Decluttering discussion thread: share your wins, ask for advice, inspire each other!

it appears I also had several cerlox bound books on the topic in the basement. They are now in the pile to go out, along with the calculus text book I’d been holding on to as a point of pride. I should be down to just my year books from elementary and high school. But of course there are still more bins, so I will hold off on bold proclamations for a bit.

I need to look at the tins we have, and figure out the situation for making/giving curried cashews.


Threw out a really old pillow we have no properly sized pillow cases for :sunglasses:


Yay! Then I always wonder “why didn’t I do this earlier?”


I gave a ton of unopened types of flour to my neighbor friend. One of my siblings had given me “a bunch of flours” last year, very cute gift idea but we’re not in a time of life to be messing with baking experiments lol. Neighbor friend is though and I knew she would love them, so on they go.


Also got thirteen things posted to Buy Nothing- a bunch of shirts and dresses and one jacket that I don’t fit anymore, haven’t for years, and am finally finally ready to pass on. Hard though since these are a lot of early dating my husband, carefree youth memory type clothes!

eta since I have the photos anyway, if anyone is curious!


A friend and I have a challenge going to get rid of ten things/week till the end of the year, starting last week.

So far, I have collected my 20 items for last week & this, plus had some stuff already ready to go before the challenge started. Diabetes is picking up from the porch tomorrow to get rid of what is collected so far.

I have also pitched a bunch of garbage, and have an e-waste pile ready to go.

And a cousin is stopping by tonight to pick up a big bag of extra Guinea Pig fleece (She was supposed to stop by a week ago but got ill)


And today I cleaned the Tupperware drawer and tossed any container without a lid / any lid without a container.


Do you all have any advice for managing swapping clothing sizes for little ones? We have been making the newborn to 0-3 transition here and it’s been CHAOS.


We keep a box for outgrown clothes in the closet and try to drop them in after laundry day. Then I try to BN it when most/all of the outgrown size are moved to the box. We knew pretty early that we were likely one and done and that if we weren’t, we would just get new clothes. We have one bin called “keep” that we put favorite but hard-to-source toys and clothes for nieces/nephews/grandkids.
This gets MUCH easier when they stay longer in the same size (around 1 year) - in the stage you’re in where baby is outgrowing clothes every couple of months, chaos is very normal! This is probably where I should add that I just found a sock that was from 2-3 sizes ago in DS’s closet so this system has never been and never will be perfect for me.


Yes to the closet box. On some future occasion (I enjoy it when it presents itself) I sort through it.


Closet box system! Makes a lot of sense. Patting myself on the back for using the room with the big closet as a nursery.


Ignore what size they claim to be, sort by eyeballing them if you do a big batch of laundry. This is how I had a 3m and 9m in the same pile of Kiddo stuff when he was tiny.


Favorites bin in the closet. Otherwise I do a wholesale size swap over with a couple chaotic days overlap. It doesn’t work for me to be partially swapped over when they’re this little, I just do it all at once. Into a bin labeled as the next size up comes out. (After first kid, into storage, after this kid, set in the garage until I see SIL and offload it all).


Same here. I’m sure we retired things before they were technically outgrown but I just had to be done with it in one afternoon


Part of my figuring is anything that I want to keep using that still fits in a smaller size I keep out because it’s gonna end up in the favorites bin anyway. Because if it’s something that’s worth me keeping out, it’ll likely end up there. So the rest of the clothes I can just swap over and then the few remaining from the previous size going to the favorites bin instead


Clothes transition system is complete! A million gold stars for me.

I set up a closet box system and do think it will solve all of my problems. I organized some other too big baby clothes, and switched out my summer/winter clothes. I also dealt with my maternity clothes that won’t transition to postpartum or I don’t like. I tried on on some old winter clothes since I’m still up half of the weight I gained while pregnant, plus some clothes I ordered. And now I have several out of the house outfits that fit, don’t feel dated, and look cute!

We have enough space that things can really get out of hand, so my hope is that things won’t get this bad again. :crossed_fingers:


Oh man that is SO SO much clothes turn over! Well done.


Decluttered some items from the bathroom, as well as a few random things from a cupboard that I will never use. Posted on buy nothing and had a few people ask for it. The first person hasn’t returned my message, I will move on to the next one tomorrow.

MIL gave me a food chopper but I already have one. Posted that in BN and a lady was very excited for it, came and got it this afternoon.

Cross posted in my journal, but for my secret Santa creative gift I was able to repurpose- a vendor branded backpack, an individual bottle of wine, 3 wine tastings, paper packing materials and a picture frame. Not much but it’s getting used and it’s out of my house!


On Friday I had three boxes get picked up by the Diabetes Declutter program

Today I sold a Guinea Pig cage

I booked another diabetes pick up (surprisingly, for this coming Friday) because I already have a bag full on the Porch


My husband agreed to get rid of the gas stove. We have not had a way to use this stove since we moved out of the mini me house in 2005. We have moved it, and stored it, three times, while he talked about getting gas run to the kitchen (but never actually did).


Go buy a lotto ticket, quick! Or maybe have him do it so you can get the stove out before he changes his mind.