Biden drops out of US presidential race. Now what?

Let’s consolidate the multiple threads.


That’s an excellent question.
:grimacing: :exploding_head:

I watch too much West Wing because now I am like… OK, does he have an actual diagnosis that would mean running again is not a good idea?


Personally I doubt it. I think this is just public will/pressure.


I do too and I’m MAD about it. I feel very let down by my party and specifically enraged at democratic leaders who publicly said he should pull out of the race. I just think it was wrong to do because of the effects it would have, and clearly did have. A year ago, ok maybe. But it’s too late for this shit now. WTF, what the actual fuck.


I’m not… mad he dropped out. I think he’s not a strong candidate. Being incumbent is a definite advantage, but it’s not the only thing that matters.

However, voting for him isn’t voting for HIM. it’s voting for the democratic apparatus he represents.

I’m very conflicted on how to feel. And quite adrift.
I think a secondary candidate should have been groomed much earlier and not doing so was a huge mistake.


I hate the way this happened and how it diminishes all the work he and his administration has done. Looking at actual accomplishments, this has been one of the most successful administrations in the history of the country. But Old Man Bad and therefore we are flushing all that down the toilet.


We’re fucked aren’t we?


If it makes you feel better (“better”), his polling was way behind both Trump and Kamala in swing states. We’ll see!


God they’re going to be talking about this at work tomorrow. I SO don’t want to hear it. Sometimes I despise being the only democrat in my office.


As far as I can tell, the Democratic party just sucks at marketing. I have no idea why, because like you say there have been plenty of accomplishments, but none of them are well-highlighted.

Really, none of anything seems to be well-highlighted beyond ‘Trump bad’ which is true and also half-done by his own marketing team, but I think we’ve seen before that that’s not enough to bring people to the polls.


Ngl I am not in a good state about this. I know it’s probably better given polling, but fuck fuck fuck.


He’s the incumbent and also, he has beat Trump before. To me, those two things are a big deal in keeping Trump out of the White House, which is for sure my main priority.

Exactly. And that’s why I’m mad at the Democrats who helped push Biden out. You don’t do that to your party if you want your party to win!


I’m hopeful it can spur some more life into democrats maybe! myself included.
It happened. Being upset and afraid is extremely natural and I’m there too. But it happened. So we’ll work with what’s next.


Guyyyyysss I am not ok. I went out in the garden and pulled weeds and cried and I am still not ok.


He said four years ago that he was going to be there for ONE term, and the Democratic Party had four years to get it together and find someone else, or position Harris better, and they didn’t. So I’m pretty pissed at the Party people in this matter.

Biden was a perfectly decent president, but not exactly a dynamic politician and there’s a lot at stake.

It’s not a great position to be in, but certainly not worse than it was a week ago.


Before he actually dropped out, I thought it was a bad idea. People who voted for him might feel betrayed, there was no clear successor (and talk of an open convention??), and of course he was able to beat Trump before. But the chatter and the polling kept getting worse and worse.

At least it seems like the Democrats took a little bit of coaching and are for the most part putting out a cohesive message. It seems they’ve finally realized that the infighting and uncertainty was doing a lot of harm and have generally unified messaging: Biden was a good president who accomplished a lot, he is a patriot for listening to the American people and stepping aside, and Kamala will be the best choice now.

A lot of my friends REALLY did not like Biden and were planning to vote for him under pretty extreme duress. But they seem more hopeful and invigorated now.

I honestly don’t think he would have stepped down if he thought he could win the election. At this point, the polling was looking pretty grim, and I’m guessing that’s the real reason he finally made the decision. I’m trying to trust that he dropped out because Kamala has a better chance.


Tiniest pet peeve but I wanted to say it:

It makes me sad when male candidates are addressed by their surnames but female candidates get referred to by their first names. I.e. Hilary and Kamala. They both deserve the same treatment as their counterparts.


Ah, sorry, I see your point. I never really thought about it that way, I just like her first name. But I should be more mindful in the future to be consistent.


Definitely not just a you thing!! But I wanted to point it out. :slight_smile: no one refers to Joe or Donald or Mike. Just Biden or Trump or Pence. It’s a sneaky subtle misogynistic thing that’s happening in the zeitgeist.


I think the moral of the story here is that men have boring names :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

(I mean that in a lighthearted way, point definitely taken about the cumulative misogynistic effect, and I agree that Harris deserves the same respect as all the others!)