Acronym glossary drafting

I should get back to work but I started drafting an acronym glossary [EDIT: Or forum-specific words like niblings (or nephlings? was that from here?)]. This is a rough draft! Everything’s getting lumped together right now but maybe later we’ll decide diving things out into sections is more manageable? We’ll figure it out eventually.

Let me know what else we should add! I’m all ears.

+1 - Adding your support to a previous or quoted statement.

401K or 401(k) - [United States specific] A 401(k) is a retirement account with tax advantages offered by employers to their employees. It is named after a section of the U.S. Internal Revenue Code. Workers can make contributions to their 401(k) accounts through automatic payroll withholding, and their employers can match some or all of the contributions. (Investopedia)

403(b) - [United States specific] A 403(b) plan, also known as a tax-sheltered annuity plan, is a retirement plan for certain employees of public schools, employees of certain Code Section 501(c )(3) tax-exempt organizations and certain ministers. (IRS)

457 - [United States specific] The 457 plan is a type of nonqualified, tax advantaged deferred-compensation retirement plan that is available for governmental and certain nongovernmental employers in the United States. (Wikipedia)

529 - [United States specific] A 529 plan is a tax-advantaged investment vehicle designed to encourage saving for the future higher education expenses of a designated beneficiary. (Wikipedia)

ACAB – All Cops Are Bastards. ACAB is an acronym used as a political slogan associated with dissidents who say they are subjected to political persecution and police brutality. Critics of this term contend that the linguistic nature of this term inherently attacks police officers as individuals and believe other terms should be used in its place to support police reform, while some proponents of the term say the intent refers to the police as an institution and does not necessarily reflect upon the individual law enforcement officer. (Wikipedia entry)

AFAB - Assigned Female at Birth. A person who was told that they were female or a girl when they were born and whose legal documents reflect that assignment. This decision is usually made upon delivery and by looking at the person’s genitals.

AFAIK - As Far As I Know

AFK - Away From Keyboard

AMAB - Assigned Male At Birth. A person who was told that they were male or a boy when they were born and whose legal documents reflect that assignment. This decision is usually made upon delivery and by looking at the person’s genitals.

ATM - At The Moment

BF - Boyfriend

BFN - Big Fat Negative on a negative pregnancy test

BFP - Big Fat Positive on a pregnancy test

BIL - Brother-In-Law

Binary - The two social options given regarding sex and gender. Male/Female, Man/Woman, Boy/Girl.

Bisexual - Someone attracted to men and women OR someone attracted to people of more than one gender

BLM – Black Lives Matter. Black Lives Matter is a decentralized political and social movement advocating for non-violent civil disobedience in protest against incidents of police brutality and all racially motivated violence against black people.

Cisgender - Someone whose gender identity does align with the gender they were assigned

CW - Content Warning. Act similarly to a trigger warning (TW) but for content that is not as graphic or that is mentioned only in passing.

CD - In fertility/reproductive context, Cycle Day. Usually followed by a number; indicates days since the start of your period this cycle

CD - In a financial context, Certificate of Deposit. A certificate of deposit (CD) is a product offered by banks and credit unions that provides an interest rate premium in exchange for the customer agreeing to leave a lump-sum deposit untouched for a predetermined period of time. (Investopedia)

DD - Darling (Dear?) Daughter

DH - Darling (Dear?) husband

DM - Direct Message, sending a message to only one user. Used interchangeably with PM or private message.

DS - Darling (Dear?) Son

DW -Darling (Dear?) Wife

ELI5 - Explain Like I’m 5. Used when you want someone to explain something the simplest way possible.

ETA - Edited To Add

FIL - Father-In-Law

FTFY - Fixed That For You

FWIW - For What It’s Worth

Gaslighting - Gaslighting is a form of mental abuse in which information is twisted or spun, selectively omitted to favor the abuser, or false information is presented with the intent of making victims doubt their own memory, perception, and sanity. More info here.

Gay - When a man is sexually attracted to other men OR when a person is sexually attracted to people who are the same gender as them OR an umbrella term for the LGBTQ+ community

GF - girlfriend

HAES - Health At Every Size

IDC, IDFC - I Don’t Care, I Don’t F***ing Care

IE - Intuitive Eating

IIRC - If I Remember Correctly

IMHO - In My Humble Opinion

IRA or Individual Retirement Account - [United States specific] A tax-advantaged investing tool that individuals use to earmark funds for retirement savings. (Investopedia)

IUI - intra-uterine insemination

IVF - in vitro fertilization

LDR - long distance relationship

Lesbian - Women who are attracted to other women OR anyone other than cisgender men attracted to women

LGBTQ+/GLBT/LGBT/LGBTQIAA - Terms appropriate for the community of people who are not cisgender and heterosexual. Each letter corresponds to a different identity. There are many variations and these terms are usually ever evolving.

  • G - Gay
  • L - Lesbian
  • B - Bisexual
  • T - Transgender or Two Spirit
  • Q - Queer or Questioning
  • I - Intersex
  • A - Asexual
  • A - Ally

MC – Miscarriage

MIL - Mother-In-Law

NB/Enby/Non-Binary - A person who does not identify as being part of the gender/sex binary. They may feel like they are neither a man or a woman, that they are both, or any other combination.

NBD - No Big Deal

Nibling or nephling - Gender neutral term to refer to one’s niece/nephew.

NSFW - Not Safe For Work

OP - original post/original poster

OTOH - On The Other Hand

PM - Private Message, sending a message to only one user. Used interchangeably with DM or direct message.

RAVES – RAVES is an acronym which provides a step-by-step process to help with developing a healthy relationship with food. RAVES stands for Regularity, Adequacy, Variety, Eating Socially, Spontaneity. It is important to remember that RAVES is a process and does take time. It involves starting with regularity and working through RAVES sequentially through to spontaneity until food can be eaten in a natural way. (

Queer - Umbrella term for LGBTQ+ people, or a vague identity term regarding gender or sexuality. Can be offensive - was historically a slur, has recently been reclaimed by some people in the LGBTQ+ community.

RRSP or a registered retirement savings plan - [Canada specific] a type of financial account for holding savings and investment assets. RRSPs have various tax advantages compared to investing outside of tax-preferred accounts. (Wikipedia)

SIL - Sister-In-Law

SO - significant other. Gender neutral indicator for one’s partner, girlfriend, boyfriend, husband, wife, etc.

Super or Superannuation - [Australia specific] a form of forced savings for Australian employees. It is paid by your employer, invested on your behalf, and used to fund your lifestyle in retirement. Your employer needs to pay a minimum of 9.5% of your ordinary time earnings into a super fund. (Wikipedia)

TFSA - Tax-Free Savings Account. [Canada specific] A TFSA is an account in which contributions, interest earned, dividends, and capital gains are not taxed, and can be withdrawn tax-free. While it’s called a savings account, a TFSA can hold certain investments including mutual funds, securities, and bonds as well as cash. This account is available to individuals ages 18 and older in Canada and can be used for any purpose. (Investopedia)

TIL - Today I Learned

TL;DR - Too Long; Didn’t Read. Used by someone who wrote a large post/article/whatever to show a brief summary of their post as it might be too long.

Transgender - Someone whose gender identity does not align with the gender they were assigned

TTC - Trying To Conceive

TW - Trigger Warning. Warns the audience that the following media may be triggering for things such as, but not limited to, eating disorders, self harm/injury, bipolar, domestic violence, etc.

TWW - Two Week Wait. the two week period between ovulation and your usual period during which you don’t know whether you managed to get pregnant.

Two Spirit - Someone who is Indigenous and has both masculine and feminine traits, can also be an umbrella term for Indigenous folks who in Western colonial culture would be under the queer umbrella term

TY - Thank You


IE - Intuitive Eating and HAES - Health At Every Size. RAVES – some other version of IE I think but don’t know details.

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AMAB - Assigned Male at Birth. A person who was told that they were male or a boy when they were born and whose legal documents reflect that assignment. This decision is usually made upon delivery and by looking at the person’s genitals.

AFAB - Assigned Female at Birth. A person who was told that they were female or a girl when they were born.

NB/Enby/Non-Binary - A person who does not identify as being part of the gender/sex binary. They may feel like they are neither a man or a woman, that they are both, or any other combination.

Binary - The two social options given regarding sex and gender. Male/Female, Man/Woman, Boy/Girl.


Think I have the initial post caught up 90%, posting here as a marker for myself. Oh crap, probably should add stuff like FI/FIRE since this is supposed to be a finance forum. Any cat acronyms? :cat2:

IRA - (roth or traditional)
401k or 401(k) - (roth or traditional)
HOA - Home Owners Association
NW - Net Worth
PMI - Private Mortgage Insurance


Nibling(s). Gender neutral/plural for a sibling’s kid(s).

ETA just realized that is not an acronym


I was considering if we also have any niche phrases that should be included too. I think there’s not enough to warrant their own separate post but it would be good for newbies to have a place to read it instead of having to guess.

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Haven’t seen these as much here, but in internetlands have seen
DD - darling daughter
DH - darling (dear?) husband
DS - darling son
DW - darling (dear?) wife

More general internet speak:
IDC/IDFC - I don’t care, I don’t f***ing care
FTFY - fixed that for you

JTFC is pretty explicit, spoilering because I dunno how to be clear about what it means without being explicit, you've been warned, not even sure this is one we want to include

Jesus titty f***ing christ

Maybe not necessary because people who are on forums probably know? but
DM/PM - direct message/private message, basically sending a message to only one user.

Maybe not necessary because more niche to a small subset where it might be occurring at any given time, but we do have a fair number of mid-20’s to early 40’s peeps in a makin’ babies stage of life so
TTC - trying to conceive
TWW - the two week period between ovulation and your usual period during which you don’t know whether you managed to get pregnant
BFP - Big fat positive (on a pregnancy test)
BFN - Big fat negative (on a negative pregnancy test)
IVF - in vitro fertilization
IUI - intra-uterine insemination
MC - miscarriage
CD - Cycle day, usually followed by a number; indicates days since the start of your period this cycle
DPO - Days post ovulation, usually preceded by a number, indicating the number of days since ovulation

I’m sure more will occur to me later.


Umm… I think we should include some financial terms like



Nah. :stuck_out_tongue:


Lily and others, how’s this look? I added links at the end in case people want to click through and get the “all that and a bag of chips” level of information from a reliable source. I’m open to adjusting the definitions for simplicity, clarity, accuracy, all that jazz.

401K or 401(k) - In the United States a 401(k) is a retirement account with tax advantages offered by employers to their employees. It is named after a section of the U.S. Internal Revenue Code. Workers can make contributions to their 401(k) accounts through automatic payroll withholding, and their employers can match some or all of the contributions. (Investopedia)

IRA or Individual Retirement Account - In the United States, a tax-advantaged investing tool that individuals use to earmark funds for retirement savings. (Investopedia)

RRSP or a registered retirement savings plan - a type of financial account in Canada for holding savings and investment assets. RRSPs have various tax advantages compared to investing outside of tax-preferred accounts. (Wikipedia)

Super or Superannuation - a form of forced savings for Australian employees. It is paid by your employer, invested on your behalf, and used to fund your lifestyle in retirement. Your employer needs to pay a minimum of 9.5% of your ordinary time earnings into a super fund. (Bah, I had this in an incognito browser then closed it and can’t find it again.)

(LOL the edit function in the first post is like “What are you doing?!?”)


Super minor typo stuff…

Under AFAB should it say (assigned female at birth) like it does for AMAB?

Under “gay” should the word (not) be removed?


I was also considering if there’s sources out there - the ACLU comes to mind but I’m sure there’s others - that have already tried to hash out some of these definitions so we can use what they came up with, even when (especially when?) there’s just not going to be a perfect definition because words are limited and people are complex.

I’m also considering if we want to break this out into sections or have one exhaustive list, but right now I’m putting that decision off since the list is all of five hours old at this point and is still growing and changing quite a bit.

(Nerd alert - I am quite enjoying that this list, much like dictionaries and maps, is expressing something about us and our culture by the information we feel is important to include and not include. Yes I am someone who gets the warm fuzzies from boring things like lists of words. :wink: )


Fixed AFAB in my post! I’m not sure that I know what you’re saying in regards to gay, though.

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Sorry… it says “people who are NOT the same gender as them”


Other financial jargon not everyone might know (along with definitions off the internet):

403(b) - A 403(b) plan, also known as a tax-sheltered annuity plan, is a retirement plan for certain employees of public schools, employees of certain Code Section 501(c )(3) tax-exempt organizations and certain ministers. (IRS)

457 - The 457 plan is a type of nonqualified, tax advantaged deferred-compensation retirement plan that is available for governmental and certain nongovernmental employers in the United States. (Wikipedia)

529 - A 529 plan is a tax-advantaged investment vehicle in the United States designed to encourage saving for the future higher education expenses of a designated beneficiary. (Wikipedia)


Huh, good catch. For simplicity’s sake, I think you’re right.

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If we have rrsp we should probably add TFSA, which is also a tax advantaged account. Unlike an RRSP it is for post-tax dollars in Canada.

(Many similarities to a Roth ira)

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I think it would be cool to standardize such that if after the term we add a country code if it is country specific.

For fun it would be cool to have another thread for terms that have different meanings in different countries. That one could be an open unlocked thread that we could add to for fun as it comes up in conversations.

2 Likes — raves info

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We should add ETA to the acronyms list though!
ETA: edited to add