Covid-19 discussion

So, this pastor has done really strong research on reinfection rates, huh?
And long-term effects of damage in asymptomatic individuals?

I’d love to know how, since we still aren’t even to “long-term” yet.


Even better—he got it and it wasn’t bad, so obviously he doesn’t need to do research :roll_eyes:

Spencer told reporters that he and several members of his family contracted the virus and recovered.

“It’s not fun,” Spencer said. “I lost my sense of taste and smell, but my bout with the flu was worse.”

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Well my sister’s uncle had both of his mother figures die on the same day from it. One of them (his aunt who raised him) was in hospital on a ventilator for a few weeks and the other(his birth mom) was just feeling a little sick and then was hospitalized and died 2 days later.

Fuck these covid denying assholes.


I feel so sorry for him losing 2 mom figures. Yes people that have a mild case and deniers can’t assume this will be everyone’s journey.

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Dammit. A friend and her family are likely covid-positive based on symptoms, awaiting test results.
She has chronic illnesses. Her husband is a paramedic so was getting exposed frequently. I’m uncertain of the PPE situation where they are (rural NC).


I found a serious flaw in how my province is calculating the covid statistics. I’m pulling their data for the last few months and running the numbers without their missing calculation and it is so much better.
I could use my contacts in the civil service to track down the covid stats person. I won’t but I could.

Edit: showing number of current, active cases in the province. The blue line is the government stats. The red is my calculations based on their data.


We are negative still


UGH. Awesome.

I’m totally shocking news, my coworker who flew to Florida over thanksgiving is sick. His rapid test was negative, but so was his flu test (still waiting for his PCR results). I’m probably not a close contact by our work or our states definition, but the crisis response team hasn’t emailed us to let us know for sure.

And of course now I’m cold, have a stress headache, and my shoulders hurt. Thanks anxiety brain!


I mean, it’s not like we are doing well, but the way this is heading is nice…still a few days left for the post thanksgiving uptick though. (And there is probably a delay since people will show symptoms, then get tested a bit later.)


H is off to get covid tested tomorrow probably, that was as soon as he could get an appointment. He developed a cough today and aside from that and a few mild symptoms he’s ok but he doesn’t want to risk passing anything to patients or staff. I’m glad at least for his familiarity with the employee health staff & protocols since he got assigned to work there during lockdown so that process was smooth.

It makes me rage because he had to fucking treat so many of these idiots who traveled for thanksgiving and then talked to him about it at their appointments like it was perfectly fine to put others in danger. Hopefully it’s just a cold but I honestly won’t be surprised if it’s not.


My friend whose whole family likely has covid (testing is backed up so no result yet but her husband has lost his taste, so) called the school to let them know her kid wouldn’t be in in-person school due to exposure and mild symptoms. The school said, “oh, you can send him in anyway.”


She pointed out that the HEALTH DEPARTMENT said they all need to quarantine and then they were like, oh, OK, so, he’ll be in virtual then? YOU THINK? Ugh.

How many parents DID send their exposed and symptomatic kid in anyway?


I worked with a doctor from a bigger hospital group today and of course the subject turned to covid. It’s as bad as you’d expect in all the area hospitals, but we’ve known this was coming so it’s very weird to talk about. Everyone is just factual, because the alternative is to not function.


It’s taking 8 days to get back covid results right now in Portland. cool.


My mom told me a story about someone she knew who caught a mild case of covid and is now recovered and has tested negative so this friend can now fly to California to see her grandkids. I’m sure my mom thought her tone was much more neutral than it actually was. Sigh. This is the only person that she’s personally known who has caught covid. Meanwhile I have multiple coworkers with dead family members. Do I know those people directly? No. But that doesn’t mean I’m going to fuck around with this. Oh, OH and the friend assumes she caught covid from a hospital because she had to take her daughter there for something urgent and there were no sanitizer dispensers to be found and no one wiping down surfaces (gee, maybe because their staff have been burnt out for the last eight months??)


I appreciate that this thread is a place for us all to share our own WTF stories. Judging by the recent entries it’s badly needed.


I don’t have any WTF left. Except apparently a bunch of my Facebook “friends” are going to a concert next week. Indoors, what were you thinking?


To counter all the WTF stories: a shop doing things right.

Yesterday I made a quick stop in to an independent bookstore to buy a present (they don’t have an online presence but I wanted to support them). At the entry they required customers to fill out a contact tracing form and use hand sanitizer. Then the forms - and pen used - are returned to the cashier upon exit.


A neighborhood grocery store has signs up about requiring masks, offers free masks by the door for anyone who forgot, and the cashier was wiping down the counter and credit card machine between customers. Lots of places here are doing things well, but I haven’t seen free masks anywhere else. (Not that I go many other places.)


We have a locally owned grocery store that has free masks too. Not very many places do though. I keep a bunch of the ones my mom makes on the front counter at work, and a lot of people have taken them. It makes me happy.