I haven’t seen it (I wish!), but I just saw this news report:
If anyone is in the area…
I haven’t seen it (I wish!), but I just saw this news report:
If anyone is in the area…
kingfisher? this is the only photo with the beak, everything else I got was fully tucked in. A fairly large bird, and we have seen kingfishers here before, but there is no crest.
Hm, does not say kingfisher to me. (Especially those feet.) One of the herons, all folded up? Black crowned night heron?
oh, we do have herons and egrets on that stretch of river
yes, because there were two other in that tree, and they were brown speckled
My guess was a night heron as well.
the websites imply we’re right on the edge of night heron territory, so that’s cool
multiple people got green heron photos at this pond on Saturday when we were out. I was not so lucky.
I didn’t manage to get the camera out for the pukeko I saw from the train this morning, so I respect the hawk from bus.
Cooper’s Hawk sitting just outside my window - it flew down between our houses and just chilled there.
I wouldn’t have seen it if my (small) parrot sitting in that window weren’t suddenly completely still and silent.
Good instincts on your parrot!
He’s a smarty! I have a friend who had an owl slam into her window where her bird was playing under a lamp at the window
We had a hawk hit our back slider door once when I was growing up because my chihuahua was laying just inside it birds of prey are scary lol.