Covid-19 discussion

A friend posted a screenshot of a text exchange between her two teenagers. I don’t know why it cracks me up so much but it gives me such joy to see teenagers be so teenagery, even about covid vaccines. :rofl:

Teen 1: i got my first dose of the pfize guy
Teen 2: Loser I already got mine
Teen 1: i hope urs didnt work
Teen 2: Fuck you


My friend and I were chatting and decided “Pfizer for teens” seems like a fashion/business magazine and “moderna for teens” sounds like birth control.


Since our dogs (born 12/20) are named Pfizer and Moderna, around here the dogs and shots both are usually called Phi-phi and Mo-mo. I guess those are good potential names for when we get them approved for the under 12 set.


You mean they are not actually named Raptor and Pickle??? :wink:


This is pretty much exactly where we’re at. The only change I think masking changes will make in my life is that I’ll stop taking her to stores- which really sucks, because I’ve been hitting my stride with “go somewhere and do something every day with her so that SirB can have more uninterrupted work time even though she barely naps now”. And there’s a limit to outdoor stuff I want to do versus occasionally like, grocery shopping. If she gets old enough to wear a mask well before she gets the vaccine I’ll go back to it though. But since we’re in a situation where I don’t strictly NEED to take her in stores, if people stop masking I’ll stop doing that. Definitely not relying on only vaccinated people to stop masking.


After the announcement our governor immediately ended the mask mandate which was set to expire July 1st or when 70% of the state had at least their first shot. I think we are at about 60ish% right now so it likely isn’t too early.


As someone working in retail, I am cranky about the CDC news. Now anyone who wants to will come in our store without a mask. How is my store supposed to check everyone’s vaccination records? We won’t even try and now we can’t ask anyone to put on a mask because they’ll claim to be vaccinated. So I guess I will keep wearing my mask at work.

I don’t understand why Fauci said we just have to trust people that aren’t wearing their masks that they are vaccinated. Really? Is he living in the same county?


My unfounded guess is that the CDC’s announcement was partially to encourage people to get vaccinated who were on the fence. I’ve seen a lot of “If I have to keep wearing a mask and distancing, why bother?”

But yeah, as someone who works in a public library in a state that still requires masks, this is gonna SUUUUCK because no one seems to read the end of the CDC’s sentence. Fully vaccinated people can resume activities without wearing a mask or physically distancing, except where required by federal, state, local, tribal, or territorial laws, rules, and regulations, including local business and workplace guidance.


Um, yes indeed. This is exactly what I meant.

Totally agree.

And our state at least is making it illegal for a public facing business to ask for vaccination records.
(They can require vaccination as a conditon of employment.)

Ironically the biggest opposition to the anti-vaccine passport law right now is uber-conservatives. Because they think it’s too lenient, since healthcare facilities can still require proof of vaccination for visitors.


CDC says fully vaccinated don’t need masks; Mass. says hold tight

I think the masks will go before the original Aug 1st date but it will still be a while. Local businesses that I follow on Facebook have posted that you still need to wear a mask when coming inside.

As of yesterday’s Vaccine report it looks like 70% of people that can get the vaccine have received at least 1 dose. 59% of the total population.


New York still has the mask mandate as well, though a lot of people think that will end soon. My bosses are Republicans – they will not make anyone wear a mask if they don’t have to. I was pretty much relying on my state to keep me the level of safe I wanted.


I find it so odd that our company is saying no masks in the office. This organization is one of the most liberal I’ve ever even heard of, and are not scared to make it known.

They are requiring vaccines though, and anyone who doesn’t want one will work remote. (Anyone can choose to work remote when we reopen)


I’ll be interested to see what my work, also extremely liberal, says about this. Typically they have been all “yes, we know restrictions are lifted but we still are not reopening unless you have a business reason that you MUST be onsite.” I don’t see them lifting the mask mandate.

I am very glad my husband’s work still has the “construction excuse” for why they continue to do curbside service. I think only the 2 doctors and the office manager got vaccinated, the techs have been pretty vocally anti vax.


I did take my kids to indoors at a restaurant on Mother’s Day. I might not have… but their father is taking them on a month-long road trip and possibly to fucking Italy if it’s category 3 by then (it’s for work, so I guess counts as essential?). (He is their parent and is legally entitled to make these decisions, I have consulted more than one lawyer and if I took him to court I would torch our coparenting relationship and there’s a good chance I would lose anyway.) So I guess I thought, if he gets to take them to a Mets game, I might as well eat my pizza while it’s still hot? At least the tables were still 6 feet apart.


I wish they’d gone with a future “Once 70% of people are vaccinated we can get rid of mask mandates!” sort of announcement. That would ACTUALLY give people an incentive to get vaccinated.

I feel like now the people on the fence (about both masking and vaccinating) will just say eff it, because no one is going to check if they’re vaccinated OR yell at them for not masking, and they get all the benefits with none of the actual progress toward herd immunity.


Oh never mind my state’s mask mandate is getting revised as we speak and something new will be in place effective tomorrow. This is going to be such a clusterfuck to implement. And we can still require masks in the library even if its not required at the state level, but that’s going to make enforcement a nightmare.


It sounds like many national retailers will be keeping their mask mandates, so perhaps that will help.

I am looking forward to ditching the mask in the staff work area at least. I have yet to really figure out how to wear glasses with my mask and I think I’ve been getting eyestrain.


Maybe, I hope so. This “effective immediately” or “effective tomorrow” stuff just makes everything 20 times harder, though.