Introduce Yourself Here

Hi @eny and @GeekyGirl!


Thanks @anomalily. Yes especially if we have some from Quebec. Hi @eny nice to ‘meet’ you.

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Hi @noitsbecky Thanks. I know it’s so fast. I saw your daughter birthday pictures too. I remember her being a little girl now she’s all grown up and fancy.


I could join the Francophone club too, though despite having a degree in French it’s been unused for so long it’s in really, really sad shape.


Count me in for the francophone club! Welcome @eny & @GeekyGirl!


I created a francophone thread in the journal section!

Feel free to join if you are interested (even if you are a beginner) :slight_smile:


Done. :wink:

Hey everyone! You can call me Swaddle. I’m a lover of The Office (as evidenced by my avatar), music, running, reading, and travel. I recently got married to the love of my life and we are so excited to start this new chapter of our lives.

Here’s some more info about me:

-I graduated from law school in May, and took the bar exam in July. (I’m supposed to get my results back this week, so I’m really anxious and crossing my fingers for good news!)
-I started working at a law firm in August. I don’t want this to come off as bragging, I’m now earning more money than I have before, though I’m not making the “outrageous big bucks” like most people assume lawyers make.
-That said, I’m also in more debt than I’ve ever been in. Here’s my sad situation, I feel like I need to type it out to just make it even more real for myself and help me get rid of it!:
-Having not earned income for my three years of law school, and because of a variety of stupid situations and decisions, I relied on credit cards way too much. I’ve got roughly $22,000 in credit card debt, spread across five Cards. Ugh. That makes me sick to think about. I’ve been paying the minimums on them for months, just growing deeper into the debt hole. Now that I’m earning money, it’s hard for me to not want to just throw everything at the credit cards, because I need a lot of it to live and pay my living costs.
-from law school (and a bit of undergrad), I’ve got about $185,000 in student loan debt. The six month Grace period is up in November.
-my credit score is trashed. I cannot get a personal loan to consolidate my credit card debt and try and get some breathing room in that way.
-I’ve fallen into a major depression because of my money situation. I wake up constantly feeling sick because the first thing on my mind is debt and stress.

I’m here because I need some help, some encouragement, and some companionship. It’s hard sometimes to talk about this with people I know in real life. I’m open to discussion, to getting the hard truths and to getting major advice from great people on this forum. I’m excited to be here, to learn, grow, and finally get in a better place financially. Please reach out! Excited to get to know you guys better.


Good luck with your Bar exam scores. I finished the CPA exam last year and got my license last May so I know well the agony of waiting on scores.

Would you like to start a journal here and maybe list out your debts and/or budget so we could give you advice?


Thank you! My wife also took the bar exam with me, so it’s kind of “double the anxiety” in our house as we wait for results to come back.

I’d love to start the journal thing and get some more specific advice. Where do I do that/how do I go about starting that?


Welcome! And congratulations on your wedding! You can start a new topic in the Journals section.


Just created my journal! Thank you!


Welcome, and congratulations on your marriage and your bravery in facing your financial situation! That’s a great first step.


@AmandaS1989 FYI, I did create a journal, thanks for letting me know that that’s a thing here! Will update it shortly with my financial situation breakdown.


Hi friends!

I’m Panda, 29F living in Colorado with my boyfriend (I’ll call him Brown Bear). I was a long-time lurker on MMM and then moved over here, but I never had the mental bandwidth to post because of finishing a dissertation. Now that it’s submitted (yay! and good riddance jeez) I thought I’d join up while trying to figure out what to do in my post-grad school life wheeee. Looking forward to hanging out here :slight_smile:


Welcome @Panda!

Thank you @AmandaS1989 :blush:

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Welcome fellow Coloradoan!


Glad to see you here and CONGRATS on submitting your dissertation!!!

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