Gold Star Parenting

You just have to make sure all of them are equivalently cool, otherwise you get a lot of angry kids with basic b cars :sweat_smile:


These things!

It was for a pirate party so I figured it worked with secret treasure maps.

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Thatā€™s adorable!

Another good game is ā€œput mommy down for her nap.ā€ I loved that one!




There is a book, sold in the giftwrap section of Target, that is 100 games to play with your kids while laying down. They have a copy of it at D1ā€™s therapy office. One of my kids favorites that I got from that book is ā€œwhatā€™s on my bumā€. The adult lays on your stomach on the floor and the kids take turns putting things on your bum and you try to guess what they are. My kids LOVE it :rofl:


Instituting this game immediately.


Horizontal parenting. My favorite!

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Horizontal parenting is amazing. And even just the difference being on the floor vs the sofa makes such a difference to them


My gold star parenting was asking for help. Last minute, sloppy ask for help. And it WORKED.

Background- older kids stuff messes up baby naps super bad on husband travel days. Baby is not ready for one nap but has to take one nap. Today baby got short morning nap (1 hour) and then I succeeded in getting her down before oldestā€™s speech therapy. But we only had time for her to have like 35 min of sleep :sob: this after yesterday she had a nearly 8 hour stretch awake before bed then an atrocious night. Anyway. I sent a text. A sloppy, last minute ā€œin case this works I need to check!ā€ Type text to 4 neighborhood moms I know are in various stages of SAHM-ness with sometimes at home partners. And it WORKED! Neighbor friend came over, chilled while I took Latte to speech therapy, and dear sweet Luna got a solid 2 hour 10 min nap :sob::tada::heart: PLUS I didnā€™t have to keep a tired cranky baby happy in a small room while trying to not let her distract her sister. Miracles I tell you.

Asking for help when itā€™s NOT a crisis yet is something Iā€™ve been working on. You can ask for help even when it justā€¦ helps! Rather than make or break it save the day situations.


Hey BJ this is huge. Iā€™m so glad you asked, and also, yet again this is proof of your communityā€™s strength. And you did so much work to build that!!


Thank you :sob::heart: and she slept sooo much better last night than the night before (we got a 4.5 hour stretch!!!) and Iā€™m pretty sure it was ā€œsleep begets sleepā€ in action.


This is great!


Past me put all the glowy/light up toys in one bin. That was fantastic an hour before sunrise when we didnā€™t have power and Kiddo was awake.


This is amazing!!! Great work and what a way to see community in action!!

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Itā€™s a spring rainstorm today, so I got the kids dressed in wet weather gear with Ponderā€™s help and we went to the cafe while he stayed home and worked. It didnt rain until 10 minutes after we got home. I survived wearing ungainly gumboots while the little one rode too fast and panicking she would fling herself onto the road.


Dragged both kids in the wagon in annoying weather (7 and wet but not rain) until I tricked them into a double fresh air nap.


Jaw agape at your powers


(One is 2 and needs a nap, the other is sick and needs a nap. I too need a nap)


Is there such a thing as a fitness watch with a large, readable face that isnā€™t a full on smart watch?

Edit: Why is this here and not on the Black Friday thread where I thought I put it? Mysteries of the universe.