Net Worth Tracking, Support, Celebration!

I hear you about including home value in net worth. Ours was a cash purchase just before Covid hit. In the area where we live house prices are unlikely to go down before we plan to sell - about 10 years. We live in an urban area stressed by lack of affordable housing…or housing of any type really. Still, if I take the house out of the Net Worth calculations we have very low Net Worth…about $220,000. But, we are already retired and receive four government pensions that are more than adequate for us to live on, at the moment. What will happen with inflation is anyone’s guess!


Oh yeah I definitely include a home value in net worth :slight_smile: Like Bracken_Joy, I include the appraised value at time of closing. Zillow estimates about $195k higher than that value (and that would track with the recent home sales.) I don’t really expect home values to drastically crash where I’m at - it’s a HCOLA near a major city. But… I find it easier not having to enter those values into my software, or sweating the ups and downs. Omitting it entirely would definitely be an issue, with that mortgage hanging over our heads!

Also no judgement on my part of how you do it, or whether you’re doing well for yourself :slight_smile:

Just commenting for myself, I can’t really bear to track that value over time. The bright side was when my first house (which acted as rental for 6 years) sold 2 years ago, and I finally got to update the value (by increasing it ~$60k) though selling costs (prep, taxes, fees) did take some of the wind out of the sails.


I include the house value used my the municipality on my tax assessment. It’s lower than the reality and changes very, very slowly over time.
For my pensions, there is a cash value listed on their documents. If I were to terminate their program today they would send me $x. I use that amount in net worth calcs.


Oh absolutely the same! I hope it didn’t come across that way. I just thought it was an interesting discussion given the thread. People can have really widely varying ways of measuring that worth, and all of them can be totally valid given different circumstances and goals. Frankly if you’re close to retiring and you wanna sell your house and travel then including the real time home value is probably the best way to do it. That’s just not the situation I’m in.


We don’t include house, land, or pensions in our usual calculations, but also don’t really worry about net worth, just liquid assets. Don’t intend to sell the property ever, don’t have a mortgage, and the payout on the pensions is tremendously lower than their value to us.


Oh, no offence taken everyone! :blush: I just never heard of doing Net Worth without including market value of the primary residence. But I can certainly see the point in reducing it to the assessed value of the primary residence. In that case we would reduce our net worth by $100,000.

And I can see why people take it out entirely. As one individual pointed out to me recently…you have to live somewhere! So no matter what you do, that money is not really liquid. It’s tied up in living expenses. As pointed out, I think it depends on the individual situation.

We don’t include pensions in our net worth either.


Net worth is down another $2k this month, which isn’t too bad considering! I feel for people who don’t understand the market and are panicking, as well as those who are on the cusp of retirement. We’re just hanging loose and going with it! Sitting at $256k for now!


We managed to go up $4k this month by adding $6k into the accounts :joy::sob::joy:

Lucky for me it all feels like fake money so it’s not that emotional to see it go down, just a little disappointing like doing badly at a video game.


That’s so impressive! You must be saving a lot. I think our only accounts that didn’t lose money were one IRA (I’m not sure why) and our savings account, which accrued like .10, haha! We did still hit our savings goals for the month, just not enough to dip it the other way.


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down 6.4% vs end of year 2021, which takes us to somewhere around July or Aug 2021.


all the way through last year when I was shovelling money into a high interest savings account instead of putting it into the market, I was feeling a lot of FOMO, and kept reminding myself that this was risk mitigation, and I should have enough in the investments to mostly just let that money do its thing.

Though inflation makes me sad, this graph makes me happy I stayed that course of filling a secure bucket.


Wigglin along. Only down a little bit from last month.


Y’all are so brave and inspiring. I’m steadfastly ignoring my net worth numbers and sticking my head in the sand WHILE plugging up my ears and saying LALALALALALA I CANT HEAR YOU.

I’ll look at numbers again once Planet Money stops sounding so doom and gloom.


I’m with you. I wouldn’t change anything in response, and I don’t need that stress.


Between the markets and some catastrophic news about a pension I thought I had but don’t, my net worth has taken a real beating lately.

Today the City reported to me that they have re-evaluated the value of one of my houses, and it’s worth $20,000 more than the last time they looked at it. I use the City values for my real estate values in my net worth calculation, so I made $20k today!

Money is an absurd social construct but I still like it when the little line on my spreadsheet goes up.



its almost end of financial year here in Australia, I am updating now. It may change slightly with share price variation

Changes throughout 2022

Changes over the years

I also got my house recently valued to refinance my mortgage, this is what my networth looks like if I add the change in price for my house. But I dont normally change it


Down another $18k from last month :upside_down_face: really not sure if I’ll hit my $300k net worth goal by the end of the calendar year. It’s starting to feel like that might not happen!


Um, I was putting off doing my May numbers because I wanted the market to recover a bit (and also life’s been busy but blaming the market is more convenient). Are you telling me I need to put off my June numbers as well? Cause I’ll do it.


Yes and no. No you shouldn’t look, and yes I agree you shouldn’t look.


We’re back up to -16% down instead of -22% so, I’m feeling slightly better. I think I’m going to track this month so that I have an actual record of what really happened instead of only paying attention to the times the stock market is going up like crazy