I realized I haven’t been wearing my Fitbit all day so that makes it hard to say what my step count for today is, even if I don’t go for an actual walk. Oops.
Today I walked for 51 minutes, 2.03 miles, 7,376 steps.
I’m in! I was at work tody and I did my lunch walk (about 25 minutes). My FitBit recorded 14 zone minutes. It was easy today because it was almost 50 degrees and sunny. I had on a cashmere sweater and didn’t even need a coat!
I try to walk every day at least a little. Depending on my other exercise, sometimes this is a “toddle” with the cuckoo, who likes to walk and will do so with a little guidance (she’s coming up on 1 1/2 already!).
Of this week, aside from the travel day tomorrow I was worried about today. Last day with family but everyone is feeling pretty low energy and grandma opted out of a stroll at the local county park. But Human accompanied me on a walk to downtown [parents city] and we looked at the new shops and restaurants that have cropped up. Grabbed some tea/coffee. We were gone probably 90 mins but it’s only a 2.2 mi walk so prob 45-50 min at my sprained ankle speed.
Yay for nice company and downtown walks!
Unsolicited ankle talk
As someone who went on a multi-year journey of ankle injury and inability to walk, I wanted to ask if your ankle feels okay after these walks and/or you’re getting good medical/PT help to heal? As a rule of thumb, if it feels bad the next day then I know I overdid it. Especially since you mention wanting to walk with a baby and pregnancy & birth hormones can cause all sorts of joint weaknesses. Basically don’t do what I did, walking myself into an overuse injury that took a year to heal.
I can delete if you’d prefer!
We’re meeting some other kids and parents at a playground today so I’m hoping for a bit of walking . My Fitbit broke and I refuse to buy another and can’t decide if I even want a fitness tracker. So wallowing in unquantified self right now (probably for the best!)
Thank you for this thread – I desperately need some motivation to get our for more walks and sharing some of our wonderful local views will help. There have been too many excuses lately – too dark, too icy, too wet, too windy etc. Sometimes they have been valid with severe gale warnings but sometimes I’m just being lazy.
First easy win is to walk round the bay if I’m in town anyway. It’s just over a mile and has views of some of my favourite things – sea, hills and ferries! Too grey for decent hill views today so the picture has to be ferries. Isle of Lewis loading to head out to Barra in the Outer Hebrides and the ugliest ferry in the fleet, little Loch Frisa arriving in from the Isle of Mull.
Ankle deets
Thanks for the advice! It has felt better (less tight) the next day even if it gets a bit sore/tired right after.
Background is that I missed a step in the dark at SIL’s at about 2 days before Christmas and lightly sprained my ankle while flailing wildly to not faceplant or shatter my tea mug. Ankle was a trooper and didn’t even noticeably swell, so I didn’t bother seeking med care out of network. Just did a wrap for a couple days (more to remind myself to limit ROM than to do anything to it), some ice, mostly rest. The longest walking I did before New Year’s was between gates at Denver Airport. Over a week later I’m no longer limping unless I try to go fast or downstairs/down hill, which I have been avoiding (or going sideways).
Walking is great rehab for your ankle!
I mean, to be fair, depending on gates this can be ~50 million miles
I did not get much walking in but we did spend a fair chunk outside (including in the rain) and small boy got a good dose of climbing in so I’m calling it a win.
Also rainbow!
Sighhhh. I really should have gone back and changed to tall socks when I realized the boots were rubbing my ankle. File this one under tall girl problems I guess.
But, we made it out. Started out light rain then got heavier, but it’ll be rainy all day so no point in waiting. Happy when I can get out with just baby for a fast pace. Oldest is back in school today, so she’s off enjoying rainy outside time with peers.
But seriously. How lucky am I to get to walk through this every day?
still more trees are coming down though this can’t be sustainable. It’s always been super windy here so idk what’s changed.
Had a nice hike in the rain today and therefore many many steps.
Had a nice walk with actual sight of the sun. Saw a (grey) squirrel, lots of birds and lots of dogs. 10/10. There were hills and mud in excess of my footwear appropriateness . 3/10.
Joining in as well! I’m pretty good about going on long-ish walks/hikes as my “exercise” for the day, but not so great about integrating walking into my daily life.
Photo tax: went on a walk with really nice lighting a couple days ago.
The best book for this I’ve read is “grow wild”. It’s very kids focused but I love the idea of “stacking”. We need to socialize anyway, so here’s ideas to take that walking. We need to get groceries, so let’s try to loop that in. Etc etc. One of my unofficial goals this year is to get more groceries from one of the two stores I can walk to. (Even if they are more expensive, lol).
Walking isn’t suuuuper practical for us but Walmart is e bikeable. I don’t love it but at least it’s cheap!
60% of our walks. Part of the justification to going to 5 different grocery stores. No photo tax because today I went for lunch with a former colleague, didn’t buy a candle holder at the thrift shop #1, #2 or #3. And failed to get buttons or ribbon at the sewing shop. The print store was closed for post christmas vacations. I got two old sf books at the second hand store and discussed how the astrologists say this year will be better due to age of Aquarius and the unions doing well last year.
I did get a single carrot and a container of half & half because I wanted to see if that grocery store had table salt. answer, no. even though the strike is over, we continue to lack table salt in the stores in reasonably sized containers.
This is pretty much the only reason I miss the school run. Enforced walking is my route to walking success. Hence why I’m having so much trouble now. It’s a shame running hates me as i might have more success with that plus J on his bike.