Oh I’ve heard about “You’re wrong about” but didn’t realise Michael was one of the hosts. It feels hard to find podcast hosts whose voices i can stand** so i will give it a listen because Michael’s is nice.
(**Expression is the biggest factor i have noticed. Like, please, people, express emotion and don’t give me a flat tone!)
Damn! Haha, well I can’t blame him. I think MP blew up a lot faster/bigger than they thought it would. At least I still have a bunch left with him in them! Then the quest for another podcast begins again, dun dun dunnnnn
I knoooooow I can’t believe he got two episodes to himself!
Ok heres my take on him as an Aussie before I listen:
Chef, east coast, went on cooking shows, becomes celebrity chef, gets some higher profile cookbooks like “heart healthy” possibly with CSIRO, then goes a bit Paleo and shortly thereafter divebombs into the wellness => right wing nutjob (RWNJ) slide.
I did not realise Bunbury did not have flourided water. I assume that means i also didnt grow up with flouride in my water. I just assumed it was everywhere in WA
Some places over east dont have it still… potentially Byron and places like that
My mom and her siblings grew up in a place where there was too much fluoride naturally occurring in the water supply. A bit of a social class thing became apparent by the teeth of the residents. Kids whose families had enough money to pay for bottled water had normal white teeth, but those who had to drink the water with too much fluoride had discoloration. Which is the opposite of what you’d think, but too much fluoride causes the same discoloration that decay might cause. Strong, not decayed teeth, but discolored nonetheless. They had fixed the fluoride levels in the town’s water supply by the time I lived there as a kid.