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We have an echo that we got free from a work event of my husband’s. At the time, he really wanted a voice activated speaker and though we would never have bought it, we went ahead and set it up for just music, although we also mute it a lot so it’s not listening (supposedly). This weekend, after months of us talking about how creepy it is and how we’re moving away from Amazon, the Mr. said he wants to double down on never shopping at Amazon and I brought it up, and he said it’s time to get rid of it!

Two questions:

  1. what do I do with an Echo we don’t want when we also don’t want to promote Amazon to others?

  2. What are best alternatives for a good speaker that we can tell to play radio (KEXP primarily), music (from spotify?) and podcasts?


Some possibilities for music:

A lot of radio stations have digital broadcasts, so if you have the speakers hooked up to your computer you can stream them from a website. I listen to Italian radio that way.

I’ve also downloaded podcasts or streamed them directly from the internet on my computer (plugged into the speaker system).

My MP3 player (a tiny little Sony thing) has FM radio as an option, so I tune into that and plug it into my speakers. Oh! My MP3 player also has podcasts, so you could download them and load them onto a MP3 player, if it is one you can download directly.


Hmmmm, maybe give it to someone who’s already using an Echo? That way it’ll get used but you’re not adding a new Echo user to the ecosystem.

We are in the process of getting rid of all of our Google Homes which were used for music, because of the spying. I still have a Chromecast Audio hooked up to my receiver where I can stream content from my phone.


I can only read audiobooks nowadays so I use Hoopla for library books (highly recommend) and then I have an Audible subscription for one book a month from them, because sometimes I want something the library doesn’t have/book clubs usually choose stuff not available through the library (for audiobooks, they usually have hard copies).

I know Audible is an Amazon company but they also have the best selection I’ve found and if you don’t like an audiobook they give you a credit back to get a different one.


Ooh I like this! Our neighbors are big into Echo’s so maybe they’d like it.

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Coming back to this - are you replacing the Google Homes? I know we could hook our music up to computer speakers but our computers are in a different room from where we are. I don’t want to turn the TV on just to use the speakers there, and the Mr. wants louder music than we get from just our phones, plus the ability to listen to music while using phones. I’m overwhelmed with the options especially since it seems like they all have privacy issues too!

ETA: Does the chromecast not have the same issues with spying?
ETA 2: why not just turn off the microphone of the homes and cast to them from your phone?

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It’s a Chromecast Audio (discontinued last year, does not have a microphone) and I have the Google Assistant disabled from my phone unless I press a button to talk to it. I’m sure Google is still spying on me in other ways, but hopefully it’s no longer listening to my conversations! Marmalade was not comfortable even if we turned off the microphone to the Google Homes.

I ended up moving our stereo system from the living room to our bedroom, where we spend most of our time.

I don’t know what your budget is, but Sonos is supposed to have good (but expensive) smart speakers and they have a few without microphone. I had also looked at adding a JBL Link 300 to the Home system but the refurb I got from eBay had someone else’s account attached to it and I couldn’t reset it. It got really good reviews though! But it’s also a smart speaker.


My partner gave me a little orange Bose speaker that I use all day everyday. Great for audiobooks and music


My recommendation is also Bluetooth speakers. Can be controlled from your phone, laptop/PC if they have Bluetooth.


That’s a great suggestion!

If you’re looking for brand recommendations, Klipsch is a good brand. I have a pair of nice speakers from them and at some point also a pair of desktop speakers.


Thanks all! I gave your suggestions to the Mr. and he ordered a bluetooth speaker! I don’t know which one because he took on the rest of the research and that’s good by me!


Help with maternity clothes that aren’t from Amazon/Target/Old Navy?? (Paging @Ckni27, @ferngully, @Pancakes @Elle as people I can remember off the top of my head on the pregnancy and/or clothing experts threads…)

I’d love to get a few of these, but am looking for something from a smaller/independent shop:

I don’t want to spend hundreds per dress but at the same time, I have the money and I’m pretty sure I’d live in 2-3 dresses like this from now until October…

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Hmmm. Most of my maternity stuff was from motherhood maternity and everything else was clothing I already had. I tend toward loose flowy styles anyway so most of it worked with a bump anyway

I liked stuff from motherhood and target the best, but I’d check out Poshmark and first. Another option is this black-owned shop I found:

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Is H&M more to your taste than old navy? Motherhood maternity?

Smacky bought me 99% of my mat clothes used on kijiji

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I’m not huge yet (5 mos), but am liking stuff from these smaller brands:

This stuff is in the $30-90 range but Poshmark/eBay are great for getting them half-price or less.

I am bad at maternity clothing. This pregnancy I have purchased a pair of jeans from H&M. Otherwise I wear oversized dresses or stretchy dresses from regular ranges and the few shirts I have that are long enough to cover my belly (I am very short so suspect this is easier for me than a tall person).

My advice would be get a few things that have breastfeeding access if you plan to breastfeed. I didn’t with my first and had nothing that was easy to feed in.

I bought almost all my maternity clothes on eBay or Craigslist. I didn’t plan ahead very well for breastfeeding clothes, so I recommend you do that :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:


What makes for good breastfeeding clothes? About to be a first-timer in a few months.

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