Get it Done December Challenge

Yes!!! I am Signing Up right now and will hopefully write my task list by tomorrow.


Reading other peopleā€™s posts reminded me of even more things I ought to get doneā€¦

  • Post-wedding health insurance stuff. I already compared plans and sent in the application :tada: so that should be the hardest part done, but weā€™ll need to update our info with our doctors and pharmacies when the new policy numbers arrive.
  • Ditto for dental insurance.
  • New eyeglasses. I already have the prescription I need, Iā€™ve just been putting off picking out frames.
  • Holiday gifts! I actually enjoy shopping for / making these but itā€™s hard to remember to start on time.
  • Call Hometown Friend to catch up.
  • Figure out how to view my retirement account on the new TSP website, they changed it and now itā€™s confusing

Ok i did task 1: make a list.

  • Fix account linking for Ponderā€™s work share scheme
  • Gift cards from Credit Card rewards
  • Organise Asbestos fencing. Ask fencers about trellis extension for fence.
  • Draft design brief & contract to client
  • Book Ducklingā€™s summer activities (we donā€™t have summer camp here, but we have similar-ish programs. I never went as a kid so signing my kid up for them is a new experience)
  • Empty study items from our bedroom as per the Great Reorganisation Project
  • :white_check_mark: Quit PhD paperwork
  • Hand back office keys for PhD office
  • Plan 2023 holidays
  • Business planning for 2023
  • Plan Summer 22/23
  • Niblingā€™s quilt top
  • Change mobile phone provider
  • New drivers licence for Ponder, thanks Optus :roll_eyes:
  • Look into provider options for a few medical items
  • Make playdough

okay here is a Partial List:

Finish book blogging challenges that I took on:
15 audiobooks: 9/15 (These just have to be logged)

Cruisin Thru the Cozies Challenge
Read a book from ten sub-genres
(Again, these just have to be logged)

2022 Library Love Challenge: 1/12
(Again, logged)

Bookish Resolutions conclusion:

  1. Keep an 80% or above on NetGalley
  2. Complete Maggie Stiefvater writing class (maybe during break)
  3. Finish a draft of my art heist novella (finished 1/4th of it)
  4. Read at least 52 books this year (clocking in at 247 books)
  5. Make a wrap-up post every month (did not do this, will not get this done)

Choose book blogging challenges for next year and make a book blogging plan - also probably make up my own book blogging challenge(s).

Clean up tea cabinet
Ask for all rec letters
Finish personal statement
Finish Fall 2022 semester
[possibly more over winter break]


Fell asleep before updating yesterday, but a few additions to the list.


  • Review credit cards/update rewards spreadsheet (make sure what I have is worth keeping)
  • Check computer back up systems
  • Update hit-by-a-bus documentation
  • Redo dry goods whiteboards (did freezers previously)

And if Iā€™m feeling ambitious:

  • Check/repair as necessary the arduinos and galileos used for student projects
  • Debug doorbell camera pi
  • Finish last two shelves and touch up the others (and then consolidate CDs on that bookshelf)
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  • Clear Toyroom
    :white_check_mark: Get extra furniture out
  • sell extra toys
  • clear craft shelf

Husband is currently driving the extra couch and table to rent-a-town to furnish the apartment for Chuck

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Toured one facility via zoom and we liked it! Not pretentious, and the lowest price weā€™ve seen. Unfortunately no openings til July. So weā€™d need to find something in between.

Second tour hasnā€™t been scheduled yet.


I roller discoā€™d last night!


One more: plant some kale in the greenhouse.

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My new robot vacuum has Magellanā€™d my apartment. The cat is not happy. He has been given many treats.


:white_check_mark: 3 year birthday pages of Latteā€™s childhood journal

ETA moving insurance to January.
:x: Get life insurance for SirB (slash, double check new employer does not provide it)


Goal bingo goals I have not completed and think I can:
Spell a month
12 letters to elected officials
:white_check_mark:Tarot card for each month
12 books by Black authors
Bookspin and double spin picks
Pass on nightshirt

Goal bingo goals Iā€™m not sure I can complete but Iā€™ll try anyway:
12 books from my own shelves
:white_check_mark:Libby holds down to 5 books (ha! Take that, pessimism!)
YouTube queue down to 15 videos
Make book purse

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I have a part of the clothes moved out of the storage RV. Iā€™m making room here in my current RV to sort them. I have the first duffel of summer clothes in the storage unit. I found more summer clothes in the storage RV that never made it into rotation this year. Since it is ā€˜summerā€™ 9 or 10 months of the year here in AZ I put them in a pile to add to the bag of summer stuff already packed away.

Iā€™m making room for the consumables here. Iā€™m going to have to start throwing some of the food away that has been packed away since February. Mostly spices at this point. Both Mom and I had old spices and now they are not worth saving in my precious room. I donā€™t cook much. Mom had stopped cooking about a year ago. I also need to find room for 2 Costco sized pkgs. of TP.

I have gone through 2 of the outside bins here this morning. Some room found, not much.

I have cleared out one side of the bed, and figured out a better storage solution to my pants here. If anyone was ever on SimpleLiving way back in the day, I once counted my pants on hangers. Not including jeans or casual pants, just ones I wore to work. I counted 80, and found more later. This is a very long work in progress. Iā€™ll work on the other side of the bed and have ideas on how to better store the things there.

I also found a heavy hoodie from my attendance at a computer hacking convention back in 2006. Iā€™ll donate it to the homeless outreach along with an older pair of hiking boots. Maybe they can wear the hoodie inside out as it has hacker stuff written on it.


  • Then thereā€™s the South Korean appliquĆ© quilt top.
    :white_check_mark: I made some stool pads for DSIS#1 and have fabric left over. Iā€™m making potholders now.
  • I have cushion cover tops cut out. Iā€™m thinking of making a runner for her bay window sill.
  • I may or may not be sewing more Christmas linens. I sewed a mantel cloth for the fireplace yesterday.
  • I have to talk to the bank about GIC renewal.
    :white_check_mark: I need to organize gifts for my DSIS#3 family.
  • prep for DSIS#3ā€™s visit in December. Her DD is going to help decorate for Christmas.
  • maybe get said niece to help bake cookies for Christmas too.
  • Christmas cards mailed and emails sent.
  • blog post written and scheduled. - one left to do
  • videos filmed, edited and scheduled. - one left to do.
  • Update master artist CV, bio and artist statement.
  • organize my business records and update my financial records.
  • finish watching nature journaling videos.
  • finish watching philatelic videos.
  • If I have timeā€¦rug hook and spin yarn.
    :white_check_mark: decorated the pass-through between the dining area and living room.
    :white_check_mark: decorated the front window.
    :white_check_mark: hung the garland in the archway.
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Check in - well I got the Iceland photos sorted and shared with my friends, and picked up a few training programs provided by the Y. Itā€™s a start!

I will be at our Christmas gala and then travelling for work this coming week, so Friday will have to be my day to get stuff done.


-close unneeded bank account
-Finish stuffed animal for baby niece
-make dentist appointment
-End of year donations
-finish painting bathroom


Adding a second goalā€”clear photos from 2022 off my phone to make room for 2023. (I upload them to my journal app that is saved in the cloud.)

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Cleaned office a little bit but kitchen and living room mostly. Located kale and spinach seeds but havenā€™t planted yet. Talked to husband about puppy flu shots but canā€™t do anything about it today because our vet is having surgery and is closing on Saturdays for the month of December (this is what taking it easy looks like in her world).

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This thread made me guilty for procrastinating and I posted things to BN and packed 2 boxes of pots and pans.


Iā€™m in! Been thinking about my list since last week, wrote it down, but havenā€™t posted it. For December:

Ta Da List
:white_check_mark: Post list to forum

To Do List

  • schedule blood test
  • find an eye dr, schedule appt
  • sched obgyn appt
  • list a bunch of stuff Iā€™ve been meaning to sell
  • set up money and budget notebook
  • run 5k and post time (virtual race)
  • schedule covid booster (have to wait til mid-december)
  • finish project at work
  • organize office and leave for home with a clear desk and art table!
  • refill meds, make sure i have enough for trip home
  • print photos from past few months
  • organize computer folders (specifically my stuff, not work- thatā€™s for next month)
  • BONUS: look into this hit by a bus checklist and make sure ducks are in a row