I found bananas today, on the third time looking since last Friday. They were normally priced so I don’t think there is a big banana crisis.
Organic bananas were low Sunday but lots of regular. Probably yours froze and got gross and unsaleable. We will be out of bananas tomorrow as usual.
Maybe when I buy a chest freezer I will add bananas
I’ve been looking around for cranberry juice that isn’t Ocean Spray. Sobeys is sold out locally. We can find Compliments brand, but it’s not the same. It’s loaded with sugar. We’re in the Maritimes. Does anyone know of an alternative? Hubby uses it to support kidney function.
how much does he need to consume? frozen cranberries are surprisingly good whole, or can be used as ice cube substitutes and then chewed.
I’m not sure. He drinks a full glass of Ocean Spray every morning.
I made cranberry juice for my mom from frozen cranberries. It was not hard.
Thank-you!!! We will be trying this. I have cranberries in my freezer.
Does the cranberry juice specifically say that it is a product of the US? Ocean Spray is a co-op and is a major buyer for all of the BC cranberries produced. I generally think of them as a Canadian company, although I know it can be more complicated than that. My Ocean Spray Craisins specifically talk about supporting BC farmers on the bag.
I have no idea. But I know all the local stores we checked were out or down. Plus the farmers market didn’t have any.
I made my own cranberry juice this morning and adjusted sugar to Hubby’s taste. He really likes it. Some in the fridge and some in the freezer.
Gotcha! I wasn’t sure why you were looking for a replacement.
I was just watching Marketplace and it pointed out the existence of tirespy.ca, a site that tracks prices at Canadian Tire.You can see a chart of the price of any given item over the last six months or so. You can set up alerts to find out when any particular product is at any particular price point. It’s really neat.
Oh! Love this!! Thank you
weekend eggs at shoppers now 3.59 for a dz