Decluttering discussion thread: share your wins, ask for advice, inspire each other!

saw a friend from first job (2000-2006) and gave her a pair of handknit socks. (eta: wasn’t thinking, I could have put them in a bag & a box)


Listed a few things on buy nothing. Shelf riser, towel holder, nice wind chimes I love but the thread is unraveling and I know myself well enough to know I won’t be fixing that any time soon. Also realized an under shelf basket that wasn’t getting much use downstairs has better odds up in the office storage, so moved it up there.

(We’ll gloss over the amount of stuff coming IN courtesy of Black Friday and baby/young kid/holidays life)


does the shadowy one fear a shortage of shoe boxes? They could/would probably say the same of my collection of gift bags.

Two old computers feels like too many. I wonder if the shadowy one would be willing to do an audit and cleanup of them so we can be ready for the hazardous waste day…

This is the problem of a basement with no need for it. Things just accrete and there is no urgency. But if there were urgency, it would be nice to not have it to deal with.


Pulled golf shirts out of the dresser and into storage boxes as they are not needed until next spring. I also went through all shirts and pants/ leggings and left what is currently in use, moved everything else to spare room. I do have a few items for donation. Will see what else I decide to donate after a few months. Or throw away. Some are pretty beat up but can be used when doing house jobs. Others I feel sentimental about and struggle with, but I don’t really wear?

The dresser now has less than half of what was in it.


Made a long list of what needs to go to what family members today, so a bunch of random stuff will be leaving our house. (Salad dressing the store gave us by mistake, a salad bowl, a 5lb bag of gummy worms, etc)


Ok, bags of gift bags and bubble wrap cut in half, and a box of cables and old accessories out of the house



A second landline phone is in the garbage, because it wasn’t in nice enough shape to donate.


Good for you- I should do the same since I hoard them to re-use. That will be a good clean out for me too!


We’re in the middle of moving our big bookcase from the living room to the library (and this is the first step in making that actually a library!) Everything’s a big mess right now, but we’ve pulled out four boxes of books to go to the used bookstore and/ or thrift, depending on how much we don’t want to drive to the city to the bookstore. It’s a major step getting husband to part with books, so if telling himself we’ll get credit for even more books enables that, I’m all for it.


I ended up bringing home a handful of scout supplies from our camp a few weekends ago.

This morning Luna asked if I can do an emergency run to camp of Doritos. She is camped where my Scout Storage trailer is. I packed up the scout crap, put it away in the trailer, and saved their walking tacos all in one go.


old sheets being washed to take out the mustiness, and then I’ll go through to identify the ones that are going to textile recycling. The others will go into a better storage option than they’ve been in.

my green cotton jacket with a broken zipper will probably go in that batch as well, as it appears I am not going to fix the zipper and I’ve not been missing it.

and so many wire hangers


Gave my first things away on Buy Nothing! 6 yogurt jars ( that we just moved across the country🤦)


Wow. Between two neighbors, probably around 50-100 Kroger curbside pickups bags are getting rehomed out of my downstairs closet. :tada: I posted not figuring anyone would want them! Gosh I love buy nothing haha.


:clap::clap::clap: amazing! Hear hear for buy nothing and your excellent work posting them!


Especially because they advertise that they recycle if you return them but I have on good authority from employees at two different stores that they just throw them in the trash at their stores :sob: so I didn’t want to just take them to the store’s bins.


I gave away about 1 box of Christmas decorations :star: These are hard for me as I have a lot of nostalgia with these, especially the ones that came from my parents’ house. My mom was really into Christmas decorations! I have plenty more things I probably could declutter, but this is a good step!


:heart::heart::heart: Imagine how easy some of the other Decluttering will be in comparison to the heavy emotional lift stuff!


we are definitely skipping over all the emotional lift stuff atm. I know it gives us (esp the shadowy one) the excuse against doing the emotionally charged items because we have already gotten rid of so much stuff/we have the space. But I’d prefer progress over perfection.

I realized there weren’t enough sheets in the laundry, and we must have another spot they’re hiding. And there were two (that I found, there might be more). So more sheets into the laundry today, and we can do a better triage once we know what the situation actually is (and not get rid of pillow cases because I think we’ve already gotten rid of the flat sheets). Amusingly, I seem to be seeing a bunch of youtube sponsored content from Brooklinen - it would make sense if they were all ads from a similar time frame, but many of the videos are from months ago. I can’t tell if I’m just watching more content likely to be sponsored by brooklinen, or if it is that it’s just that I’m currently primed to notice them more.


I also have plenty of space to store unused items neatly, so no real impetus to declutter. I have never been a big buyer or keeper which helps. But I have been getting rid of things because if I do not use them, I need to get them out so someone else can.


A Muslim/ Iraqi American coworker told me - if I remember right - that they consider it a sin to keep things you don’t use (including money). If you don’t wear all your clothes every year you have to pay a religious tax or something? But actively wrong to hoard things “just in case.”


I have a hunch some ad spots on old videos get refreshed. Like they’re just slots and whatever is plugged in at your time of viewing is what you get, to keep it relevant? This is not something I’ve tried to verify.