Love is Blind Season 2

And I love this.


Who needs reality TV when you’ve got real life, right?? :laughing:

another funny thing

During the divorce, his letter to the judge (rebuttal to the wife’s statement?) said that she claimed he had never bought her any nice things, so he listed off the handful of nice things he had ever bought her, including “one Clinique, one Estee Lauder, and one Shiseido set” and apparently a discounted Italian coat from The Bay that she didn’t like and had ungratefully kept in her trunk and never wore. He also said (paraphrasing) “I do all these high-minded things while she likes trashy things like society gossip”, as if the judge would obviously find him to be the reasonable and respectable person based on this.

I actually wasn’t even on speaking terms with my dad at the time because he had “disowned” me but I had to help him because he was making himself look like a total asshole (which he kinda was) but I at least didn’t want him to dig himself deeper into a hole.

The best part about all of us having to go through this drama was that the court mandated him to go to anger management counseling, which he would never have done on his own. He learned that not everyone thinks like him. It actually took him a class to learn that! Note that IQ-wise, he might have been one of the smartest people I ever knew.


Bahaha, that sounds like a case of the old “like finds like” :laughing: I love him thinking the judge would see that as sympathetic. And I laughed aloud at the Clinique, Estee Lauder and Shiseido sets!

Reality tv in my family

All of my cousins are like 15 years older than me, that matters in this context. So my cousin “J” married “K” and had two kids. He’s like a classic tall dark handsome type, like women stare at him everywhere. Anyway, he married “K” who was a typical SoCal looking lady (big boobs, blonde hair, tiny facial features) and they were married for like 12 years or something. Then they got divorced and I hadn’t seen anyone from that side for a while. A few years later my brother got engaged (that engagement ended up broken) but he decided to have a big lavish engagement party near J’s side of the family.

I’m like, a teenager at this point, so for me it feels like a lifetime ago since I’ve seen anyone because I’d been a kid back then. I roll up to the party with my then boyfriend and I see J and K, which surprises me. I say “Hi J and K!” thinking wow, so great they got back together. J was nice to me like always but K was a little cold. Like hours later I’m talking with my mom and I go, “so when did J and K get back together?” and she laughs and goes, “I know, right? She does look like her.”

And that’s when I realized it was a totally different woman and that she’d just been too polite to correct me. I had literally thought she was his ex-wife because they looked so alike. He is now on his fourth SoCal blonde.


Hahaha… ooooops :joy:



Episode 2

I thought Salvador’s song was really cute!

And it was very interesting to me that the two Indian people got together. Because of Indian arranged marriage culture, I don’t find it quite as weird for them to be engaged after such a short time (it would be normal: you’re engaged and the wedding is set for not that far off, and anything could happen in between that time for it to break off). I think the main difference is the attitude going into it: for Indian arranged marriages the attitude is “we’re both going to have to make compromises and we have to make this work out no matter what” whereas the Americans are like “OMG my fairytale has come true, LOVE IS BLIND!!!”. But these two grew up here, so not sure where they are on this spectrum. Anyway, it was very sweet and charming when Shake touched Deepti’s feet.

Kyle is so awful and annoying! Shaina’s like “uh, aren’t you concerned that we have different core values?” and he’s basically like “love conquers all”. But in like, an extra annoying way.

OMG Kyle is like “you’re so much like my mom and that’s why I want to marry you”. No woman wants to hear that!! And she says yes?! It sounded like she said yes to be polite, or because it was the easier answer?? And now she’s crying and scared already.

Shayne is talking to the wrong girl AGAIN??? Come on, is he that dumb or did the producers set him up for dramatic effect? And now Shaina is telling Shayne she has feelings for him right after she said yes to Kyle?! :flushed: Oh just realized this is Episode 3 now.

Not only do they keep saying “this experiment” but I’m annoyed at the pronunciation. A bunch of people say “this ex-peer-i-ment”.

Shayne’s eyes keep bugging out when he’s talking :joy:


Who else thinks Shayne is like a muscular hyperactive squirrel?? :joy:


I think Shayne and Shaina are the reasons I can’t watch this

It’s like too painful


Are you actually not watching?

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I tried today and then i had to listen to 5 seconds of shainas stupid face and I couldn’t.

I might fast forward her


There is WAY LESS OF HER as you go on.


I watched season 1 on mute because I couldn’t stand that one woman’s voice :stuck_out_tongue:


Binged almost the whole thing yesterday with DD.


I’m exclusively reading this commentary and not watching and it is comedy gold. Love it.


Salvador is so ridiculously hot. I may have a type.

midway ep 4


Shayne is still super annoying and insecure why does Natalie like this clown.

Shaina left but didn’t leave? What is Kyle talking about winning her over?

Aww. Shake letting me down.

Nick and whatsherface still wholesome and cute.

Jarrett and whatsherface!! Sooo cute. Love them.

ep 4

oh my godddd. the american version stirs up so much shit! they are bringing in the dumped people!

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e5 start

oh my fucking goodness. mallory and jarrett. seriously jarrett?

mallory salvador is GORG how could you!

jarrette how are you gonna sidle up to mallory!

oh shit danielle! what are you even doing??? you got some confidence issues girl…

ep 5



Salvador is hot but for some reason I don’t fully trust him? Maybe it’s the way he displays his game? Like the singing (omg btw he has a gorgeous voice) just struck me as his thing that he does for women he’s into? IDK though. They look really good together! Something seems to be holding her back.


Is anyone going to watch Brazil? I’ll start a thread if so!

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