Day 3 is done. I’m finding that they are going by really fast, which is great! I was worried because baby starting making noises and I was afraid she was waking up early from nap, but she is still sleeping, phew!
Tomorrow is dicey because I always go running on Fridays before work with my 12yo. It might be too cold/snowy anyway but if we are able to go, my plan to fit in BOTH a brief run (we usually only go about 20 minutes, although of course there is also time to change, stretch, etc.) AND yoga is to just make sure that every single thing I can do tonight, is done tonight.
I got day 4 in yesterday morning and day 5 this afternoon. Still one day behind but I’m happy I’ve not slipped further while traveling (so far). Today’s was after a brisk walk so I appreciated the not-standing aspect.
Day6 also did not involve standing up, but it was not as leisurely as yesterday! It was touch and go for me getting it done. The cuckoo started making noise like 5 minutes into my session, but she stayed reasonably content in her crib.
Day 6 was hard. Seeing me laying on the ground doing abs made the girls thing I was open to having them jump onto my stomach. Repeatedly after It old the to stop. I was not amused, but it I got it all done thanks to putting on Bluey.
I’m glad I got up early todady and did the yoga before the cuckoo was up, because during nap I have to do a little snow shovelling and put away $300 worth of Costco purchases because… we were almost out of diapers! (I was always going to go to Costco and it was always going to be a big trip, I was just going to go later in the week. 12 diapers! That’s all we had!)
I got today done early this morning and then forgot to check in. Once again, my left wrist did not like the bird dogs, which I do almost every day and has never been an issue before. I need to check in on the angle of my wrist next time to make sure I’m not out of alignment or something.