New Year’s Resolutions because 2022 is going to be our year!

The most important goal has been achieved :+1:t2:


I think I managed ok.

I did buy a dress that seemed like it was probably going to be ok ethically but then when I looked into the manufacturer afterwards … err :unamused:. That was I think the only new clothing I purchased for myself this year so overall not too bad, except for the people who made my dress, it was probably bad for them :disappointed:.

I made better choices for groceries when we were able to manage the extra mental load (anyone want to unpack the gender balance when it comes to making ethical/environmental choices for a family?…). We donated to the local farmers when they flooded. Then our local food hub suddenly closed right before Christmas after almost 20 years :sob:. Even when we couldn’t manage to place an order in the 48 hour window or walk to the farm, I think we did better at the supermarket too. I started making formal complaints about the bakery manager at our store who is frequently verbally abusing younger female employees. Hopefully that makes a difference to someone :crossed_fingers:.

We reduced our rubbish further. Now we can get by without a bin liner in the house. We do have a vacuum that we need to bag the dust from when we empty it but we also have plastic bags from things like breakfast cereals we can use instead (and since soft plastic recycling isn’t a thing at the moment, no guilt).

Next year I probably have to buy some clothes. Definitely underwear. I probably managed doing better this year mostly through avoidance.


Well, fuck.

OK, I did do almost all of the things in the might actually do category. Complete fail in the other category. The only surprise I feel is that I actually listed those things. We all knew I wasn’t going to do any of them.