Biden drops out of US presidential race. Now what?

One section of this article that is particularly relevant, given how some people are cheering the huge effect of her recent endorsement:

The pressure on her Swift appears to be propelled, at least in part, by the understanding that she now commands an audience that can quickly spring into action. In an open letter to Swift shared online Wednesday, a fan account wrote that even the “smallest action” from her could inspire her massive fan base to “raise support for immediate humanitarian help” for Palestinians.

“The international community, including many influential voices, has called for justice and peace, yet the agony still continues,” the letter read. “Your influence transcends borders, and your words have the power to reach and activate an extensive audience, including people who are unaware of the severity of the genocide.”


One more example among hundreds, thousands, of why we already can’t protest. Democrats don’t want us to protest any more than Republicans do.

Interesting to see the crowd response. People who probably say they care about first amendment rights. Screaming down anti-genocide protesters by chanting USA! USA! This would terrify democrats if it was done at the RNC.

Collection of all the polls saying how ending support for the Zionist genocide of Palestinians will help Kamala in the election.

Takeaway: if you want trump to stay out of the white house, tell Kamala to stop sending bombs.

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@turtlegirl I noticed you deleted your post cheering about dick Cheney’s endorsement? Curious what prompted that.

Eta: I ask because I genuinely am curious if you saw it as a good thing but changed your mind after a couple responses, still see it as a good thing but deleted anyway, wasn’t thinking about the actual implications of people like Cheney and Alberto Gonzales endorsing her? And if those implications have caused you to reexamine anything.

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maybe excessively light-hearted jokes about assassination attempts on trump




My intention was not to specifically cheer a Dick Cheney endorsement but I had read that quite a few Republicans were endorsing Harris and the Cheney one was the headline that I saw and posted. It’s only relatively recently that I’ve paid much attention to politics, and I deleted my post when I understood that a Cheney endorsement is not really a plus. I’m not looking to be divisive on this forum, and while I try to stay out of things I know nothing about, I don’t always manage it. I thought it would be best to delete the post.


This post was flagged by the community and is temporarily hidden.

Wow. Just wow. Giant reach there. I’m actually quite offended that you feel the need to publicly scold me, but whatever.

My Trump/Taylor Swift post had nothing to do with you and everything to do with him being a nut job. It was not posted directly after your post, in fact it was a few days later.

I’m out of this thread.


Hey y’all, things are getting pretty uncivil in here. I think the other mods are on buses or asleep, locking this until we can establish some ground rules.