Covid-19 discussion

Today I finally looked up the difference between DTaP and Tdap and it’s fascinating. DTaP with three capital letters is full strength for diphtheria, tetanus, and pertussis as the primary series to build immunity. Tdap with one capital letter is full strength tetanus and reduced strength diphtheria and pertussis for boosters after the full strength series.

Now I will finally get those two correct when talking about me vs. Larva getting them. So, I got Tdap in pregnancy. She gets DTaP in her shots.


Oooh ty! I did not retain or understand this difference, but you spelled it out super accessibly. Hopefully I will remember now as well!


OH! I didn’t know there was a difference, I thought I just messed up the letters sometimes! OK I have no idea which one I got vs my kid, I assume we got different ones? :sweat_smile:


I was using them interchangeably until just this morning when I actually looked it up, lol!

DTaP is for babies and children to build the immunity.

Tdap is for adolescents and adults to boost the immunity.


Wisconsin has a vaccine registration site as of today!

It appears to have only (1) county so far but :man_shrugging:
I filled it out anyhow.


Does anyone know about this? I went to as well as my local health department to get on vaccine lists. There is no sign up list per se, just a place to get email updates. Did I do the right thing, or am I missing something? I guess the email updates are for when it’s my turn to sign up in a few weeks, then there’s something different to do?

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I see two options, one to sign up for an appointment and one for updates. Clicking on appointments leads to a page that has a link to find out if you’re eligible in your state, links for New Hampshire, New Mexico, and West Virginia, then a way to log in with your Walgreens account below if you’re not in those three states (which I imagine is a waitlist). There’s probably not much else you can do at this point.

You did remind me I have a CVS card, I checked their website but they don’t offer the vaccine in my city from the looks of it.

In good news, Florida seems to be offering the vaccine to all K-12 teachers, and day care workers will probably be added to the list soon. I’m so, so glad for them (and hope not too many refuse!) My county has also set up four vaccine clinics coming up soon, originally they were supposed to be for teachers 50 years old and up but maybe that’ll change since the age requirements for teachers has been removed now.

My dad said he and his wife have numbers from their county health department and will probably get their shots in the next few weeks. They’re able to remain quarantined without undue hardship so they weren’t rushing to be first, but I know it’ll be a big relief once they’re fully vaccinated.


Thanks! I did see the appointments now that you say it, but I don’t qualify for a few weeks yet so maybe I can’t do anything until then. My doctors website has a phone number I can call too and see what happens. My doc is also a friend so I can also ask him if need be.

I used that Walgreens website to get an appointment. If you log in, then it knows your location and will give you the eligibility criteria (checkboxes) to determine if you can make an appointment. If you are eligible by your state’s current guidelines and there are available appointments (there were many many for my local store), you can choose your date(s).

Check back a lot (within reason) if you are eligible but can’t get an appointment, it seems to change by the hour. And if you are eligible by your state but not seeing the right box, call them and ask if there is one you should choose. I’m an educator, which is eligible, but had to choose essential worker since it wasn’t that granular.


ALSO, apparently the county (from state) vs pharmacy (from federal) streams are totally different, so you may be waiting a lot longer on county health departments or clinics to get through their wait list, but can go faster with the pharmacy option.


Checking often is a key point. My state is not adding appointments until they know for sure the number of vaccines they will be receiving, so though they expect enough for 350k people over the next 3ish weeks, there aren’t actually that many appointments available yet. They are adding them as they get confirmation. (And there is some waiting I think on the J&J doses, which we started receiving yesterday and today. As those doses are being received, more appointments are being opened up. They don’t want people to make appointments and then run out.)

Also important, if you make an appointment for far out and then get a closer one, cancel the original appointment. There is some concern here that people won’t, which will mess things up later on.


Random comment: I have a friend who is offering to book vaccines for anyone who isn’t computer savvy or who works and can’t stalk the websites, and she just did her 200th appointment!


There’s a whole Facebook group of people doing this here. It’s pretty awesome to see.


Ooooo. There’s something I can do when I’m done with work.




How do you all feel about crowded waiting areas when everyone is masked? I’ve been to two physical therapists now with crowded waiting areas, and I am just not a fan?!

I’m worried that lots of people who want to go to PT are waiting until they are vaccinated, and that there will be a huge crush this summer, so I’d like to get ahead of that.


I would really want to see that there is still at least 6 feet of space between chairs. But being around more than like 4 people at a time is hugely stressful for me, mask or not.

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Yeah I’m not a fan either. If people aren’t talking then it’s not as dangerous, but…eh.

You might see if you have a PT who offers hybrid in person / telehealth. That’s what my partner did last summer - they went to a couple of initial in-person appointments for the assessment and then transitioned to virtual only. It’s less effective than normal PT but was still useful.

It stresses me the f out. Could you talk to the office and say you would feel more comfortable waiting in your car and ask if they could call/text you when it’s your turn?


This is what my dentist does. I really, really appreciate it.