Decluttering discussion thread: share your wins, ask for advice, inspire each other!

Listed my old dining table and 6 chairs on marketplace for $200, hoping to make back some of what we spent on the “new” table and chairs. First response was a scam but seems like the second responder is legitimately interested! Yay!


Man. It’s so hard to let go of this furniture I love and have so many good memories using—but I just do not have the bandwidth to like, refinish scratched surfaces or vacuum/clean velvet seats during this season of life. Gotta keep telling this to myself…


And the next person might restain or repaint or anyway to go with their decor.


I gave a coworker 3 specialty baking pans and a couple of cute Christmas pans that I never use.


Gave away a round dining table that did nothing but collect junk to some former students and now suddenly we have so much more house!


Trying to pare down kids clothes… what is the rough like, numbers of outfits people are keeping for their kids?? The sheer volume of clothing both of my toddler and baby have is obscene. I also have some guilt because a lot of it is gifted , lots of very impractical outfits… but I really don’t want to keep storing them unused. Any thoughts??

I just got the urge to go through because when I wasn’t even using the saved items for the second kid, seemed like it might be time to let go.

I was kind of trying to rationalize with myself… a lot of the gifted clothes have been big hits, it’s ok if some of them don’t make the cut …? I don’t know…


I realized that the odds of someone actually seeing the outfit they got for us as a gift was very, very low so I happily let it go. If someone asks about a particular outfit (which never happened to me) then it’s easy enough to get a vague look and say “I think that one might be in the laundry right now?”

Do you have a baby consignment type store near you? Give it to them and you can get store credit back for things you actually want to purchase.


M and I cleaned up the entry closet today and gave a bunch of books to the used book store for credit!


I decluttered my Christmas wrapping paper, tags and ribbon and some cute cookie plates. Will donate them next week. I think I did ornaments and decorations last year but I should check and make sure.


I cleaned the Guinea Pigs room yesterday and I have acquired enough fleece for about four cages, plus three bags of “Young Guinea Pig” food (none of mine are young and it can cause bladder issues in older pigs).

I was looking at it all going What am I going to DO with all this?

Then my second cousin put up pictures of her new baby GPs on social media.

She lives not too far north eastish AND is in a play (so has rehearsals) one town west, so passes by my town on her way to rehearsals.

She’s stopping by next week to pick up my extras


Excellent work! I hope you get lots of pics of her baby piggies!

I am soooo close to having everything in the carport in boxes/ drawers. It’s completely open, just a roof, so it gets really dusty for anything that lives there. Just washed 2 plastic boxes and the lid on one started cracking apart in my hands AND isn’t holding anything of significance, so that plus contents might end up in the bin this week.


Sold the old dining table and chairs yesterday. Definitely underpriced it, but there’s so much more room in our basement storage zone now for baby stuff lol


Unfucked my home office desk, and we were given a spare dog door suitable for our 60-pounders, so husband has downsized our great Dane door to one that fits our downsized doggies. Should help with heating this winter.

Also they’re shutting down my building at work for renovations, so I’ve shredded every piece of paper in my office (not that many; I’ve been almost entirely paperless since 2012), thrown out all kinds of shit, and put innumerable books and journals out for students (the majors are like free book vacuum cleaners, I swear), and have the place almost stripped down. I’m getting rid of any books I’m not actively using and don’t plan to bring home when I retire. Also my God the old useless equipment. Gone.

Have to share an office for a semester (plus however long construction runs over). Moving in with husband- he’s always in his lab anyway. My work, thankfully, is almost all in the field or in silica.

I’ve only brought home two boxes of books and journals (my grad school books and my publications, mostly) and one wingback chair I don’t trust the college to store. The chair will go back; the books probably won’t. All this will make retirement easier…


I’m laughing because we have a giant pile of metallurgy books that came (via coworker) from a retiring prof’s free book pile. There’s like 8? They’re giant and from the 80s and yet SirB references them a lot. Latte gleefully used the damaged book covers as collage art.

May your books live on and thrill and delight many others.


You know, some of the books I put out I originally got from a retiring prof’s free book pile. It’s the circle of life…


I have trouble decluttering containers that still have some product in them, so I’m trying to be more intentional about using them up.

For the last week I’ve been spraying shoes, and now I’ve finally finished the can from Pegabo. Please note that Pegabo, according to wikipedia, stopped having standalone stores in 2012, and this was probably purchased when I was in high school. Unfortunately it’s a container that can’t be thrown away, but it is now in the pile of household hazardous waste to be dropped off on a community day next summer.


We have a shelf of free prof books. They are computer science/specific programming languages that haven’t been popular since we were children, so many of them will literally never be useful to us. We really should clear those out.


Heh. All our Fortran books were personal textbooks.


We organized and decluttered the basement this weekend. Much better.


For 2 years anytime something didn’t fit I would just shove it in the closet of my office. I need to clean it out now because I need that space. I’m getting it sorted out to post on buy nothing. Sooo many athletic clothes from back when I was a 105# elite athlete.