Budgetober Challenge! October 1 - 31 šŸ§™šŸ¼šŸ’øšŸŽƒ

Week 2, net result. $13.73 over.

I wanted to do this challenge to push me out of my ā€œcomfort zone.ā€ Even if I plan meals, I tend to just buy what I want. Typically, I spend around $50-$75 on groceries for us weekly. I tend to ignore the long-term storage items: dry beans, single items in the freezer, etc.

The reason I picked such a low number was to force myself to run out of things, push my menu planning, and use up some of the pantry goods I ignore too much, like dry beans, canned milk, etc.

It HAS done that, but I expected it to do that about the middle the 3rd week, not the beginning of the 2nd!

Right now, I have an agenda item to look at the cost of the frozen juice concentrate vs a 1/2 gallon of cider. I think the concentrate is a lower cost, but it makes less as well? Dunno, more research reqā€™d. Last time I figured it out, cider was cheaper.

Week 3 Menu Plan
Sa (hadnā€™t said what we ate) zucch-potato soup, apple/bean casserole, sweet/sour cabbage saute. (The soup was made last month, we ate on it for a couple of days. The apples were part of the PYO apples a few weeks ago. The cabbage came from the garden, the peach pulp was from the peaches given to me by the farm neighbor.) DH bought himself ice cream. I have no idea how much he spent, and I donā€™t want to know. He bought 2 different types of vanilla from the chi-chi store that had been our town storeā€¦ my guess is that he spent nearly $20 for < 2 pints of ice cream. I do NOT want to know!

Su 1 egg pancakes for breakfast. (DH usually uses 2, but we only had 2 eggs in the house!) Need to bake bread as weā€™re on the last of the prefab loaf.

Prefab ? I have 1 burrito, tamales, and enchiladas. Not sure if I have any refries. I DO have cooked pinto beans in the freezer to use up. Weā€™ll have some of the cooked pintos with cheese along with whatever prefab Mexican.

M Spaghetti ________ cook 2x as much pasta as needed for tonightā€™s dinner.
Tu Squash (only have 1 acorn squash) and hamburger patties, thaw 1 lb and also make meatballs.
W LO pasta. fried pasta with breadcrumbs, butter, parsley.
Th Meatball soup and cheese tortillas
F Egg salad sandwiches? If we have breadā€¦
Sa Bean ______

Groceries needed: eggs, coffee, milk, juice, corn tortillas and that will take all of the remaining $12 left after my overspend last week! I used 1 of 2 of my cans of condensed milk the past few days in my coffee.

[āœ“] i will pull 2 packages (1/2 lb each) of ground beef and a pint of cooked pintos out of the freezer today.[āœ“] I also need to make up a batch of Mexican bulgar for the freezer, for future use.

I forgot! Weā€™re OUT of onions and potatoesā€¦ sigh. I sense another week of overspending in my future. I can get a small package of tortillas. I was already planning on buying 6 eggs instead of a dozen, if the price works. (If not, Iā€™ll buy 6 from my neighbor at a few cents more.) I donā€™t need onions until Friday with the soup, so I can manage with the partial onion I have and buy 1 large one. I donā€™t have potato anything in the menu this week, so I can maybe pass on buyng those until next week.

Iā€™m going to do the grocery shopping on Monday, because if I have any $ left, Iā€™ll use it to get cheap produce at the farm Tues. If I blew the budget, Iā€™ll pass on the farm and just use whatever Iā€™ve got.

Spent $12.44, had $11.27 available, so I"m $1.17 OVER budget, even without buying coffee! (Added $2 to that, so $3.17 over.)

1/2 gallon of milk
1 sweet onion
street taco tortillas No corn tortillas anywhere in the market?
6 eggs *Now $1.99, instead of the previous $1.58, but less than the $2.08 I saw at another branch of this market
frozen OJ.
I added $2 to the overage: tomatoes, peppers, and an eggplant. Veggies are 1/2 off at the farm store Tu - W and thereā€™s a freebie table. the peppers and eggplant came from the freebie table, the $2 was 5 large roma tomatoes, for next weekā€™s Italian potato-cheese casserole.


Week 2 checkin:

No pilfering from other envelopes, but I did discover an accounting error from the beginning of the month. It resulted in me draining my 100 Envelope Savings Challenge (over $100). :disappointed: So I now have $10 of other Savings Challenges money for any spending over and above whatā€™s in any of the envelopes. :disappointed:

I am concerned because Miscellaneous is down to $10. Thatā€™s my change for attending crafting get togethers, etc. I may have to excuse myself from some get togethers for a while.

Expenses this week:
$30.00 haircut
$8.63 laminating sheets
$2.29 hair elastics
$5.52 spool of thread for tote bags (business)
$5.75 permanent markers

$52.19 Total Week 2 expenses


spent a bunch eating out this past week, which was in line with my goal for socializing with friends and also engaging with the local arts scene. Perhaps the shadowy one and I shouldnā€™t have also done a night out, but also, wouldnā€™t be fair if I was always the one eating out. something to keep an eye on.

to balance out the eating out, and keeping in mind that weā€™re going to be moving out of the house in the new year (date tbd), we have done inventory of the freezer to keep eating down the food there.

I am also adjusting the 2025 budget to include a monthly gym membership. We have space to pull from transit and food spend.


Week 2:
Groceries: $43.04/$100

Eating out: $0/$100

I had one dumb mistake this week with the grocery budget - I forgot to cancel an automatic weekly delivery. Stuff we will use, but it took up $15 of the budget.

Been getting a lot of free food this week, unexpectedly! A neighbor shared some foraged mushrooms with us and another neighbor put out a free box of oversized zucchini. Between that, the last of the summer garden produce, and the pantry, things feel pretty easy.

Planning ahead: Iā€™m going to Costco with my sister this week, so the plan is to make a list focused more on household items/dog food/non-grocery, and be pretty strict with what I get in the grocery category.

I think there also will be a trip to a pumpkin patch later in the month, which Iā€™m going to :sparkles:wave my budget wandā€‹:sparkles: and exempt from the grocery budget. Tis the season for pumpkins and apples, after all, and I donā€™t want to miss the chance to stock up when theyā€™re in season!

As far as eating out, Iā€™m planning on a treat for tech weekend next week, and mr krmit and I will be going out for dinner after a matinee performance at the end of the month, which will likely bring us close to that budget. Iā€™ve been making the occasional latte at home when the craving strikes.


6-Oct to 12-Oct = $183 of $500

  • $28.34 dinner for me nā€™ my XO at a burger joint.

The hurricane done fucked everything up, and we had to duck behind the Keys to ride it out. Saw 100 knots on the anemometer. I decided I deserved a burger after that.


Here is a direct link to the food plan PDF


There might be a better place to ask this and I apologize if so, but are there printable versions of the sheets in A Catā€™s Guide to Money? Like the expense tracker? I just got my book and I donā€™t want to mark it up.


week 2 check-in:

managed to categorize all expenses again, yay! Glad I looked since there was one confusing one that I had to talk to my partner about from our shared account; turned out I had been in arrears on paying her back for the tax impact of being on her insurance (which is taxable for her, though it ā€œcostsā€ nothing directly; we agreed Iā€™d cover her taxes since it is far cheaper than any other plan I could have, and her insurance kicks ass more than any other plan Iā€™ve had even through an employer, except for no HSA contributions which I had banked for a few years a couple jobs ago and still have a large balance for a rainy day).

Found 16 ā€œfluffā€ items this week to ponder cutting back (5 charity expensesā€¦I hate to call them fluff but I could budget them better and buying the lady who asked for money on the street a meal was a bit above and beyond my norm).

ā€¦But also had some fun (one-time) income - turned up some 48 year old savings bonds a few months ago and finally got them cashed in and the deposit hit my account today. I guess some family member bought a half dozen $25 bonds back in '76 within a year of my birth ā€œfor my futureā€ and they had been stashed away with my baby pictures until my mom made me take what I wanted from the stash last Christmas, and the bonds were part of the ā€œtakeā€. I didnā€™t expect that theyā€™d have multiplied 5x in value but I guess even so, that was still a verrry long low-interest loan to the government even so if you do the math (which I didnā€™t except estimating).

Was proud of myself for spending only $5 on halloween costumery, reusing a bunch of old stuff including my partnerā€™s cheaper makeup!

Onwards through the fog!


Check in week 2!
117,74$, for a monthly total of 273,56$.


A bit disappointed, because at least 40$ of this total has been for unnecessary snacks that have all been eaten, as I have an unhealthy habit of using food as a coping mechanism/overeating because of stress/boredom/etc.

However, the next weeks will be for stuff I consume daily like soymilk and bananas, I donā€™t need to buy stuff to prepare meals, Iā€™ve already bought everything! So it will be lower for sure. This week I cooked a butternut squash soup, and tomorrow I will make my white bean stew.

Cheers to another week! :slight_smile:


We had two grocery trips this week and total for the month is right around $120 ($100 costco and $20 Safeway). This is a bit over the goal of $50/week. However $50/week may not have been realistic. We spent ~$60 of this on convenience foods (breakfast sandwiches, toddler pouches, and frozen pizza) which is over a full weekā€™s budget! I am torn because we could have been more frugal but we also avoided takeout. Toddler is getting 3 molars and pouches have been the most reliable way to feed him this week. Ultimately I think it was the right move as October is a very busy month for us. We shall see how the rest of the month shakes out! There was no stocking up though, which is a huge win!!


You should mark it up! Donā€™t be precious about it. But yes there is for the budget


Check-in #2

Everything is still going smoothly! Still no dining out spending yet, although I have been getting more little treats from the grocery store. Nothing too out of the ordinary yet, but Iā€™ll keep an eye on it. I used to track fun snack-y stuff in a separate category, but it just didnā€™t work for me after a while.

All my annual doctorā€™s appointments and things ended up being scheduled for these past two months, which means all the labwork and followups ended up in October. I managed to blow through my entire FSA amount for the year in only a few weeks :sweat_smile: I donā€™t usually add too much to it, but now I know I can raise my contributions a bit next year. I guess I couldā€™ve realized that Iā€™d go through it quicker since all my copays went up when the new financial year started in August.

Iā€™m going to try and do some meal planning today to keep that dining out spending nice and low!


My budgetober goal was meal planning and weekly shops. Iā€™m doing OK on that front but last night had a strong craving for a burrito. I didnā€™t say I couldnā€™t eat out but I better make last nightā€™s planned dinner tonightā€¦


Iā€™m accepting that I can meal plan for 3-4 days at a time. Not more. More and it is Overwhelming ā„¢. But I can work within these limitsā€¦


Second check-in!

Unfortunately my goal of spending less than $4000 per month is shot because we are getting some long-needed plumbing issues fixed. I guess I will recast and say the goal is to spend under $4000 outside of the plumbing costs which add up to almost 5k. Send good plumbing thoughts.

Grocery goal: I did great last week at eating leftovers. This week, including this morningā€™s grocery shop, I spent $84.14 on groceries. That puts me up to $205.07 grocery spending for the month.

Overall under $4000 goal: For the month I have so far spent $1390.73. Mortgage still to be paid though, so itā€™s gonna be close.


Iā€™m the same!


Thanks! Iā€™m one of those people that I have a hard time not being reverent of books, except text books (and that took a bit). Iā€™ll try thinking of it as a text book and see. I appreciate the pdfs.

I love how readable the book is! A friend recommended it to me as a resource for neurodivergent friendly personal finance and they are right.


This is what Iā€™ve settled on too! I can plan the next 3-4 days of dinners. Our schedule, and my ability to forecast and control my own meal desires, wonā€™t extend past that.


Checking in for week 2:

Groceries: $671.83/$800.00
Baby: $131.96/$500.00

I did two very small grocery runs last weekend, basically for fresh veg to last us through the week, and then we did a massive stockup this past Friday in preparation for babyā€™s arrival. Lots of freezer and pantry goods ā€“ our freezer is bursting, as are our canned good shelves. Iā€™ll be doing a bunch of batch cooking (got a double batch of chili on the stove right now!) so that we can make our freezer burst even more.

Iā€™m really looking forward to not having GD any more. GD is expensive.

With luck, weā€™ll maybe need to do one more grocery shop for some supplemental fresh veg, but honestly we are so well stocked right now, itā€™s a total pandemic flashback.

Baby things acquired ā€“ more footie pajamas (we only had like 2 pairs of footie pajamas that fit a 0-3 month old, so uh, Iā€™m glad we got some more), infant Tylenol so that weā€™re stocked, and then a little carton of formula so that we have it on hand if breastfeeding proves troublesome and we need to supplement.


Check in #2

Income: no paychecks this week but $125 in tips. Both paychecks this coming week.

Credit card: balance is $516.37, about the same as last week due to a situation that will be explained below. I think I can still get the balance down to $250 or less by the end of the month but I made a mistake

Fitness: spent $21.40 to stock up on a supplement I use regularly that had a good sale.

Indulgences: so the day before my boyfriendā€™s birthday I found out tickets to his fave band were going on sale for a show in December. I agreed to be the person to put all the tickets on my credit card for me, him, and our other friend. I was kind of rushing to do this at my lunch break at work and accidentally purchased them through a 3rd party website where not only were they overpriced but also had an extra awful fee situation that I didnā€™t notice while doing a Apple Pay thumbprint checkout. Due to shame, more panic, wanting to get the boi a nice birthday present, and the other friend being between jobs, I told them both not to pay me back. $-346.55 :sob::woman_facepalming:t3:. Other items in this category pale in comparison: decaf for the office stash, a soda, ice cream, an audiobook I purchased rather than using a credit because it was on sale by a lot and that made more sense.

Soooo thanks to my concert ticket fiasco I have to be super careful the rest of the month to meet my credit card payoff goals but I can do it. I also bought a lot of groceries the first half of the month (not tracking that category) so my partner can do a bit more of that the second half.