I Will Teach You to Be Rich: Podcast Gossip and Discussion

I think this is my favorite.


Hahaha, yeah that one is really good. The shade.



insert standing ovation gif lmao


lolll this is an excellent point. ramit is basically a one-man MLM


Wait is this review the book or the podcast? :rofl:


I’m catching up and I feel like this didn’t get enough love.


I spent 8 hours with her a few weeks ago, so she is top of mind :joy:


Woah, this latest episode is really something.


i’m honestly scared to listen based on the description! (not like scared for my life scared, just scared i will want to throw my phone against the wall upon listening).


That is what I am expecting too :sweat_smile:


I’m still mad at Ramit for the last series. Don’t sell the condo!!!


It’s pretty rough because the girl’s mom is clearly like, a full blown something- manipulative to the max in a way beyond the norm way. It’s clear she is terrified of her. Here’s a tidbit to give you an idea: they owe the mother money because she bought them a car without asking as a gift and demanded they pay her back for it. And when the girl explains that she doesn’t seem to realize how totally insane that sounds. The mom also paid off part of their debt for them and is now making them repay that, with interest. All in they owe the mom $40k in like, cars, basically. It’s fucked. And they both think if they change the terms of how they deal with her, or even try to pay off debt on their terms not hers (she even harasses them for buying a rug, bc all money should go to her) they think she will sell the car out from under them. The reason they think she’d do it is because it would make them vulnerable and put them in a tight spot. Like…wtf.

To his credit like halfway in Ramit asks her if she’s in therapy and she says yes. And he’s really encouraging to her. He also says, to the listener, that it’s great to listen to his podcast but it is not a replacement for therapy and that everyone who needs it and can get it should get therapy, de-stigmatize things, etc. I think even he realized he was in too deep. Sweet enough couple tho. Just clearly very used to dysfunction.


I listened to the latest episode and thought it was one of his best. There were a couple of sections where he was ranting less and it made it so much easier to listen to and be on board with what he was saying.

I liked the breakthrough that Cal had - when he was a teenager and his parents talked or fought about money he disappeared, and when his wife wanted to talk about money he disappeared too. Since she couldn’t talk to him, she ended up going to her mom / family for advice / help. It seemed like they made a big shift from him not wanting to talk about money at all (he travels a lot for work and when home, just wanted to enjoy time with wife and kids) to them working together as a team.

She realized she had very little confidence around money and needed to grow to become competent and confident. I think she and they are still going to have a hard time setting boundaries with her mom, but at least Cal is on her side now.

For the first time Ramit admitted that the daily $$ coffee purchase can be a problem.

The follow-up emails were cool too. Here are some excerpts froom Katie:


Still on bedrest so why not, even if its jumped the :shark:

Episode 52

Shill shill shill. We always start the same.

Jeff and Lisa are in their 40s. Jeff doesn’t want to be involved in money, he hides purchases, which is another way to say his pants are aflame IMO. Lisa says she feels bad for Jeff because he hides purchases? IDK.

We open with Lisa, she describes them as high earners. Six months ago she won a seven figure settlement, life changing. It was for $1.275 million, post tax. Dayyyymn. Before that their income was like $150k a year and their net worth was $300k combined. Ew, I already hate this guy, he says “I always tell her that her money is her money and my money is her money”. She’s like, no it isn’t, I always tell him it isn’t. Ramit is telling us this is revealing about Jeff’s mindset on money (no, it’s a manipulation tactic).

Lisa has a bunch of questions, she says. They have a financial advisor. Ramit is telling us “you can’t delegate your money management the way you can mowing your lawn.” He’s ok with some types of financial advisors but he says this particular person represents a big problem in their relationship.

They pay a percentage based fee of .9% and Ramit is telling them that’s terrible and you should never pay that type of fee. Lisa says she found the guy because he’s her mom’s advisor. Lisa says he helped her allocate her 401(k) and it performed well during good years but not anymore. Ramit tells her she’s rich and she’s like “well that’s tough” and Ramit goes “oh not this again!” Haha, I’m with you, Ramit. Jeff says, “I have a tough time with it! I’ve seen it disappear over the years and it’s fear based!” I cannot stand this guy’s affect.

Ramit asks what it’s like when they talk about money. Lisa says she tries to bring something up and Jeff will aggressively tell her no and shut her down, Jeff of course interrupts her and says he disagrees and that he actually usually makes jokes, like “hey whatever you want goes” which is not a joke but a sexist deflection.

With some pushing Ramit gets Jeff to admit he’s overly aggressive and defensive and that he uses that to get what he wants. Ramit says that keeps Lisa as the pursuer and gets Jeff out of the conversation. Ramit is suspicious of Jeff’s honesty, and says that in itself is a technique. YES RAMIT. He asks how Jeff treats money, “there’s always gonna be more but there’s never gonna be an abundance”. Jeff says whenever he adjusts his spending upward he makes more money after, lol. He’s working on a business, financials, etc. but he says he relies on Lisa for the personal finances and that works well for him. He says there’s no real reason to change other than that it’s not fair or honest. :roll_eyes: What a keeper.

Now we’re asking how Lisa treats money. She says she wants to control it. Logs into her accounts daily. She says there’s some dread about the current market every time she logs in. She says she reacts emotional based on the market. It’s a bit of self-torture. She’s afraid she’ll blow up one day and have an over-reaction. Girl you are seriously UNDER reacting to the main issue in your life. YES RAMIT! He says, “I’d love to see an over reaction from you, if anything you’ve under reacted!” RAMIIIIIT. We like you today, Ramit.

For now Lisa says her biggest reactions are just, not talking a lot. Ramit points out that this is exactly what Jeff wants. Jeff interjects and says, “Ramit you’re the overreaction, you’re putting me in my place, she needed help”. I don’t mean to be a stone cold asshole here, but there is something really wrong with this guy. Like, 1990s lifetime movie wrong.

Ramit is like, what does putting you in your place mean? Jeff says you’re calling me on my BS and then says, “I’m a little too honest with myself and other people even though I hide behind this kind of crap sometimes” then says that Lisa will “endure worse than I can dish out, and has, I don’t take advantage of it, but I don’t I mean it’s a fact of our life”. He says “for the most part I know she won’t come at me, I’m taking advantage of that to a certain extent.” I FUCKING KNEW IT.

Ramit is calling out that contradiction. He says he finds them puzzling and says he looked at their application and talked to his colleague (hi probably gay Sydney! We remember u girl). He says they both self-edit a lot. Ramit is like, either you’re taking advantage of her or not. You’re either honest or not.

Ramit asks how Lisa would describe Jeff’s interaction with their finances. She says mostly hands off, hands his paycheck over, seems ok with that unless there’s something he wants to buy- he’ll make comments that he doesn’t want to ask permission for large purchases. He charged some running shoes to credit cards, he interrupts, he got a PayPal line of credit for him only. He says, “this is hard to admit but I hide purchases from her” don’t worry readers he has a good reason, he legit says, “it’s for the sole purpose that I don’t have to discuss the purchase with her”. Oh good, what a normal way to be a person. He says he feels “a little bit” of guilt about lying, even though “I’m not really lying”. Ramit is like, do you tell her later because she finds out and you’re backed into a corner and he’s like, “yeah well when the shoes show up at the house I have to tell her”.

Lisa says she likes to avoid conflict. Unless it’s a huge problem she’ll just deal with it on her own. This poor lady. She says he has an attitude of “It’s just money I’ll make more” and says he’s actually super frugal? She is literally like, covering up for him. This is sad, y’all. IDK if I can finish this one. :frowning:

I’m going to finish listening and am up for chatting about this but like, this is just, really sad so I think my recap is done. Lisa is just too close to home (to me) and the husband is too much like family I grew up with. I really feel for her though <3 just too heavy for me today when I’m already stuck, etc. Sorry babes!

Done, I guess?


Ooh Lisa you need a hug and to gtfo. Yeah that sounds too hard to finish.


Ugh this one sucks. I feel for Lisa so so so much. She needs to take her 1.25 mil and run


Totally agreed, this one was hard to listen to. I really feel for her and I hope she goes through with the post-nup he suggests at the end.


why am i suddenly hearing this song in my head?


First of all I’ve never heard that song and omg THAT IS JANE KRAKOWSKI!!! SHE IS A TREASURE.

Also I didn’t know there was a white country version of No Scrubs, but this is obv it.