Indian Matchmaking Season 2

I’m apparently not sleeping tonight so…I will win the race to the finish which I just made up.


Congrats, you win Aparna’s book!! :laughing:

Hahaha when my sister and I used to walk to school we had a game where we were racing the buses… but the last bus of the race was always the first bus of the next day. So yay, we always won!


Hah! Also that is super cute <3

VINESH Episode 8 spoilers

I’m starting to think this show makes some kind of instant karma happen, lol. Vinesh, the very average guy who wants a unicorn of a woman, finally got set up with the young super hot nurse and fitness enthusiast of his dreams. And can you guess what happened? Yeah, she wasn’t attracted to him. :rofl: like obviously! I kind of feel like Sima did it to prove a point. The point being WATER AND LEVELS PEOPLE.


The first section is about when she did breaker high in college

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Wait, so she was already on a reality tv show?

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I’m up to episode 4! About to start episode 5 now while I fold laundry and pack for my trip. Daughter watched a couple of episodes with me last night so she’s “here” too. She thinks most of them are ridiculous. But Aparna is growing on me?


I adore Aparna and think that she is super ridiculous at the same time.


She actually did semester at sea, a super ridiculous college semester abroad program that exactly emulates breaker high.

I listened to about two hours of her book and love her more. I am very curious why she went book/audiobook and not youtube or podcast or blog. And even more curious about why she did a second season!


Who hates Aparna’s eyebrows in Season 2? They’re so arched and scary looking!


I always think “disney villain” when i see brows like that, lol. Also I finished the series so I’ll wait to gab about it until other people catch up :wink: but I have THOUGHTS. LOL.

Ok I can’t stop myself

VINESH spoilers

Did anyone else die laughing when he’s just crunching his food SO LOUDLY while Meena is just like, sitting there waiting for the date to end. She was giving him such hard stink eye from the first moment! Bahaha. And then after when he’s talking with his friends and family he talks about how he cannot read women at all and has no idea what women are thinking ever. And the fact that he doesn’t realize that is a MAJORLY negative trait in a potential husband is hilarious. Like he thinks he’s the total package, lmao, but also admits he cannot tell what any women near him think/want, etc. I also hate that whole excuse because it’s like, really? Women aren’t like, a different species, lol. And also you can teach yourself about allll these other things in life that are important to you, but you’ve put in zero effort when it comes to learning how to listen well and read the room? Like it’s a skill and if you cared about it (and we know he does know he’s bad at it) then you would learn about it. Not learning about it means he thinks it’s basically irrelevant IMO. Anyway I’m just loving hating on Vinesh obv.


Right now she’d make a great Ursula :laughing:


Same! I thought the chicken thing was a little charming at first but then he was so bad on that date that I was like, oh, now I see. It’s not the chickens, it’s not Nashik, it’s not even the curse. He’s just a terrible listener and conversationalist. I thought Devika was great, but Akshay, just, no.

Arshneel is so sweet. I think Rinkle seems perfect for him; I hope it works out. I have just made it up to the first Vinesh show. I can’t wait to find out about him but I have to go to the dentist now. Boooo. I don’t want to go to the dentist.


Me too!!! I love them both. So cute, I hope it works out. I thought it was kind of funny he was worried that Indian American women would be hesitant about dating him as a Sikh but then he was hesitant about dating a woman from India! He seems so open minded though and like his heart is in the right place about finding someone and giving it lots of time. Also she seems like just, the absolute sweetest person.


And the food he makes looks sooooo good!


If you guys are enjoying this, the netflix movie wedding season might be up your alley. It’s corny and predictable but fun and nice.


I am on episode 7, i am enjoying a lot of the new people. I hope some of them find their person

I'm up to episode eight, so spoilers maybe

I’m so happy Shitty is smitten! And he seems lovely and he’s certainly lovely to look at but um, can you heal heart problems through dance? Sounds sketchy, like something that would be on a Maintenance Phase episode. I’m sure dancing is good for your heart but I guess I want my cardiologist to be sketch free. Like, if I’m at the point where I need a cardiologist, I don’t want him to believe that if I just do some bhangra, all will be fine.

That scene with the quite full-of-herself nurse (she gave me stripper vibes, but ok, nurse, sure) from California watching Vinesh eat his salad and chomp on his croutons was hilarious. She’s not gonna make you pakoras, Vinny, sorry.

S2 E3

It would suck to be broken up with on TV. That said, Nadia kinda got some karmic retribution with Vishal after she made out with him in front of Shekar. That’s…beyond rude. Also we stan a nice Chicago boy!!!

I missed Aparna. She’s a hoot.

Viral is weirdly like…mean to her own friends? I think she has this idea of herself where she’s an amazing catch and weird and kooky on these dates, trying to get a reaction, but the guys have such a narrow window of response she is willing to accept about her own behavior. Also when she was explaining the concept of the furniture store date it sounded like a cute way to mix it up if you’re bored of dinner or coffee but then she said she’s been on four or five dates in 5 years. Sooooo maybe dinner could be nice lol

The ceremony they have Akshay do because he dated a lot/almost got married? Is very cool. I also love the face reader. Tinder should get one of those as a feature lol.


The editing in this show is FIRE. They make brutal cuts that directly contradict what the person says. Aparna’s scene with her new NYC friends (“friends?”) in episode 4 is a prime example.