Net Worth Tracking, Support, Celebration!

Updated graph for end of August. I’m approaching $40k increase for this year, my record increase in a year is $42.5k so I think I’ll be breaking that record this year. I’m hoping to hit $140k by YE but we’ll see. A lot of my money now needs to go into savings and not investing as I’m hoping to take 6 months maternity leave next year. :crazy_face:



First of the month number analysis shows a 3.25% withdrawal rate given our rolling 12 month spend/sinking funds.

At this point, I’m thinking we might hit the next 100k marker before I resign, which is something I certainly did not expect. (If I put in our cash position that I’m building up to cover us for order of returns risk/the kitchen, we’d be above it already)


That’s so exciting.

How are the kitchen plans going? Were you able to find a good contractor?


Woah, that’s awesome!

okey can I say something ?? , I started working a month ago and my net worth is over a 100$ by a little bit , thank you for reading everybody :slight_smile:


Welcome and congratulations! :slight_smile:

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Congrats! :tada:

I’m not worrying about the kitchen until the spring when I have more bandwidth and we can spend time looking at tile and cabinets and appliances. I found a contractor I like, and hopefully they’ll be available when we’re ready.

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a 100 dollar shift in the positive direction is huge

I always say the first emergency fund is a jar of peanut butter or a packet of pasta. $100 is awesome.


I LOVE this


Another member of the “once you’re past the first $100K, the numbers do the work on their own”* club. Was at $132K 2 months ago, and we’ve been spending a horrifying amount of money on house stuff since then.
*Because the iteration of capitalism we live under is unfair


This number includes our mortgage; my student loans, personal checking, retirement accounts, and credit cards (we pay them off every month); and our Zillow “Zestimate,” which I promise we will never use to make decisions, since they’re famously inflated. It doesn’t include shared cards and checking, or my wife’s investments + retirement accounts.


Welcome, and awesome! Getting to a positive net worth is an amazing achievement, I hope you are proud of yourself for it.


I am aware this is also very risky, because the whole point of the initial plan to do the kitchen while I was working was to be able to work longer if costs balloon. But these days I can’t bring myself to care about that much. I can see how it goes, find a new job if I have to.


1,100,300 today. +10% in 5 months is bonkers.


You have a lot of control over costs, too. Certain finishes might be so amazing and wonderful, but something 90% as good will be 1/2 the price and in the end you won’t notice the difference in the day to day.
Eg drawer and cabinet knobs/pulls. The gorgeous ones are $$$. The re-store had a pack of 10 for $2 and those were inoffensive and fine. So I spent $6 on drawer pulls instead of $150 or something like that.
What I learned is that doing a kitchen is a million small decisions and each one is a money vs quality of life decision and it gets to be a lot.


I sell kitchens and am still occasionally surprised at what people will pay for things.


Oh, yeah. The kitchen was the most tiring part of our build, I think.


I decided to play in the spreadsheets, and I discovered that our Aug invested number is just over what I’d estimated at the beginning of the year that we’d reach around Jan 2023 if I worked through.




Ok, net worth is down $1,387.36 from last month, so it’s sitting right at $257,150.72. I’m not super surprised because we paid for a $2k vacation and went out with friends twice in the last month, plus friend gifts and dh’s gift for me for our anniversary, etc.

As long as we hit $260k by the end of the year we’ll be on track so…not great but not too bad?