Decluttering discussion thread: share your wins, ask for advice, inspire each other!

I think one of the HARDEST things for me about being in the midst of the baby making/post partum season of life is the stuff. Having to hold on to everything because who knows what will fit when etc etc. Being done is definitely nice because I know the changes now are the last go round of this for pregnancy and so on, so I can move stuff on now!

Which I’ve been doing. Two of those massive black and yellow Costco totes went to SIL last weekend.


Yes, it is so hard. And I didn’t want to get rid of anything and then have to re-buy later on. Now I think I can confidently assume that I will not fit into them at any point in the future. I’m almost 3 years postpartum and each time I workout I get bigger instead of smaller :joy:


I finally got to that point with my rain pants :joy: why I assumed I might fit them again when I hadn’t with FOUR YEARS in between my children is beyond me, but my hips are just plain different dimensions now. Finally bought new ones (no more wet butt!) and good reminder to go gift the old ones!


Lots more posted on buy nothing!


Plus a pile of judo things to give to teenagers at judo, a few things to put back in my drawers upstairs, and a pile for the trash


I just bought myself a new ski jacket and listed my old one on Poshmark for this reason. I’m not going to comfortably fit in that thing again, so I should stop dreading needing to wear it and get one that fits correctly.


I had most of these clothes set aside for Poshmark but I realized that in the past 6 months I hadn’t listed any of it and I don’t have room to store it anymore. So now I’m going with buy nothing and considering a good deed to give it away :joy:


!!! I just did this with some of my sweaters. I hate the way they’re cut and avoid wearing them. Why do I still own them??


almost everything from the garage sale has left the house. I’ve got to put back the art prints that didn’t get picked, but might grab some to put up in my cube at work. I had 2 different people on Buy Nothing claim items and then didn’t pick up and when asked said they didn’t want them anymore. So frustrating. So that stuff might make its way to the thrift store.

I put in an ask for some pants on BN and my neighbor just dropped off a HUGE bag of clothes. Plan is to try on tonight and then relist on BN whatever didn’t work and toss in my clothes that didn’t sell at the garage sale.

We are not discussing the holiday decorations…


All right, so yeah. We have 3 weeks until they change the locks on our building, and suddenly everyone’s getting serious about getting rid of books. I’m very glad I got mine done early. The office clean-out of nearly 50 faculty members all at once may overwhelm even the undergraduates’ ability to suck down books. At least five different fields, though, so at least there’s something for everyone.

It’s a remarkable sight, though.


I gave away 3 more totes full of things from my office yesterday and threw away another 2 full of things. Big win today is the girls said I can give away these giant poofy chairs that take up so much space!


2 days ago this closet was stuffed full of crap. None of the bins or kallax units in there now were in there, they were in the room. The left side was full of toys and random crap that had accumulated for buy nothing but was never posted, and a giant box of art supplies that had never been unpacked from the move (2 years ago). The right side had 4 bins stacked up that had outgrown clothes and old family photos in them. The gap in between the doors was full of bags (duffel, backpacks, purses, etc).

Now everything is unpacked, organized, decluttered, and I’ve said goodbye to many things that didn’t need to be taking up space. My office is now empty expect for my desk, so we have room to move a couch in here, which will both create a relaxing and comfy spot to work from and make lots of space in the family room to put the balance beam and bar that are coming for Christmas.


This is an A+ job. I wish I could get my closet to this state but I have a long way to go!


while checking to see if I had donated the nice tealight holder during the last big cleanout of the basement (yes, which is just as well), I found several holiday themed boxes which work for the family presents I was planning to give. Generally I would have just thrown them into holiday bags, so this frees up more space in the cupboard.

52 pickup stick/snake game set in regiftable condition put into the tiny library, and the old landline phone put into a bag to be donated at value village.

For recycling: a big desk calendar from a prior year which I guess we were keeping for the other side in case we needed big pieces of paper? And some empty cardboard boxes.

For garbage: defective tealights were not desired by the crafters, so they were put out for trash on Thursday, along with the luggage that had a wonky wheel. No idea if someone took the luggage before the truck came.


I’m struggling with the nativity sets we were gifted by my parents.


Does anyone know how to organize reusable shopping bags and/or cat toys? The front closet is ruining my life.


Do you have too many? That’s usually the cause of misery.


I have a lot but I use them all. Like, the small tote bag size is good for the bike, the string backpacks are good for outings, the big burlap ones are good for Costco.


Does it make more sense to keep them where they’re used? Costco bags in car, that sort of thing? (I got a back of the head rest hook all the bags hang from, fits “under” the rear facing car seat so no inference) Just brain storming here. Otherwise: bags in bags to categorize, command hook little hangars is my go to.


Did a MASSIVE digital decluttering of files, emails, and photos and got rid of a full GB of stuff!! I use Google for most things (Google Drive, Google photos, etc) so I’m extending the amount of time before I need to pay for more storage :muscle: