Create-Your-Own Adventure November Challenge: Stickers Deadline!

Week1, day 2: 55min jog/walk, 6665 steps, 3.18 mi (per Fitbit)


sigh in this second round of COVID restrictions my personal training is not going to happen.

Therefore I will count any walk 5km ore more as a sport unit ā€¦


Continuing on the getting outside for a quick walk each day and seeing one friend a week to keep me sane. Also to have tidied up the garage by the end of the month.


No alcohol last night; no caffeine other than my caffeine-lite morning drink even though I worked 13 hours and realllly wanted coffee in the afternoon; no sugary snack but ate cashew butter on toast instead.

Iā€™m already at the point of breaking the habits where my brain thinks I want all of these things multiple times per day. liar :laughing:


Starting out strong


Late to the party because life.

Relatedly, my November adventure is just to get my shit back on the path, as it has been wandering off into the woods unattended recently.

Goals (er, starting tomorrow, when my work should get calmer):

  • Normal running schedule
  • Normal walking schedule
  • Return to better using-up-our-veg habits
  • Keep knitting
  • Finish three books

Also late because Iā€™mā€¦indecisive? Lazy? Dunno.

But, goals!

  • Take 5 minute stretch breaks every hour during work
  • Get outside for at least 5 minutes during the work day (even if Iā€™m planning exercise later)
  • Read 5 books
  • Keep exercising outside/figure out how to deal with darkness and snow
  • Finish knitting the green scarf that never ends

@diapasoun I basically cribbed your goals sorry haha


Oh hey, wanna be get-our-shit-together buddies?


yes plz

right now my shit is not even in the same zip code lol. LETā€™S DO THE THINGS

November Goals
Read 3 books
Study 1 hour/day
Duolingo 30 min./day
Yoga 20 min./day

I read this as 20oz for the month, went to convert oz to L and thought you would be surely dehydrated and then figured you probably meant days


I ran today, as per normal! Wooooo! And brushed my teeth and ate an actual breakfast.


Today, I will go for a walk. Maybe a short one like 20 min. And I will do a stretchy yoga for back/hips/hams cause I feel like Iā€™m 90. :confounded:


Week 1:

  1. Do marketing final (this is kind of a gimmie. I mean, Iā€™m not going to NOT do it. But Iā€™ve been putting it off like crazy, so Iā€™ll feel good to actually get it done.)
    Shockingly not done yet. Itā€™s due Sunday. Itā€™s about 3/4 done. I did do the quiz due Sunday though, so thatā€™s done
  2. Schedule 4 youtube videos during the month.
    I scheduled 2 this week, so on track
  3. No missed doses of medicine
    Yay! No missed doses this week. I want to order another medicine container. Itā€™s too hard to get the a.m. pills out and not the PM ones

I met a friend last night to sit outside and chat. Usually we have wine so I brought alcohol-removed wine. We ended up having fizzy waters in their garage instead while her partner was taking care of kid bedtime, and then walked around her neighborhood for a couple hours catching up. I did miss the false warming effect of alcohol but I also wasnā€™t dressed for the cold. It was actually really awesome to be walking because it totally broke the psychological link between chat-with-friend and having a glass of something!

I accidentally drank a lot of caffeine just now thoughā€¦ i drank a fancy herbal fizzy drink that Iā€™d bought from the fancy soda shop last weekend and felt like I drank a red bullā€¦ Sure enough, label says WARNING THIS PRODUCT CONTAINS HIGH LEVELS OF CAFFEINE

Thank goodness I didnā€™t drink this one as a nightcap! Iā€™m surprised I didnā€™t notice that in the store. Sheesh.

Tomorrowā€™s lite caf morning drink might be a little challenging to stick to; we shall see :slight_smile:

@Greyweld Howā€™s your no booze going? Weekdays are usually easy for me to stick to, but social events where I usually drink and weekends are a lot harder. I was kind of banking on being super tired tonight after staying out late yesterday to get me to bed and past wanting a nightcap, but I think my caffeine bomb might alter that plan :laughing: Itā€™s not quite chilly enough for me to want tea at night yet, so this might take some experimenting. Or flat willpower but denying myself things outright usually doesnā€™t work until I alter the underlying motive.


I have been doing well with no-booze! Was really annoyed with Greyman because like the day I posted in this challenge he cracked a beer, decided he hated it, and wanted me to drink it so it didnā€™t go down the drain. I mean, I often will drink shit I donā€™t like for the buzz, but I told him I wasnā€™t drinking for November!

But yeah, weā€™re 6/6 over here.


Thatā€™s awesome! Pouring a drink out instead of ā€œnot wastingā€ it is a total win :+1:t2:



Excellent work on completing All the Adulting :+1:t2: :+1:t2: :+1:t2:

Yesterday I made good progress knitting on the Everlasting Scarf, and today I have taken my desired number of stretch breaks so far! Will be getting outside in just a few minutes.

Also- for my goal of ā€œfiguring out how to exercise in shitty weatherā€ I have acquired suitable pants for colder hiking and running at a steep discount wooooooooo. Thin leggings in 20 degree weather were not cutting it, lol


This has been a huge part of moving away from my food insecurity days for me ā€“ if you eat/drink something not because you need the calories, and not because it brings you real pleasure, but solely because you donā€™t want to ā€œwaste it,ā€ then itā€™s still a form of waste. Itā€™s just that youā€™re treating your body as the trash bin instead.


I just switched to running leggings instead of shorts, haha. We live in very different climates.