Net Worth Tracking, Support, Celebration!

depending on how much your husband has in RRSPs, would it make sense to start taking some of it out early, so you aren’t caught by minimum withdrawal requirements, and you can control your income levels and associated taxes? At very least, moving 6k from RRSP to TFSA for both of you annually.

(And I tend to feel that with 50k in pensions AND 550k, that is pretty rich, you have 72k annual available using a 4% withdrawal rate, and you could go even higher with CPP/OAS coming)


We’ve talked about pulling out some of the RRSP funds early, but have been dissuaded by various financial planners, including our recent one at the bank. It makes sense to us to do it that way too.

As for how much money it is, like I said, it depends on your perspective. I have millionaires for siblings. Hubby’s family is more “normal”.

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Often confused by Mint’s net worth tracker—moved some of my bonus to a connected investment account and it somehow dropped out of my overall net worth. Dumb. So no graph, but I’m at about $145k after starting the year around $115k. Not bad! Come on, compounding!! Would love to be at $200k by the end of 2022.


10 years apart


WOAH :exploding_head::clap::clap:


Wow, I had no idea you could do that!

So like 7 years?


@madgeylou @Bracken_Joy that’s amazing!


My networth change from January until now, it was about $448k December 2020, and now about $575k



that is awesome!


Is this good for gains? Just like in a general sense without knowing what the funds are? It’s probably fairly conservative and you can see that it definitely started slow because I had very little at that time. I don’t really even know how to do the math on it. I mean… I know it’s great just that I have anything! Like, this is more than I thought I would ever have working in a not-high-paying field, you know? I know basically zero about investing but do trust the guy we use at work for this. I did just put 6k of my commission check in but it’s not in there yet. It’s definitely more impressive if you start at 2010 rather than 2003 lol.


I’m confused by the value of account versus net investment- does that mean there’s a bunch in there that isn’t invested?

Uhhh… isn’t net investment what I put in? I have no idea! That’s what I’m assuming.

Oh I may be! I’m not sure, I just know that I don’t know :joy:


The dot on the graph looks about like the 63k ish it says is additions so that is where my assumptions come in :rofl:

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Looks like 13% gain for the year? Not bad at all.


End of year liquid assets (which is what I track as we have no debt and don’t count the house we live in)


So frustratingly close to a nice round milestone.

On the other hand, on 1/1/21, the figure was 378,700. So what the fuck am I complaining about? That’s up by around $40K more than our gross household income.


Daaaang!! :open_mouth::raised_hands::trophy:Very impressive!

I don’t feel right sharing exact numbers with shared/entwined finances, but I have to admit it blows me away that 37 months ago I had less than 10k to my name, and this year our net worth went up by 6 figures. :flushed: Income. Matters.


It is impressive, but don’t be impressed with me- be impressed with this crazy stock market. Never thought I’d be one of the rich who get richer.


You guys also save a lot and I am impressed by your frugality :blush:


Sooo…I downloaded the MMM app and there’s a calculator for figuring out how long before you reach FIRE. We’re already retired, but I filled it in for a lark. It says we’ll reach FI in 2.3 years at our current rate of spending. I got a bit of a chuckle from that. Pensions are great!

I am relieved we are doing well. But our net worth includes our house, and that makes me nervous. I mean, a person has to live somewhere. And even if we sold the house and lived in an apartment we’d have to pay rent. House money doesn’t last forever.

I found the Kelly Blue Book online and determined our car was worth almost three times what I had it listed for on our net worth statement. We have lower mileage but a few dings from people hitting our parked car. So I took it down about a third in value.