Biden drops out of US presidential race. Now what?

:rofl: it’s true that Joe and Mike are not catchy at all


My feeling through all of this has been, whatever causes Trump to lose is what should be done.
I just don’t know if we were going to be better off with or without Biden… guess it doesn’t matter now though. It is what it is.


as i said elsewhere, i feel energized by this. biden has lost so much vim and vigor in the last few years. the whole election has been feeling like a slog to avoid fascism with no whiff of actual possibility for the future. harris brings some electricity back into things.

also i don’t trust nancy pelosi’s morals, but i do trust her political wisdom. she played this very well — respectfully and relentlessly.

i agree with AOC when she said that any democratic elected official saying they are resigned to another trump term should just go ahead and retire. no one can say what the future holds! we are still creating it!

prentis hemphill, an author i love, shared this reel today, which really spoke to me. basically they say chaos isn’t always a bad thing. it can open up possibilities if we can stay grounded and focus on where we want to go. octavia butler said this, too. we have to work with change and try to shape it.

the facts are that the vast majority of people in the USA like reproductive freedom. most of us do not want a theocratic fascist state. this election can be a washout if we can focus the message on that!


I agree with so much of what you said, especially this.

I knew what was going to happen and I was not optimistic (obvious I don’t know I’m not psychic but I had a strong idea of what I thought). Now idk what is going to happen but that leaves options for an upswing as well as a downswing. And the worst case scenario is exactly the same so it’s not like the stakes have gotten any higher.

Plus Harris can talk about abortion persuasively, not like it’s a sad and icky afterthought, and that’s the most urgent and compelling difference between the parties for a lot of people right now.


Also literally anything is better than 5 months of obsessive scrutiny over every every time Biden stutters or doesn’t stutter during every public appearance


I think it’s going to be very engaging to the people who need to be more interested in this election! I’m very interested in who emerges as veep and haven’t heard to much about that ( and I’ve gotten buzz about Harris for a couple of weeks.)


This is what pisses me off the most. He did a shit job of setting up Harris as a successor. This would have been oodles better if he had withdrawn six months ago.

Buuut…I gotta say I have lots of fear and hope and angst but maybe out of the chaos we have a shred of hope? Idk it’s. A lot to process.



Now, over $47 million!


It was Portland pride today and this news broke as the parade was taking off and our reporter saw the Biden/harris float just switch to the Harris float before their eyes​:joy::joy:


I have such limits to what I can say with my job but I will say I have been drowned in info about this because of my job, and I think it is the only way forward for the dems.

All the info out of DC was that Obama and Pelosi got Biden to change his mind by focusing on preserving his legacy rather than lose and let it be destroyed.

Also we got a big hint out of DC that this would drop on Sunday afternoon but the source was sweating it got pushed for so long

The debate was a disaster I didn’t think he could recover from BEFORE trump got shot. I think now there is new energy.


I’m an unaffiliated voter in a swing state and I was really troubled by the debate. Having spent a lot of time around elderly folks, I recognize the decline, know how fast it can be, and questioned if I could vote for Biden in good conscience. It bothered me enough that I wrote a letter to him weeks ago asking him to step down. If Nikki Haley had been running, I’d have voted for her even though I don’t like her policies as much, because I just don’t believe Biden is capable of another four years.

I’m glad he finally stepped down. I wish he’d not run at all, or the party would have opted for a fully open process and let people choose from a variety of candidates.


N=1 and maybe it is because my algorithms are totally skewed, but I am liking all the energy I am seeing for Harris in my FB feed. Everybody is buying chucks and looking for their pearls and pantsuits again in pantsuit nation. Lots of new “I’m with Her” pictures popping up everywhere. Starting to feel like a real election year instead of a slog to a likely terrible finish.

Let’s hope this saves democracy…


This is so encouraging! Thanks for sharing.



Why are some people angry that there was no vote for who will run? I have a coworker talking about it and saying “a lot” of people are complaining, but he voted for Trump so I don’t trust him on much of anything.

I have not seen where anyone else even wants to run against her for the nomination. so it seems like just another stupid thing to complain about. She got so many endorsements so quickly that I can’t imagine anyone else getting nominated in such a short time.


Trumpies are mad and claiming this is illegal and whatnot because they were all set for campaigning against Biden.


I would assume that they are worried about going against her! He made it sound (of course) like it’s Democrats wanting it.

Apparently Black Lives Matter is demanding a vote?


I think a lot of people don’t really understand how our presidential primary system works. They think they vote for a specific candidate, when in reality they’re only voting for delegates who promise to probably vote for that candidate at the convention.

Ultimately, the party chooses the candidate. They get input from the people in the form of the primary votes, but the party gets the final say. Choosing another candidate at the primary is totally within the realm of what’s allowed and legal. Especially since it looks like they’re going to pick the next in line, who most people did indeed vote for, just in another spot on the ticket. You can’t force someone to be the nominee if they want to drop out. Of course, sometimes these things are not ignorance but political posturing.

One could definitely argue that it isn’t ideal for the parties to be in charge of the candidate selection, or that it isn’t very democratic to have such staggered primaries and give people with later primary dates very little choice. (By the time the NY primary rolls around and it’s my turn to vote, the candidate is usually decided.) But that would require an overhaul of the election rules probably via constitutional amendment. For now, this is the system we’ve got.

And sure, it would have been nice to have a real, competitive primary if Biden had dropped out a year ago. But that’s not the situation we’re in. There isn’t time to realistically to do much of anything, given that they have to finalize in two weeks for the first ballot deadline.


I also think most people just love to bitch about stuff.

ETA: But… if say Newsom decided to challenge her, can it be done/ would there be a vote at that time?


The thing that really gets me is all of the people arguing that if Biden isn’t fit to run for office again he needs to step aside right now and resign from office. Don’t they realize that a President never “has” to run for office again?