I Will Teach You to Be Rich: Podcast Gossip and Discussion

Lol yes. Its a fancy sounding term that just means designing patterns. So instead of designing fabric patterns or wallpaper patterns “surface design” is a broader term because we can put the patterns on anything pretty easily now


That’s really cool! I didn’t know you were an artist. It must be super satisfying to see something you created and like, hold it in your hands.


Oh man I backed out so fast from a blog yesterday that was like “your kids arent an excuse! I have 3 too! Get up at 5AM! Hustle hustle hustle!” And I was like LOL my babies are up at 430AM fuck off


That’s because I am not, or was not until March :sweat_smile: but it really is soooo cool to be like “I designed that and now its a THING!” Thats one thing I miss about designing engineering things.


That’s awesome! I’m all for jumping in full force :slight_smile:


My friend has found Ramit’s podcast and I am not sure if I should let her know about how inconsistent and capitalist he is or let her find out… :thinking:


I’m on the mailing list, and I’m amused by these two paragraphs in the latest funnel

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So very popular, best selling

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Why is it unlike everything else he’s done? If he’s been selling it for 9 years, why hasn’t he tried to use the same approach for some of his other courses to replicate the success?


I’m thinking he’s already used up his best personal stories?


He sounds like a non copy writer trying to sound like a copy writer, lol. Often when business owners with no professional writing experience (I know he wrote a book, but he’s never written for an editor who is his actual boss or for paying clients) try to do their own marketing materials (I’m sure he has marketing ppl but he might have insisted on them using these phrases…that happens all the time) they use filler phrases that they think sound professional but that in reality often don’t make sense or sound kind of clunky. Usually these phrases are declarative rather than evocative.

In retail a common error is calling things luxurious rather than writing in a way that evokes luxury. “We only sell highly luxurious goods” actually sounds terrible and like you are not a luxury brand at all. It’s kind of like calling yourself classy…it just makes people think you aren’t.

He’s doing a version of this. Rather than explaining or showing a hint of what makes it special, which he could do with facts or with testimonies or with copy or photos (e.g. “90% of our students say they’d take this course again!”) he says it overly directly: “This is the most popular. This is affordable. This is personal. This is so different. I promise. It’s really different.” Telling and not showing is a huge no-no for this kind of writing specifically because it makes people feel the brand/person is disingenuous.

Common offending words used in this way

revolutionary, unprecedented, unmatched, high quality, unforgettable, disruptive, game changing, never before, first ever, irreplaceable, fan favorite, sexy, luxurious, aspirational, enviable, creative, unique, artsy, ground breaking, high tech, sophisticated, etc.


His latest episode is one of his best IMO! Did anyone listen? He did a lot more actual numbers stuff and like…that is clearly his bread and butter! I think it was really convincing to the guests. He was so good at that part! MORE OF THAT RAMIT. Less pop psychology.


I will listen soon!! Probably at 4am tomorrow :joy:


I’m almost to the end and I’m really confused and think I missed something??


The husband took out a $100k loan. But what did he spend it on? He said he wanted to invest in his business but didn’t have a plan for it. Well where Is the money? His wife is upset because she’s worried they have another $100k of debt she didn’t know about, but what the hall did he spend the money on? They never mention that. It seems like if he spent it on something that’s a ton of money and it would be obvious that he was spending money they didn’t have? If not, then is it still sitting in an account and they can just pay it back with the original money? I’m so confused by that part.


Huh…that’s…a really good point. LOL. I think I got so in the weeds with them I forgot about that whole part! The guy definitely didn’t talk like a legit business person. And right like…where did that money go?


I’m listening to the current episode and I might actually turn it off before it is over. I’m SO ANNOYED with the female in the relationship. They aren’t married, just dating, and if I was her partner I would run. She is so upset because she doesn’t think he has saved as much money as he “should have” by their age (mid 30s). She doesn’t think he makes enough money. She says that to feel like they are true partners and to consider marrying him he needs to make at least as much money as she does and right now she makes more than him.

I just don’t understand people who have such drastically different views on life than me. I feel like if you are true partners and have a shared view on going through life together, you look at things from a shared perspective and it shouldn’t matter if one person makes more than the other. Like seriously, what would she do if he became disabled? Would she divorce him because he couldn’t work anymore? It seems like the exact wrong way to look at approaching marriage, like it completely sounds like she is a gold digger.


Of course that’s always my first thought too, especially in conversations about everything being EQUAL and FAIR, whatever that means, lol. Like…that shit goes right out the window in the face of basically anything physical and out of your control. But honestly, and I’m sure you know this, a lot of people who become disabled as adults end up served with divorce papers too. I read once that disability is a bigger predictor of divorce than anything else, including cheating, money problems, or the death of a child. So my guess is yes, she would divorce him. And I’m sure in her mind it wouldn’t be because he was disabled, lol.

I haven’t even listened to the episode yet and I’m already annoyed! LOL. Self inflicted, hahah.


This is terrible. On one hand I could see it happening if the newly disabled person turns into a different person emotionally because of how they handle their disability. Like if they become violent and abusive then yes, that might be grounds for divorce if therapy and what not isn’t helping it. But, I’m sure that is not the reason in all of those cases of divorce, which is just heartbreaking.


I feel so lucky that I was disabled from childhood (in this one instance, lol) because it allowed me to vet much more easily and be very selective with dating. I was a lot less disabled when I met DH but I made sure he saw me at my worst very early, and often, and I gave him a LOT of outs. I did this with everyone I dated. A lot of people swore they were totally fine with disability, etc. Right until they actually saw it and had to deal with it. In other words, the moment it began to impact them. Then they’d nope out, which honestly I get, and fair enough. I think it would be really hard to already be married and have it happen. I have a friend going through this now. Her boyfriend and her have broken up twice so far because he wants a “normal life”, etc. They’re together again now but IDK if he’s up for it because I mean, it is objectively harder in certain ways. I think there are also some major benefits to being with a disabled partner but perhaps I’m biased, haha.


Which one is this? I just listened to Amy and Gaby, they were married (I thought) and talking about saving for this kids college. I don’t remember this episode.

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If it’s the one I’m thinking of - he’s starting his own business, brings home about $2K per month while she brings home $25/month -

In conversations like this, my first thought is it’s not about disability but a difference in ambition, and the higher earner is concerned that the lower earner is not going to pull their weight. Maybe the lower earner is pursuing a passion, a business that just doesn’t make money, can’t or won’t keep a job, doesn’t want to work as hard as the other, etc. I’ve read a mis-match in ambition can be a huge predictor of divorce.


It is the episode after Amy and Gaby. Emily and Alex.