Decluttering discussion thread: share your wins, ask for advice, inspire each other!

Organized craft closet. Didn’t actually get rid of anything but everything is easier to access now… which means I’m more likely to use it.

Went through pantry cabinet and the fridge and got rid of a few old things and put things back in their proper place in the cabinet. Suddenly we have room for everything! Who knew it could be so easy…


Yesterday was 2 garbage bags of clothes to Goodwill.

Today another 2 garbage bags of clothes to Goodwill, and 4 grocery bags of worn out clothes to the clothes recycling bin.

Another half garbage bag of clothes ready for Goodwill.

I am into the stage of inventory review that requires trying on clothes. I am past the easy keep / donate / toss phase of the really easy decisions.

I am still keeping too much, often for sentimental reasons. At least I seem to be (temporarily?) past the “sunk cost” issue that sometimes derails me.


One win - a garbage bag full of clothes to the Big Brothers Big Sisters bin! Even bigger win - I finally found the bin closest to me after like 5 trips where I looked for it and gave up and went to a farther away bin. It’s tucked away in an alcove of the hospital parking lot.


Went through 2 dresser drawers and half of the linen closet - purged some things, organized others. Some costume jewelry identified for consignment shop review.


Lotions and a few other toiletries that don’t work on my skin got rid of through Buy Nothing.


Old roommate who moved out in April 2020 finally came and got his shit, and now we have a whole new room.


Wow that’s… A long time to be getting free storage.


Yeah. He’s a very good friend, but mostly what happened is we didn’t want the exposure before the were vaccines, and so by the time there were it had been almost a year and inertia had set in.


Went through another stash of old papers, found a few things in closets to go to Goodwill, clothes to recycle, and cleaning some luggage and small storage containers (after emptying them).

Also did some weeding outside (not the same, but ?).

Small wins a few times a week should result in some progress some day.


I think decluttering weeds from flower beds totally counts!



I do a small amount most times I go outside - it doesn’t make a huge dent, but slows the overwhelming proliferation.


Today I finally had a path to the back of the closet and have done the geologic and anthropological excavation of the last crevice of the cave.

Things extracted, cleaned and examined, and decision made (keep, toss, donate). I have to see what Spouse thinks about a couple of items (large suitcase, fabric briefcase / laptop bag).

I also pulled another item from the closet to donate - I had been waffling about keeping it.

Go me!


Got a few more items on Buy Nothing yesssss.

Wizard put a game console he’s getting rid of on Facebook Marketplace and someone tried to scam him. >.> Unsuccessful because Wizard has just enough paranoia to go what when people try to phish him, but unpleasant because Wizard also has enough faith in humanity to be deeply disappointed and upset every time this happens.


Continued excavation in the bedroom - tossed a pair of chukka boots (sole falling apart) a rattan (?) floor pad that broke when the dogs walked on it years ago, notes from my last MBA classes (recycling), vinyl carryon bag.

Large suitcase and another laptop / briefcase bag from my MBA. Spouse is keeping the other laptop / briefcase bag as it is still in really good shape. I am keeping a duffel bag I unearthed that is also in good shape.

I checked all the pockets in the luggage - found 4 tampons (always be prepared), post-it page tags, pens, highlighters, pencils, single dose ibuprofen packs, $1 bill, and my Arizona license and insurance info.

ETA: pair of Börn sandals set aside for consignment shop review. Likely to be rejected, but then they will go to Goodwill. Since I am too lazy to post on Poshmark.


Feeling accomplished!

  • Got rid of a coffee table that was just taking up like, 8 sqft of space in the basement

  • Sold the pressure canner that has been taking up shelf space for… 2 years? 3?

A couple more things in the works to be rid of soon.


Finally cleared off our bookshelves, got them listed on Marketplace, and in theory have someone coming tomorrow morning for them :crossed_fingers:

Also got a box of books out the door to someone stocking their free little libraries, some misc face wash and lotion I didn’t use and someone asked to try new products, and tomorrow a giant pile of quilts is going to live at my moms house since we don’t have rooms anymore :cry:

But. SPACE. We also have a date for our new nursery window being installed!


Last flea market had an organization with teens making jewelry for sale and themselves. I asked them if they’d like some bead donations and it was arranged.

I’ve been working on it. I have 2 bags and a part bag in a small box (will take 4 of the bags). Picked up a box of purple metallic seed beads, looked new; decided that I could easily part with 1/2 of it, turned it over to see if indeed I"d had it for 30 years – and the top came off. Purple tiny seed beads everywhere. When I get to the floor in front of the seed bookcase it is likely 1/2" deep in misc. beads that have fallen or been pushed – the reason the small cat is NOT allowed in my office! :roll_eyes:

But 2nd bag is done, more containers are now empty and theoretically now we have more space.

There’s a series of 2 books where my mother is a fictional character. I have both the hardcover first and a paperback first of the first volume. I have only got the paperback of the second one. I decided I should get rid of one of the 2 dupes and asked DH which?

He said, “We have room, why don’t you keep both?”

And I replied, “No. We don’t. If we had room we could put everything we own away.”

Since this is DRASTICALLY different than what I would have said/done years gone by, he got a funny look on his face, then smiled and said, “You’re right.”

Life sure is different these days!

I decided to get rid of the hardcover. It’s worth more $ and takes up more space. The “I want to keep it” tug is harder too, my bookseller and book collector soul just winces…

Ah well, NOT in the book business any more – right?


on a roll! Sold an old piece of camera gear. Had listed it for $150, and it was up for a couple weeks and a guy messaged and asked if we could do $80 and sell it today, for cash, for his kid taking a photography class. “Today” is a magic word, sure thing. Got here and it wasn’t the right size for another component, but SirB pointed out they could get a $15 adaptor. Guy asked if we could do $60 then. Man, I don’t care :joy: any money and not storing something unused is better than no money at all you know? Enjoy, good luck in your classes kid, gooooodbye one more random piece of stuff.

This is after this morning the book shelf buyers showing up, paying without issue, etc and being a great chat- shared my number with them and we might all go hiking later lol.


Got rid of the excess NB and 0-3m baby clothes (a huge diaper box worth). Will take a trip to donate the extras of other ages tomorrow since no one wants them on BN.


Spent yesterday going through paperwork. 3 of 4 of the paper recycling bins are full. Dump, tomorrow, will be getting a lot of paper and other stuff from us!

in the process we found one of the 4 missing documents. That’s 2 of them. One of the still missing is what started this.