Covid-19 discussion

Locally boosters don’t start until 9/20. It’s going to be the honor system here too. They won’t take appointments so you just show up.

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I am not sure whether or not I should stockpile again… fuck, I probably should, right? Blargh.


Well - winter is coming. I’m pretty comfortable building a pantry for that reason alone.


I have been doing a lot of canning, so come the apocalypse, winter, or yet another variant, we are good on jam, fruit, and tomato-based items! :rofl:


I’ve already stockpiled coffee and plan to check flour supplies this weekend. Still have a couple years worth of salt and oil from last year- overdid those, but they keep (the oil because it’s still sealed). If you get shelf stable items you will use anyway, no harm no foul.

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True, except I’m trying to get my food spending down (ARGH, STILL) so buying large quantities doesn’t feel good. We ate down pretty much our entire stash except flour (because I bake less when it is hot out). And dried beans and lentils, still have some of those but not a ton.

It sure will feel good to have done it if we go into lockdown again though!


But if you buy things you use (and are not in a a position where you have to live paycheck to paycheck), then you aren’t spending more, just spending sooner. Given the slow but steady inflation we’re seeing, you will likely save a bit over the next few months.


This is an excellent point!
Off to stockpile wine! :rofl: :wine_glass: What do you mean, that isn’t what we are talking about?!


You need stuff that will keep and that you won’t just use more of because it’s there. :smiley:
Thus I stockpile pinto bean but not chocolate. :frowning_face:


My wine rack is full :slight_smile: Can woman live on wine alone? In all seriousness if anyone here does not have enough food I will do whatever I can to help out!


Orlando mayor is asking residents to reduce their water usage because apparently they use liquid oxygen in the processing of water for human consumption and there isn’t enough due to hospital demand.



Is it rude to ask friends with whom we are staying when we go to St. Louis, to get tested before we go? We would do the same thing.

Said friends are vaxxed (one got J&J though) and are taking basically the same precautions as us, EXCEPT one works retail and one works in a factory that’s full of unvaxxed antimaskers.

I’m struggling to formulate a script to ask them this question… that doesn’t include EW, you work around PEOPLE. Because that sounds super classist… but the reality is that their exposure is higher than ours because of their jobs.

(I think the retail worker - who is not the one who got J&J - might be compelled by his job to test regularly anyway.)


I am bad at scripts, but I do think it’s a good idea to ask! This is the world we live in now.

Maybe something along the lines of: “To keep all of us safe, we are planning on using X test at Y time to make sure we aren’t bringing you Covid. Could you do the same?” Presenting it as something you are doing for them?


It seems like I have symptoms. Should I wait until 5 days after potential exposure (we are on 3rd day) or just get tested?


I always have enough paper products for a month. I didn’t stock up on anything. I thought it was better not to overbuy so there would be plenty for others. My friend didn’t ask me to get a Covid test before I visited her and I don’t expect her to get one when she comes in October so I would probably be annoyed and say no.


I would say “Hi friends! We’re really looking forward to the visit! With the delta variant causing breakthrough infections we want to do our part to keep the virus from spreading. We will be taking a test right before hitting the road at on x day. Would you be willing to do the same? Let me know if you want to talk about testing or precautions in any more detail before the trip!”


Agreed. None of this is easy or comfortable but I think a good friend would understand especially in light of how careful Tris has been throughout the pandemic.


If you think you have symptoms I think it makes sense to get tested as soon as it is practical to do so.


You should get tested. Delta has a shorter incubation period than previous strains. The current CDC guidelines say vaccinated people should get tested 3-5 days after exposure even if they don’t have symptoms:


I would ask what they are doing for testing and mention that you are keeping an eye on risk. I had a friend visit recently and we sacrificed a nose to the cause, for our own reasons. But we might not do a full household test if guests were asking. It’s been a year of complex negotiations before seeing people. And since they are hosting you, it feels like its on them to set the risk scenario and your to decline or accept. Unless I’d asked a guest what they wanted, it seems rude for them to make demands.