Net Worth Tracking, Support, Celebration!

Haha, I bet! No net worth club :high_heel: :five:.


Ok, I decided to woman up and calculate our net worth for the month fully aware it was probably not good news and…uh…I HIT MY GOAL FOR THE YEAR! Sitting pretty at $260,037.61. I am floored because this has been a very expensive couple of weeks but I guess I should get used to this?! I think upping my husband’s 401(k) contribution to 15% really helped. Our cash savings has definitely taken a hit but overall net worth is up and we haven’t cut giving at all which was a big priority so I’m really happy! :slight_smile: I also made delicious cookies today. That’s not related to net worth, I’m just in a braggy mood now.


Go you! Brag about all the dough :wink:


Aw heck yeah!

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My Net worth just peeked over £100,000 for the first time! I wasn’t sure I’d make it before my 4-year jobiversary goal in January (/ before buying a flat probably takes me under again), but my company’s stock has been doing well, and I hadn’t gotten around to selling my allocation to move into index funds yet.

You can really see the difference between the slower, but consistent rise from job one, then a lot of lumpy gains after the company got acquired at the start of 2020. I have been very lucky.


I really like months where the last days fall on the weekend, so I can pull my numbers earlier.


Congratulations!!! That’s fantastic, fellow hundred-thousandaire!


not quite back to the highs from the end of Aug, but almost.

3.29% projected withdrawal rate, and 75% of target for cash funds.


Had a nice October, NW increased nearly $8k and YTD increase is ~$46k which is my best year yet. I can’t seem to get my chart to upload but 2021 NW is now at ~$125k


Dude. How even?



Yeah, I got nothing. Even with the unrestrained firehouse of medical spending that was last month, we are up $18k from Oct 2nd.

Everything feels fake.


my net worth is up 10% since june! it’s from stock market gains plus investing a lil chunk of stock that vested this summer. what a world.


So thats cool i guess.


Thats awesome

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Basically flat. 80% of target for cash funds (not counted in this graph’s “total”).


Everyone else is full and asleep and my kitchen is (mostly) clean so now is the time for my own little gift to myself. Calculating our net worth! End of year is my favorite because I set goals for each year. We started 2021 with $223,529.02. My goal was to close out at $260k. Just checked and we’re at $268,539.93. I’m so happy! Also our house fund is up to $13k and it was $10k last month (bonus).

It sounds silly but looking at this really makes me happy. It’s not only the money but also feeling like I’m doing a really good job managing this stuff. I didn’t know anything when I started and half the time I feel like I’m scotch taping basic arithmetic together and crossing my fingers but so far things have worked out! Feeling confident :smile: I should totally get a promotion.


A promotion and a raise! And a cookie!


You blew right past that goal! Amazing work!


Haha, thanks @noodle and @LadyDuck !


No pretty graphs or charts here. I’ve only been tracking our Net Worth a few months and it’s consistently around $550,000 CAD. Not much. Most of it is our paid off home.

We are retired with about $50,000/year income from various pensions. Hubby sees no point in increasing our net worth any further as 3 of the 4 pensions are indexed to inflation, and the fourth is partially indexed.

When I turn 65 I become eligible for 2 or 3 Canadian government income streams: CPP, OAS, and possibly GIS (income based). Hubby will be 72 and have to start withdrawing on his RRSP (Registered Retirement Savings Plan). We will have more money than we’re able to spend. At that point we’ll either look at increasing charitable giving, or an investing account.

Right now, if we were working together better on finances, we could sock away $1500/mth., but there seems to have been a lot of anomalous expenditures this year. :pensive:. Also, with $550,000 net worth Hubby thinks we’re rich. I shake my head. It all depends on your perspective, life experiences and expectations.