Advice/recommendation for menstrual cup

I went swimming in mine for the first time this weekend (well not athletic swimming but I went in the water with my sis who was visiting). 5/5 :star2: would recommend.


In case someone finds this useful: if your cup has little vent holes that get clogged, a toothpick can scrub those out.


Good tip!

I’ve found they also get sparkly clean when I boil mine with a little peroxide. Which I probably wouldn’t do often except mine is clear and it gets discolored.

I’ve also discovered my body forgets the cup is in existence if I’m not having a heavy flow. My brain too. Whoops. 24 hours later…was just fine. Phew.


yea…I’ve done this a lot. The good news is that TSS has turned out to not really be a risk with silicone cups like it was with cotton tampons.


I was more worried about vines having overgrown the thing and needing a saw to remove it :crazy_face:

In seriousness though I’ve avoided most products linked to TSS risk for years so I definitely researched that before choosing a cup! Good to know your info agrees.


I’ve seen ads for these all over social media and they seem pretty standard. I have a diva cup personally and it provides the same function.

If you do buy one, it looks like Target online sells them in the $35 range rather than $47.

I typically recommend folks just buy one and try it out and buy another based on their experience with the first. I started with a mooncup and found the opening circumference to be too wide for my comfort, compared measurements, and have been pretty happy with my diva cup.


Friends, the timing is right to get a new period cup. I’ve used the soft cup last period, it still maxes out my space and I still think I’m shaped wrong for a diva cup or giant tampax cup.

Are lena and lilly my best bets? I do have a few soft cups left


I love my Lena. I have a small and it still holds more than a tampon. (I misplaced it once and had to resort to tampons, and kept getting leaks). Had it about 4 years and it’s in great shape.


I have a Lena sensitive and I like it. If you need a softer cup I’d recommend it. But because it’s soft, sometimes I have trouble getting it to pop open and I have to run my finger around the bottom to make sure that it’s fully open.

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Have you tried cutting off the stem and turning the Diva Cup inside out? That’s how I use mine. No idea why/how it works better that way, but it does.

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I…have not. I’d love the origin story of trying this.

Diva cup is too long for me anyway

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Unfortunately there is no entertaining origin story. I bought a Diva Cup, couldn’t get it to work, searched the google, followed some advice on the internet about trying it inside out and…voila! Now my Diva Cup works for me. I hope you find one that works for you too!!

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Lilly cup! The collapsible function made it possible for me to wear it comfortably. I usually had one level of collapsability engaged to make it fit right.


I’ve been using a menstrual cup for 3 years now!

I’ve been thinking of getting one with more capacity. I think it’s the right time, since I had mine on the bathroom counter to take downstairs for cleaning, and the cats stole it and now it’s nowhere to be found. I had the Lena Sensitive.

Have any of you started with a small and then switched to a bigger one? Is this a bad idea?


I did one of those online quizzes and it suggested the Lunette Model 2. I think I’m going to go for it! I think I need a firmer one (have frequent leaks) and a bigger one since my flow has become heavy ever since I stopped being on the pill. Will update on my experience!


Omg I’m scared for when you do find it, also it is funny to think of a cat running away with it.


I found it! It was under my desk, way back where I could barely reach. No visible damage. The kittens love to steal things!


I had the small Lena as my first cup and it was so good! Then I had a couple of kids and even the big one didn’t work for me anymore. I switched to the Juju (model 4), and it has been fantastic and I’m back to never having leaks.


I got through one period with this cup. It is definitely firmer than the Lena Sensitive and had no problems popping open. I think the chances of leakage are less with this one but it still happened once. I usually wear a backup pad or liner but got daring and luckily I was able to run to the bathroom in time.

The problem is that it’s bigger in diameter and kinda ridged at the top! It was a bit painful getting it out the first few times, but then I tried folding it when getting it out and that helped.

Overall would recommend! I think the Lena Sensitive was a great starter cup to get used to things (though maybe I didn’t need the sensitive, got annoyed at trying to get it popped open every time) but this is a good upgrade.


Thanks for the update. My Lena is leaky and I need a replacement. Will consider this one.