps would be helpful in shaping forum rules. I do recall though that it’s really important to listen, to apologize, and to change your actions, and also that if you really think about it and still think it’s an “agree to disagree” situation, that you don’t stick around and argue with the person about it, because we don’t need to invalidate someone’s pain just because we disagree.

I fully expect that some things I am doing, despite trying really hard and being really conscious about it, are harmful. I have been swimming in this water so long, it’s just hard to see. I also know I’ll feel like a jerk and be very sad when someone points this out to me because I really don’t want to be harmful to others and I’m trying my best. and yet, I’ll never stop doing that harmful thing if no one speaks up so I need to deal with my feelings about it.

I’ll remove this tag if you want because I know you said you were going to drop some knowledge and run but as an example I really appreciated @tardis’ comments about the straight white man phrase. I just yesterday morning sort of used that to describe a cartoon character to a friend and I realize that I meant “those entitled fucks” for sure. It wasn’t a comment made in front of my kiddo, but without that note about it, it could have been. I learned something for sure. I also learned a ton on the fatphobia thread, including some things that have really changed my life and mind, but unfortunately not fast enough to be able to engage in a really positive and helpful way as that thread became so difficult.

This turned into a novel, and so I appreciate it if you’ve read this far. I think this is a really special community and I hope we figure this out in a way that people don’t feel they’re being run off the forums for things and we can also still learn and grow.


<3 I got that loud and clear and really appreciate your doing it. It’s the main reason I had to stop journaling and contributing here.

This resonated a lot:

I felt like I had to sanitize and caveat my life and perspective to the point that it was no longer a journal, out of fear of offending people with my point of view. To then also look around and see the ableist stuff that’s apparently totally ok here, including whipping out disability analogies to prove a point, just rubbed salt in the wound. The proliferation of call outs for issues deemed suitably sensitive then sort of compounded for me.

Separately, I would like to say that during the time I was most active here I began to buy into the idea that it’s “not on me” to educate people, and that it’s well within my rights to call people out, rudely if necessary. I did that a bit here and I have only regret about it as I don’t think it changed any minds or made me feel in the least bit better. This entire concept made me angrier, if anything, and I feel immense guilt for being so unkind in my corrections. I’d like to make this as a generalized apology if you were caught in my rage (I certainly owe one to you @tardis - Incidentally, I agree with everything you posted here. I also owe one to @norabird though I may have scared her off forever with my assholery) .

I have come to the conclusion that, unfair as it is, it IS on me to be patient and kind as I explain my perspective. Because the fact is, doing it the harsh way doesn’t work and only causes a huge opposing reaction, and people who are not part of an in-group are never going to be able to accurately speak on behalf of that group. It is on the person in the disenfranchised group by default, fair or not, it’s just part of it.

I also accept that not every community is for every person, and I think this forum is more of a safe space for certain populations (and not others) rather than an inclusive and intersectional space, which is totally valid. I continue to read here out of interest, but I rarely post for that reason, I’m not the target demographic here. It’s not just about discussing disability, it’s that sharing my point of view in general became difficult because some of my life experiences have led me to have views that are not the “right” views here. The thread about police and gay pride come to mind, as do several about gender, bodies, mental health, the covid thread, and some of the politics threads. I found myself more and more often writing out long replies, and then deleting them before posting.

I think inclusive spaces and safe spaces are by definition not the same thing. When there’s true diversity you’re going to come across some ideas that are unpleasant to you or that threaten how you see yourself. I think my real issue here was that OMD started as a place that professed inclusion, but then grew to function as a safe space for certain groups, provided the people within those groups had certain views. Like, I wouldn’t even mind the ableism here if nothing were censored and I could express myself freely, but the fact that some stuff is deemed Not Something To Joke About and other stuff is totally fair game make it…not my favorite vibe, I suppose.

<3 Much love though to everyone! And sorry again for my little spate as an angry person here. For the curious: The answer is yes. My cat is still ridiculously fluffy.

Edit: clarity/spacing


I like the distinction of inclusive vs. safe. I would like to be part of a community that makes me feel heard and can prioritize listening over offering complete safety.

I so agree with this and love the way you stated it. Thank you.


That’s a very interesting observation. I have to think about this. And what the difference really is and how those look in action.


I would also like for this to be primarily an inclusive, rather than safe, space. Diversity is a good thing that helps us all learn and grow. I think the increased use of hidden text/content warnings has been a positive development. It gives people the option of reading or not reading. And if you choose to read after you have been warned, it is kind of up to you to deal with the emotional after-effects of that choice.

@AllHat it is great to “see” you again. I’m sorry that this became a hard place for you to be. I learned so much about the sea of ablism I am swimming in by having the opportunity to see the world from your point of view.


Good to “see” you too @lhamo! waves :grinning:


Just bouncing back to this, I have another online community I enjoy and one of the rules is “No direct messages/ private messages unless it’s been stated publicly that it’s OK for you to contact them”. People have been banned for privately messaging people constantly without asking first and honestly it’s nice, because it’s a good boundary that helps reduce even accidental private harassment.


I guess I’m confused about this. How do you get public permission? Is there a specific thread you tag them to ask for that? Do you just post in whatever thread you happen to be reading to ask? Doesn’t that interrupt the flow of the thread? (Especially if it’s someone else’s journal or something?)

I’ve just never heard a rule like this before and have been on a lot of forums for decades; I hope if it’s instituted the messenger portal shows a reminder because it seems easy to forget to ask.

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Maybe you didn’t mean it, but this came off the wrong way to me. Ducky has been on forums too for a while. It felt dismissive and implied you know better.

As for the rule, it’s standard in Facebook groups and I don’t see why that’s much different from the forums when it comes to DMs. For my part, unless there have been instances of harassment here, it seems like we are doing a good job respecting each others boundaries. But it’s a valid point to raise IMO.

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No, it wasn’t meant to be dismissive, only to say that I don’t have limited experience. If this is a widely spread rule on internet forums, I will admit I’m surprised.

I’ve never heard of this as a rule, in any of my facebook groups either, though there, though I’m only a member of maybe 30 groups there, not a large number.

I am still interested to know the mechanics of how you would go about asking someone permission to message them. Do moderators then limit how often you can ask?

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In my experience things have been on an honor system. In context of a current forum conversation, “Hey, can I DM you to chat more about this?”

If a person is DM-ed without permission, they can report the person who DM-ed to admin to deal with (maybe with a warning system).


MMM has a setting where people cannot message you, and a way to block individuals (so the user manages the setting, not the forum Peres).


Yeah, it’s just like asking consent in-thread. So if you’re all chatting on a topic,
“Hey, would you like me to send more information over DM?”
As part of the convo is pretty seamless. I’ve seen the request for consent to message heaps on here. No need to report messages you didn’t mind, but it gives a clearer set of rules if someone starts getting subtly harassed.

So I thought I’d throw it into the mix of potential rules when @moderators eventually has time.


Whoops. I’ve initiated PMs before without asking. my bad, friends!


My first read through I was shocked, and wondering if all my PMs are bad PMs, and then I saw the word constantly and was like…oooooh that’s a huge and different deal. But I think we also touched on this when we were talking about avoiding piling on - and I totally forgot and did this last week headslamemoji. Because I think I’m all chill and being discreet saying something but it gives a different vibe if ten of us say stuff and don’t realize it.

Basically I can see a bunch of reasons for variations on this rule. I hope there’s something else we can do as a fix (maybe make it so people can click accept or decline) because I’m not gonna make as close friends if I have to publicly ask to be friends. But overall. Man, manners are tough in the new world.


I’d be less comfortable with having to ask/give permission publicly before a DM. That would mean if your answer is no you have to publicly say no to the person, in front of everyone, rather than just ignore an unwanted DM. Maybe that’s just me tho.


What if it’s not about an active conversation topic, like you found a link you mentioned weeks ago, an item/image/meme that reminded you of a member, or you want to check in or apologize privately to someone without lampshading it?

I’m 200% against spam or harassment in DMs but I’ve had zero issues with people here using their judgment, and I hope all 3 people I’ve probably DMed can say the same for me? If not please call me out now…


I’m glad we’re talking about how to keep everyone safer. :slight_smile: Even if we have no magic answers.


Looks like you can adjust the settings here so that you cannot be contacted via DM.


Yes, this is why I brought it up! It works well on some of my FB groups but I didn’t know it would work here, and this lively discussion is good.

This ISN’T a rule here currently, and current culture here IS to message without asking first, generally! Which is fine :+1: so the people worried they’ve done the wrong thing - you haven’t!

Keen to hear other measures that may or may not work for our community as others hear of them, too.