Abortion Resources Thread

Benefit of being a blue dot in a red state, I guess?


Had a good discussion with a priest yesterday. It’s my dad’s new parish, so I was more circumspect than I might have been, but it was still good. Centered mostly around the rise of the so-called “evangelical” catholic, the weird common cause they’ve formed with the actual evangelical christians, and how unholy we both Priest and I find the alliance.

In the end, we both agreed that a perfect world is when all children are wanted at birth, and that American needs to change pretty radically to ensure it. It reminded me that outside of politics, common ground is usually something I can find. I enjoyed not being a rage machine for a few hours.


Oh…This is why blocking twitter on Friday significantly lowered my blood pressure.


why I deleted TikTok today.


Ohhh I haven’t been on tiktok at all for like a week (I forget the app exists for several weeks at a time, then remember, get stuck in it for several hours when I remember, then forget again). I wonder if it would be good or bad for me, lol. My for you page tends to be less politics and veer more towards ice skating and like…people folding towels or talking about bollards.


I’ve definitely made my own bed when it comes to my FYP :sweat_smile: I’ve been considering making a separate account to fall down the eye bleach rabbit hole

Some caution:

Please don’t be posting about “camping trips” or “vacations” or even outwardly offering your services in regard to abortions for people in unsafe states. This is more for the safety of the person who needs the abortion than it is for you, but it’s also for your benefit.

Are you prepared for lengthy legal battles regarding aiding and abetting abortion across state lines? Will your social media be associated with their trip and this be used to incriminate the person needing an abortion? Your texts, your emails, your social media activity is not private and is not protected.

There are orgs that not only have protections for the people they help (like vetting the host homes), but they also have more resources (money and legal) and more experience.

Actions that can be taken instead (not exhaustive):

  • Share links online that direct people to abortion network organizations.
  • Share the Plan C Project.
  • Donate to abortion network organizations.
  • Sign up to help an abortion network organization.

Just when the world looks pretty dark, someone unexpected stands up and shines a light.


US Health and Human Services has made a website:


Florida abortion funds via Act Blue

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Behind a paywall, but the headline is the main point.
Biden Endorses Ending Filibuster to Codify Abortion Rights - The New York Times


Unpaywalled link (gifted through my subscription) Biden Endorses Ending Filibuster to Codify Abortion Rights - The New York Times


Sunday, July 17th Starting at 11AM ET/8AM PT
A full day of training on abortion activism


I’d say this is legit based on its funding and its partner groups.

( I always vet things like this because there are so many fake clinics (especially) and groups (to a lesser extent) deliberately making themselves sound pro-choice to lure people in.)


Good call. I heard about this from another source I trust but as they say, trust but verify.


I dunno if this is the right thread for this - but as predicted, oncologists and rheumatologists in states with trigger laws have already been reportedly taking patients with uteruses off of methotrexate because of fears of being prosecuted for providing an abortion drug. Some pharmacists are not filling scrips now.

Methotrexate’s most common clinical uses is for autoimmune disorders and secondarily for chemo, but it is also one of the drugs prescribed for ectopic pregnancies to induce miscarriages, and sometimes in other cases for medication abortions.

When I was on methotrexate, I had to sign a bunch of documents about the miscarriage risk of the drug, and be on long-acting BC even though I wasn’t having any sex that risked pregnancy. So this isn’t new policing. But the docs having fear of prosecution on their head for prescribing it to “fertile” AFAB patients… that is new.

This is one of the articles from before Roe about these concerns in rheumatology

This RA advocate on twitter is tracking these anecdotal cases, and


advocacy@rheumatology.org is the email address to report if you or someone close to you has had issues accessing methotrexate since Roe has been overturned.


Such bullshit. The Supreme Court should be afraid of us, not the other way around. The blood of tyrants, indeed. Bah!


Amanapour&co is a global-affairs interview television program hosted by Christiane Amanpour, which often shows on PBS in America. It’s excellent, and many of the episodes are available on YouTube.


I remember the Jane collective. My mother told me about it shortly before Roe. Thanks for that; I really needed to hear Heather Booth make the case that things are different today.