Covid-19 discussion

Our daycare just massively amped up their quarantine requirements because covid is running rampant through there. It kind of seems futile with this new variant.


Well that’s not nearly as exciting. I saw it was a special tiny machine. When it was first mentioned I was really confused how they taught all of their employees to do PCR, for sure.


I don’t know how PCR works…but I know it is confusing and hard to get right.
My husband comes home angry at the PCR machine about 80% of the time.

It’s cool that apparently these tests are super accurate though. Even if people can’t get them at home, maybe large events/ employers could have them available on site? Because they are way quicker than a PCR.

(I took a test Jan 3. I think the lab lost it…)


Posted an article up thread about the machine they get. Not quite a PCR machine but definitely some fancy tech!


For US readers: site went live today, a day early. I think? The page I’d had open still said ordering starts tomorrow, but it worked in a different browser. Some caching issue, I suppose. Anyway, I’ve ordered my tests.


I was able to order. Limit 4 per address, ship out late January they say. It was super fast to do.


What browser worked for you? I haven’t been able to order.

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Chrome worked for me; Firefox didn’t.


Worked for me on mobile (Android, Brave browser). Thanks for the heads up! Super fast to fill out - I’m glad they’re not adding more paperwork overhead.


Safari on iPhone for me.

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Weird, that’s what I’m using! I’ll try on my computer.

Strange. It’s worked for my whole family too/parents siblings, they’re all on iPhone

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Thanks! Got mine. (Chrome, at first the order link wasn’t there but I refreshed a few times and then it was)


It was the opposite for me. :woman_shrugging:


Still better than the healthcare website rollout :grimacing::grimacing::grimacing:


Done, thanks!

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If helpful for anyone else, just tried it on “private browsing” on safari on iPhone and that did work :woman_shrugging:

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Ordered mine on chrome! Thanks for the heads up @Meowmalade


Well, I ordered mine, but honestly, I do not understand this plan at all.
I appreciate that tests are available, especially to those who are low income.
But, four per address? What about houses with more than 4 people in them? That’s not rare at all. Without even thinking about multi-generational households (which means this will probably disproportionately affect minorities) , a lot of couples just have 3+ kids.

And also, just 4? Ever? With covid being so crazy, if we really want people using at home tests, they’re gonna need hella more than that.

It almost seems like this should have been means tested to allow you to sign up, but allow you to reorder as needed. Everyone else should go the insurance reimbursement route, or maybe after the original 4?

I mean, I know it’s all a nightmare, but this just seems so token; it’s not going to do much.


I’m glad for it, even though it is not a magic bullet. This at least gets tests in hands of people. No it’s not enough but it’s better than nothing. I just know so many of my co-workers who cannot afford to pay $15 a pop for a rapid test and also cannot afford to wait for PCR results on unpaid time. (At my workplace, you are not required to quarantine/stay home if you have an exposure but you yourself are vaccinated and you’re symptom free. AKA if you choose to quarantine and get a test and wait to make sure you aren’t an asymptomatic spreader, that’s on you and will not be paid for by work). This at least will give folx some. Which is better than none.
Agreed that it is not a magic solution.