Decluttering discussion thread: share your wins, ask for advice, inspire each other!

afaict you can’t replace an existing video with a corrected one, it basically is a fully new video, with none of the views/watch history (unlike a podcast, where you have more control over what is put in as it is downloaded). maybe it is a capability that open up when you have more subscribers


Sent a full bag of groceries to the food bank via the Santa Claus parade. All things that were mistake buys or imaginary life buys and some camping stuff.


I now have a week to declutter and clear this space before the black friday purchase of a new sofa bed arrives and the extremely under used extra bedroom becomes a second sitting room / craft room / exercise space.

The pile on the bed is mainly the result of a major clear out of my clothes. Inspired by @Meowmalade, I have purged the walk in wardrobe of all clothes that don’t fit or that I just can’t imagine wearing again. They now need sorted into charity/fabric stash/general textile recycling. Then sort out everything that has been stored under the bed and try and sell the bed. Considering we got rid of so much before we moved here almost three years ago, I have no idea why we still have so much ‘stuff’!


this may not be in the spirit of the thread, but seriously, so much cardboard in the basement. I think it goes there because ‘what if we decide to return it?’, and then doesn’t leave because there is nothing prompting that step, and it requires the effort of breaking down cardboard to go into recycling. (there is also its partner ‘what if it breaks, and we need the thing we were replacing in the meantime?’)

So either we don’t keep the ‘just in case’ cardboard (no pun intended), or I recognize that it requires a quarterly review. It isn’t a problem in and of itself, but it encourages us to continue accumulating because it’s just adding to the pile of boxes.


We have this same issue with the added conundrum of no recycling. So the cardboard gets broken down and stored behind the trash can until we need a firestarter or lasagna gardening materials or I get ambitious enough to hand-tear a bunch of it small enough to serves as browns in the compost.

So, late summer drought means no fires, the garden beds are still producing, and the fall semester means I’m lucky I remember to eat. The pile is huge and the trash can is a couple feet out from the wall.


One thing I have learned: there are always more boxes.


Buy Nothing’d the tinted skincare that doesn’t work for me (didn’t know it was tinted before buying). Time to make another post–tomorrow when I WFH. DH said he might do the size 3 diapers, but if he doesn’t, I will. I know they’ll go fast.


I rarely ever break down cardboard, unless it’s in very sorry condition. If I have enough boxes I make a free post and someone who sells stuff online is always happy to come get it all!


these are like the box that a desk chair came in - a weird size and bulky. Or we’re at 7 shoe boxes, and they don’t all fit into the recycling bin. If they went out at the same rate they came in, we wouldn’t have this issue.


You’d be surprised at what people will take, because they need a specific weird bulky box. Sometimes those don’t go so fast for me but eventually it all does go and someone is very excited to find the perfect box to ship their stuff.


Not to mention kids. Sometimes you just want to pitch a child and some stickers in a big weird box and go drink your coffee.


Oh you just reminded me of when I used to stack up ~3 diaper boxes plus whatever other random cardboard boxes we had around. It would be a truck, an ice cream store, a wall to be kicked down and then rebuilt. Eventually the novelty would wear off and then we’d put it into our recycling but even now there’s currently a cardboard box stash in Kiddo’s room for future “projects”. At least they’re smaller boxes now and not in the living room.


16 buy nothing pickups over the long weekend! That was the aforementioned holiday items, our craft shelf clear out, and snow gear. I only found 3 things in the snow gear to declutter, so I must have done that in the fall when I put things away. Good job past me.


Wow! I thought I was hot shit doing 5 one weekend lol. That’s so much wrangling


This is why my sanity is unraveling lol. This is JUST Latte’s pajamas. Please note she almost never wears pajamas and hasn’t for nearly 2? Years? I only bought one pair of these when I felt bad at the store buying an outfit for Luna before she was born and Latte super wanted a pair (spoiler: they’ve been worn 4 times). All of these are from the grandmas and virtually never worn, some never at all. All the piles on the right just went into storage, the left are staying out mainly for costuming and to soften the blow of her rats nest to “move to a new city” being packed away.


4 Amazon returns done (2 straight up broken things, :100:). 4 not needed gifted outfits returned to target, merch card turned into some organizers I’ll use in the garage for outdoor gear, bread and grapes, and some twinkle lights for the kiddo’s wagon for Xmas light walks.


The return email said I should send by November 19 but then I had the printer snafu and then it was Thanksgiving

Do I try to mail it anyway…?


I am not going to reread these textbooks about Chinese foreign relations that were written in the early 90s. Also going out is a YA series by an author we like, but which we’ve never reread.

I might still reread the one about the impact of computers on society, even if just to do commentary, so that can stay, even though it is a tome.

I should go back to the basement and find the milk crate of university books and do another review there.

ETA: I’ve been warned about Murakami & his portrayal of women. I was given IQ84. Shall I give it a shot, or declutter unread? nevermind, if I want to read it libraries exist.


I have a trash bag full of non-sentimental stuffed animals and outgrown toys, as well as a box or three of clothes to bring to Once Upon a Child.

Getting rid of ANY toys is a win for us, our 7 year old is a sentimental hoarder just like me. He’s got about a thousand pages of drawings and stories that he’s made sitting in a drawer in his room to keep forever :sweat_smile:


I love the winter postal carrier food pickup bags. I use it as a cue to go through and remove aspirational purchases, things we’ve stopped using, this year things I can’t eat now because of baby food intolerances, etc. and then just add some useful stuff to help out. Two big bags awaiting departure.