Decluttering discussion thread: share your wins, ask for advice, inspire each other!

I cannot believe I didn’t post here when I cleaned out SEVENTY TWO items of clothing from my closet.

I also sent off the giant box of clothing I had previously received from my Buy Nothing group.

Plus some dozen or so books that I ended up not liking and/or were gifts that we were never gonna use.


This is so cool!


I am down in my winter spot, and it turned colder here (ok, mid 50’sF to mid 60’sF, due to warm up tomorrow…). Yesterday I washed the hamper of my late Mom’s clothes I’d stashed down here waiting for colder weather. Today I took 3 bags of heavier clothing to the homeless outreach center. I put into the trash a few things that were too washed and stained to give away. I’m keeping a couple of pair of sweat pants and a sweatshirt, although I may decide the homeless folks need the sweatshirt, and one of mine, more than I do.


Got rid of an entire arms load of trash from under my sink. Old hair product, expired pregnancy tests (they send like 30 with every batch of ovulation tests and looool I ovulate way more than I chance being pregnant. #infertilitylife). Old sunscreen too- it expires, I always end up buying new stuff anyway, why keep ancient stuff!

Also have people coming to pick up the rest of a type of sponges I hate, some unused bottle brushes, and unused shampoo and conditioner.


I gave away some kitchen stuff that I know I will never use. My problem is that I have the space for everything, it isn’t in the way at all. But if m not using it, someone else should have it. I’m planning to go through the house over the winter and get rid of things.


I found a box of Ponder’s old clothes. He can go through it next week to double check before I pop it all in a box for clothing recycling.

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Has anyone got rid of their yearbooks?

They are in my “get rid of” box but I have got a couple questions + concerns from others for tossing

I have zero interest in keeping them and was feeling good about letting them go. Is that crazy? I have lots of mementos and photos from school I keep in a memorabilia bin.


I did that last year! After 30+ years. lol No regrets, I haven’t kept up with anyone. What are your concerns?


Yes, mostly by accident. I still have the one from my senior year, but the two others are ??

They only came in useful once—when the US government thought I was a high risk or something applying for a passport and I needed five pieces of documentation with both my name and photo. Along with school IDs, one document was a scan from a HS yearbook—which wasn’t even my saved yearbook, but the copy kept at the historical society in my hometown.

I think if anything I’d scan the pages where my friends wrote stuff (though in actuality not even that—I don’t talk to or have interest in connecting with them ever again).


My husband was saying what about if daughter wants to look at your yearbooks!! Then I was like wait is this depriving future children.

Well recently I have been helping my mom get through her massive storage unit and thought, I would be totally fine deprived of this experience lol.

I guess i looked in my parents yearbooks but primarily because they were laying around. it wasn’t “I need my parents yearbooks” more “I’m a child that digs around everything”


I’ve just been contemplating this because my parents are cleaning out my childhood bedroom and when I moved away I left almost everything from the first 17 years of my life. I ended up telling them to just toss them out. I maintain no relationships with people from highschool, and for me they aren’t the fondest memories, haha. I’m also extremely non-sentimental about physical objects, so YMMV

It is funny, I spent a ton of time looking at my parents highschool and college year books (is this still a thing?) as a small child because I was fascinated with their lives/who they were before they turned into the strict, fun-hating parents I knew. I was also a child that just dug around in everything, haha and also read anything I could get my hands on…I definitely wouldn’t have been deprived if I had never seen them/known about them.


Haha, this was me as well! They looked so…happy. Like you’d have no indication of where things were going just from a photo! That was what kept me going back to look at the pictures. I just couldn’t reconcile it in my head, lol. Although as an adult I feel like I’ve totally met the prototype of them (but like, people the same age as me) and now it makes a lot more sense, haha. Can’t see it all in a picture but vibes don’t lie.


I threw mine away about 10 years after I graduated. I got tired of carting them from state to state (along with a lot of other “sentimental” (but not really) stuff), and I haven’t really kept in touch with anyone from high school anyway. I had never once looked at them, so they were just taking up space. I don’t have kids so they didn’t need to be saved for posterity. I only looked at my parents’ once or twice too, and I wouldn’t have been deprived by them not keeping theirs either. I guess I’m not a very sentimental person. :woman_shrugging:


I’ve shown my niece and nephew my husband’s year books so they can see him/their mom, and his yearbooks are out in the living room on a shelf so it wasn’t a huge effort to dig them out. If there was a way to nicely cut out just a few pages (their class pictures, any activities they were in, any close friends’ pictures) and have that in a folder, that’d be preferable to lugging around the books.


We went through J2s closet today and discovered that the child owned 23 sweaters. Yes, we live in Canada but 23 is still excessive.

We packed the 15 least favourite up to drop off at the food bank for their winter clothes distribution.

Also, my cousin stopped by today and she will take our two seater sofa, that we picked up for free 10 years ago and is still going strong but is superfluous to our family’s needs now


Wow. Round 2. I can’t believe I had so much crap stashed everywhere. A decent pile of lotions and skincare stuff to gift on BNP, and an entire trash bag worth of old meds, ancient shampoo and conditioner, stuff like that.

Part of the problem is we moved here when Latte was 8 months old, in the middle of a pandemic. We had one afternoon where my entire family came and moved all our stuff at once, and then zero childcare or time to deal with stuff after that. So a lot of stuff got broken, shoved random places, so on, and tbh only some of that has been addressed. So I’m doing thing like… looking under the guest bathroom sink, a space which I forgot exists because it’s closed and child locked, and being like “oh there’s stuff that was put here over 2 years ago. Oooops”.

A lot of my goal right now is to just get rid of straight up trash and consolidate where stuff is stored. We currently have different meds and first aid in 3 spots. Bath and body type stuff across 4(+?) storage spots. So on. Wrapping my head around what is where and trying to make it more functional is a huge goal.

Like, our med cupboard. Meds are upstairs. In theory. But it’s been more useful to have them downstairs. But that cupboard was already taken. So we just have random meds shoved in around like, packs of dog chew toys.

It’s so weird because the bigger area of our house is pretty clean and functional and streamlined. But those enclosed, undefined spaces? Chaos lurks.


Like. Y’all. This is insane.


Okay. So in another cupboard, I pulled out a kitchen scale to give away, and moved the blender down into that cupboard. Plans to move the popcorn popper I to a higher cupboard once Latte is asleep and doesn’t get any ideas. This will allow me to drop the shelf height. Space measured and I’ll buy a rigid bin for meds to go into, and another for first aid. That’s the plan lol.


Baby, pandemic, new move. I think you are excused.


Yeah but that was over two years ago :joy::joy::joy: