My top surgery/radical reduction

Ok the kitchen is officially set up at waist level.
I’ll be able to get things out of the cabinets via step stool, but otherwise I’ve got all my regular stuff at waist level (plus I bought a single induction burner).

I’m setting it up so early because I KNOW I WILL HATE IT. I mean for gosh sakes my dishwasher is on a rolling ottoman.
I just want to get over the annoyance now rather than be annoyed when I’m in also pain, if that makes sense.

Here’s the shit show:

My god the clutter. :cold_sweat::face_with_peeking_eye::tired_face:


Another pre surgery task checked off the list.

:white_check_mark: get tires inspected/replaced, check , check that flat is inflated and tire change tools are in car, generall inspect car for a trip (I should probably vacuum it out and wash it soon too).

Two new used tires. They’re putting them on right now.
My pre op appointment is tomorrow at 9, and I’ll have to make lots (like five total I think?) of trips to Charlottesville these next few weeks 1.5/2 hours each way), plus my friend will be driving my car home from surgery with me as the passenger princess, so I wanted to be prepared.

Wasn’t too painful. Two used but way better than my bald tires for $100 mounted balanced and out the door.


Correction, it was only $91


2nd prep update:
For-the-ride-home pillow has arrived!

3rd prep update:
Tag holder for Maple’s GPS tag has arrived, so tonight I’ll officially set it up and put it on her collar so she can get used to it.


About to leave for my pre op when I finally get to meet my surgeon.
But also what if I hate him?

Anyways! Excited!


My appointment went just fine. I’ve been asking soooo many questions (they should limit my access to mychart messaging) and have had so many pre appointments that I’ve pretty much covered everything so there wasn’t a ton to talk about.

I basically flashed everyone a few times and then we looked at pictures and talked about realistic outcomes.

Chlorhexidine soap and postop folder are in-hand officially.


ahhhh!!! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts::partying_face::tada:

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Ok. I got paid today so I was able to make my last purchases for prep:
Stool softener, Tylenol, a mastectomy pillow (I decided to get this because I am a real serious serious, serious big baby and would rather be armored up), a zero slip shower mat (vs a shower chair), and a little ml cup to measure the goo that comes from my drains :nauseated_face:

Everything in the house is at waist-ish level, plane ticket for friend has been purchased, and billing will be getting back to me by the end of the week with my final quote ( lol what if it’s like $40,000 and I have to reschedule?! NOT LOL).

Maple is being a dream with a new very very big AirTag on her collar. She’s honestly the sweetest and most tolerant little baby :face_holding_back_tears:


Good job maple baby taking care of her person.

Have you seen the youtuber who takes catwalks? I found him this week and I love him and can watch him forever on repeat (because I imagine I am him). If you don’t know who I’m talking about I’ll give you the link right before surgery because it is therapeutic


No, I haven’t! I never really got into the YouTube universe, maybe this is the perfect time for me to do that!!

Link ahoy!!

Maple has a leash and a harness and I bring her out on the sunporch but so far I’m not brave enough to bring her out in the yard. It’s too scary :scream:

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Oh himmmmmm!! Oh yes I’m a fan and check his account daily. I looove his energy.


Well I check his Tik Tok, but good to know he’s on other platforms!!!


Electrolyte drawer/stock up is ready!
23 days!

I missed a call late yesterday to confirm my estimate, so now I have to wait until Monday to return their call. I hate this part. Why can’t I just easily know how much something is going to cost?! Ugh :expressionless:


Omg I just got my formal estimate back and it’s going to be so affordable

It’s much less than what I had set aside for it, so that means I can buy more recovery snacks right?!?
Actually I’m much more of a fancy drinks person… maybe I can go get myself a bunch of different fun canned drinks for recovery!!!

^ let’s be real, I have house issues I need to spend that money on. But maybeeee I do one small fun thing too.


Yes!! Anything that will make recovery a little more enjoyable seems like a worthy expense

Also so happy that it’s going to more affordable than expected, that is a rarity with medical costs and definitely something to be celebrated!




There’s really not much I can do now to prepare.
I have my in the car for the ride home bag packed, the house is fully prepped (I do still need to get some freezer meals, prepared food is so expensive these days!!!), and I think I’ve done all the pre-purchasing I need to do.

I probably need to complete an advanced directive. They kept skimming past that at appointments because I told them I don’t know what that is, but I googled it and I think I need to have one or else they would consider me dnr ?
I genuinely don’t know. I can work on it tonight and this weekend. Every other minute is basically full this week.


DONE :white_check_mark:


The mastectomy pillow vest came today and it looks like a bulletproof vest.
I actually DO think I’ll wear it to give me a little buffer. I don’t pay a lot of attention to my body, but I’ve been trying to lately and y’all… I’m profoundly reckless (/durable?).
Just this week, and it’s only Tuesday, I’ve opened a sliding door with my head and shoulder, grabbed the screen door from slamming shut between my butt cheeks (skill), and clipped the doorways in my house with either a hip or a breast/shoulder innumerable times.
I also like the idea of being able to bundle way up (the compression binder plus a shirt plus the vest) and sorta disassociate from the healing process unless I’m actively tending to something, until things start to settle into their final ish form.
I don’t want to make any snap judgements of dissatisfaction disappointment etc because I know myself and I’m a tad perfectionist.

The goal is to create a human shape that feels more like myself and removes appendages that feel like aliens on my body, allow that new shape to heal, get tweaks if absolutely necessary, sure, but then once it’s fully healed I think the odds of getting it completely tattooed over and therefor hiding most things I find “imperfect” are pretty high.