Budgetober Challenge! October 1 - 31 šŸ§™šŸ¼šŸ’øšŸŽƒ

Some years I use Budgetober to track exax spending. Some years Iā€™m just flailing about a new system. The baby has honestly made things more confusing. Daycare is so expensive and drafts from our checking account near the end of the month, but there are also a bunch of necessities-reups that happen in the middle of the month.

Honestly I think I need to do something to help with having an easier time understanding my fixed-ish costs each month before spending money on fun.

One thing Iā€™ve heard of others doing is lining up when bills are due closer to the beginning of the month as to reduce mental load on having to keep track of how much money to keep in the checking account to make sure thereā€™s enough for the bills and credit card payments. I am starting to think I want to do this ā€“ trigger a payment of all the things a couple of days after my first paycheck of the month (Iā€™m paid bimonthly) so that after the 5th or so, I KNOW how much Iā€™ll have left for the month (leaving $2000 for daycare that has a set draft date that I canā€™t change).


We plan the whole week but then twice I have gotten informed about something at my kidsā€™ school and Iā€™m like, too late, we already went to the store!


Groceries: $328/800
Dining/Takeout: $168/450
Shopping: $105/300

Weā€™ve all had COVID and the kiddo still has a cough, so weā€™ve spent more on convenience than expected. I think weā€™re still on track for the budget though.


Check in #1 and #2:

Um, did not do this until today. Magic wand reset, I guess?

Starting tomorrow! (no need to spend money today).


Week #2 Check-In:
Total spend: 2198.42
So I forgot a kickstarter where I spent over $400 was going to charge my account this month, so we might not make it for the month. I still have ~500 left, but ~200 of that will be spent on food, so weā€™ll see if the miscellaneous category falls under that.


Week 2:

Food delivery: 1/2
Weeknight dinners:

M (Oct 7): 155
T (Oct 8): 73
W (Oct 9): 323 (delivery)
Th (Oct 10): burrito bowl Thursday <3
F (Oct 11): 140

Stationery: 0/500


Week 2 check in:
Iā€™ve decided how to manage my hobby/garment sewing budget. Iā€™m hoping this will keep me accountable for using fabric and instead of building a stash. When I buy fabric, it will come from the hobby fund and when I use it Iā€™ll move it over to clothing as a sorta credit buy back for the fabric budget.

Iā€™ve hit my spend limit with a couple of classes for quilting, and tied garment fabric purchasing to health goals. The rest of the month will be interesting to see if I can stick to it! I think I can!


Week 2 check in:

Grocery budget: $700
Currently spent: $336
Remaining: $364

Iā€™m also starting my week 1 tracking from the book and making my kitten budget!


Week Two check-in:

Still resisting spending, and cancelling subscriptions as they pop up in notifications, etc.
Cancelled my NFL Gamepass subscription today, because while I do enjoy watching the games, itā€™s hecking expensive. So. Iā€™ll manage.

Ditto for my Cricket subscription. I enjoy listening to that on the radio as the commentary team for it are amazing, and cricket is one of those games where if you know it, and the action is well described, you can visualise whatā€™s happening. Listening is free, and you can do other stuff at the same time. Plus the commentators have lots of running jokes and funnies. Which means I donā€™t need the visuals. All good.

Managed to dry out the hedgehog trail camera, and made an over-box for it out of an old small airtight food container, when previously I would have bought something. Been cutting up free wooden pallets to make a hedgehog house. Hopefully can make something warm, dry, and secure for them.

Also have resisted spending anything above 99p on Pokemon Sleep and Pokemon Go. Proud of myself for that because my spending on both was getting to be a lot. Probably quite eye-watering if I were to add it up.

Which brings me to the fact that I still have not done my spreadsheet. Wriggly brain just does not want to.

Overall Iā€™ll chalk this week up as a win though. Slippery slope of frivolous spending has been interrupted, and itā€™s kind of fun finding free solutions for things.

Hm. Slowly and gently does it :heart:


Thanks to a gift from my mom, my fun money budget categories are fat and happy. I preordered a book for $37.75, and it was within budget. Going strong!


Well Iā€™ve only gone downhill from there :grimacing:

Food: $817.80/$800. At least this week I shouldnā€™t need anything beyond maybe some fresh fruit.

Household: $1357.35. Not just house repairs, but things like - our pillows are horrendous and so trying to make it so we get better sleepā€¦hoping that if Iā€™m a little better rested Iā€™ll start making better decisions?? :crossed_fingers: :face_with_peeking_eye: :melting_face:

Here to make everyone else feel good about how theyā€™re doing :joy:


Mid budgetober check-in live tomorrow. With a donut.

Itā€™s halfway through budgetober and Iā€™m not doing as well as Iā€™d hoped. Iā€™m so so busy at work and this is exactly when I start to fall apart in meal planning. Despite teaching 8 workshops this month about budgeting!

How about you? Letā€™s check in! Plus, a donut.

Live tomorrow :red_circle: Tuesday October 15 at 4:30 PM PDT, 7:30 PM EDT, and Weds 7:30AM AWST, 10:30AM AEDT.


Check in #2: fun budget is about halfway gone, but could have been less if I remembered to bring the gift card I thought was in my wallet :woman_facepalming:

Food budget is less than half gone, I did less eating out/ delivery than expected in the first half of the month and may need to adjust that to the grocery budget, but tbd.


Week 2 check in.

I discovered today that I left off preschool tuition when I set my goal for the month :woman_facepalming: My big goal was ā€œunder $7000ā€ and I thought I had built-in wiggle room because the individual categories only added up to $6243. But in reality they add up to $7243, which means we have to be super careful if we are going to make the budget. I donā€™t think itā€™s going to happen, but weā€™ll see. Weā€™ve had 3 months this year under $7k and two more that were just barely over, but none of those month included the preschool tuition. Oh well.

Category Goal Week 1 Total Week 2 Total
Rec Center $50 $0 $0
Charitable Giving $100 $24 $24
Life Insurance $80 $87 $87
Student Loan $535 $0 $0
Mortgage $2,653 $2,653 $2,653
Electric / Gas $175 $0 $123
Internet $55 $0 $0
Preschool $1,000 $0 $1,000
Subscriptions $80 $0 $7
Costco ann fee $120 $130 $130
Home Improvement $0 $28 $28
Enrichment $150 $15 $91
Medical $300 $45 $100
Cell Phone $60 $36 $36
Gifts $0 $0 $39
Christmas Spending $0 $0 $159
Service and Parts $200 $0 $0
DH Fun Money $25 $52 $52
E Fun Money $25 $4 -$41
Coffee Shops $50 $25 $25
Household Items $50 $0 $90
Date Night $100 $0 $0
Clothing $50 $0 $35
Books $30 $0 $0
Toiletries $30 $0 $0
Hair/Massage $50 $0 $0
Baby Sitter $0 $0 $0
Baby Supplies $100 $0 $29
Uber $50 $0 $7
Gas $75 $0 $42
Groceries $800 $14 $134
Dining Out $250 $60 $109
Total Spending $7,243 $3,173 $4,959

Ooh, I like this system! Thatā€™s smart!


Okay, so I have put all the business income into the spreadsheet and most of the expenses, but not the mileage to get to his main site for several weeks, and thatā€™s going to be a big deal. Trouble is he has one set of spreadsheets and I have another - this may be worth doing a shared Google sheet.

On the Roth, Iā€™ve realized the IRS hasnā€™t yet released the 2024 forms. I wish theyā€™d hurry up. Iā€™m looking at the Vanguard Roth conversion calculator, but I canā€™t do much with it until the tax forms are out.

On the spending, well. I took my lunch to work all last week, so thereā€™s a plus, but then ate out Friday night and we both ate out Saturday lunch. Social time, though, so probably worth it.

I think I need some sort of system for tracking expenses, and I donā€™t know what it should be. For many years, we put everything on one card and that was pretty much it. But now thereā€™s a business card as well, plus all the grocery spending is coming from the stupid debit card that is the only way this state does unemployment (which he collected over the summer). So how to manage three streams, especially when one is very different (the business)?

Anyway. Iā€™m a little overwhelmed with it all today, so hereā€™s the report so far and Iā€™ll maybe try again tomorrow.


Check in: husband doing the budgeting this month has been pit aside to more urgent things. I am not going to step in and fix the problem.

I am taking stock of all the little half dont projects around the house and will be working on those, which will reduce my spending just by keeping me occupied.

Poor kid sleep will result in more takeaway than planned though.


I contacted all my utility companies to try to sync up the bill date. It was 3/5 successful! Iā€™m sure Iā€™m gonna find more as I keep an eye on our spending this month. It was a bit annoying that I couldnā€™t move some of the dates, which makes it feel a little pointless, but it is still less to remember than before.


check in #2

food: 371/600. might do a recast next week because my mom gave me a grocery store gift card, so now I think I can swing a restock from Costco on top of regular groceries. Iā€™m out of everything I buy from Costco so itā€™s going to be a big trip

hobbies: 195/200. no spending for hobbies this week and I deleted a bunch of phone games that I kept spending money on (which I donā€™t include in my hobbies category anyway, but still felt like a win)


Ok! Iā€™ve been procrastinating on this because I just donā€™t know how to budget this month. I got a big raise earlier this year but then the city I work for sort of retaliated against us for the raise and has been making work so difficult that Iā€™ve gone on FML one day a week and am only working 4/5 days. But not every week! So things are quite variable, though my income is still very comfortable.

So Iā€™m really focused on eating out less (as always) partly because I really value cooking and am trying to use my time to do more home cooking, and partly because I want to save as much as possible so that I can have the option to quit my job if it gets worse. Weā€™ve been doing a good job of this as a household but I want to to even more.

This month Iā€™ve already put aside $1400 into various savings including my personal Roth, and Iā€™d like to put aside another $400.

Iā€™ve spent $161 on going out with friends to eat, mostly because I covered a big meal for a friend who will then reciprocate next time :heart: Iā€™ve got $104 left for the months in that category.

And Iā€™ve spent $52 on what I call ā€œcomfort foodā€ which is when I eat out alone. Iā€™ve got $98 left in that category, but at this rate i might come in under budget!

Iā€™ve also started my Christmas shopping and Iā€™ve spent about $200 on that and am more than half done. Iā€™ve got another $60 left for the month if I find any other excellent gifts for folks.