2023 BINGO: A choose-your-own-goals challenge

I’ve been quiet lately. Very busy though. Here’s my updated 2023 BINGO card.

Yellow is done. Green is in progress. Red isn’t going to happen at this point in time.


Beach 3/6 :blue_heart:


Updated 2023 goals. Yellow = done, green = in progress, red = not happening.

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Update. Yellow done. Green working on. Red not likely to happen.

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Moving along! Trees and shrubs (and lawn) fertilized. PC series is complete, tagged and marketed. Taking a pause to reassess. I have a free motion quilting foot for my sewing machine on order. I should be able to get to the South Korean appliqué quilt by the end of the month.

Yellow squares are done, green is being worked on, and red likely isn’t going to happen. White has yet to be looked at.


I really thought I would have more done by now…

Probably not doing and will change:

  • Set up irrigation
  • I might actually get the instrument practice time, but I’ve forgotten to track so I’m like at 7.5 hours I can specifically account for via lesson time
  • 100 days no social media lol. I’ve done like 2.

In progress:

I think it’s like, 97/120 hours comp +vaca built up so far? I thought my goal was just comp time so I think that it’s the combo will make it way easier. I mean I should get 20 more vaca before baby if they aren’t early so trivially it should get done but if I can summon the energy I could get 23 more comp sooner and get my sticker

For baby things, I think I just need a crib mattress, some crib sheets, and feeding supplies as necessities. And we have a bassinet we are borrowing from a friend so really only feeding supplies for right away needs.

I know a bunch of baby signs but I haven’t counted them.

We’ve decided to rehome fish, snakes, rabbits just dragging my feet on it and not getting bites where I’ve put out feelers.

Started cleaning up backyard. I might get a friend to bring their truck and help me bring trash stuff to the dump, or just toss a bunch of it in my SUV.

GM is doing the fence. So I don’t know if I should take that off my Bingo board if he’s the one doing it?

About halfway through yoga. Probably more but I forget to tally sometimes.


Greyweld, sometimes it goes fast, sometimes slow. I find I move in spurts on my goals. I don’t have kids or grandkids to distract me from my goals either…just my ADD self.

Here’s an update for me…as per usual: yellow = done, green = in progress, and red = probably not going to happen.

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Tote bag is done. Not much else.

I marked the perpetual journal as not done. While I started it, I have not been keeping up with it at all!

I have all the tools and equipment necessary to quilt my South Korean wall hanging, but I still have to find time to finish piecing it. Right now is major garden and travel time for us.


I am always amazed byhow much you get done!

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Thank-you! I’m having a hard time with the last few. I’ve already found new things to do, and have moved on.

It should be noted, I’m basically retired already, with no small children in my life, and absentee adult children. I have time on my hands. :slightly_smiling_face::pensive:

Right now I’ve been motivated by you and my niece. Both of you are decluttering and I realized, after I came back from dniece’s, that I needed to finish unpacking from our move three years ago! So I’ve been decluttering and unpacking. My main goal is to reduce visual clutter. I find it stressful.


Update time! Yellow background is DONE! Green is in progress. Red probably is not going to happen.

The push is on to finish the quilt and spin the box of fibre! :grin:


It looks like you’ve had a BINGO since May, have you claimed it yet?

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No. How do I do that?


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Note in the event you want a prize from me I’m 9 months pregnant and might be slow :grimacing:


It is okay @Greyweld. I am not in a hurry to get a prize. :hugs:. I join this thread to keep me focused. My personal goal is to get everything done on my BINGO card!


I think I finally have a card…


Discouraging… I have done 2 items on the card: move the rug to the attic and plan/plant the garden. I have 2 which I can’t do as well: food/waste tracking and profit all year at the antique store. In process: saving 2300 and going thru the boxes from the storage. None of the rest of it have I worked on, almost at all. Sigh.

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These look like some big projects @NewGig I don’t think you should beat yourself up over what you didn’t or aren’t getting done. Dealing with those boxes from storage is a big deal! Focus on what you are accomplishing. Also, you’ve had a few house issues that have come up along the way (like plumbing etc.) that take priority, time wise and money wise.


I could do some prelim steps. I need to stop being afraid of my sewing machine (it has an automated needlethreading feature which I can never seem to get right.) If I do that, the fabric/pieces for the curtains are all in one place, so is the fabric for the first sheet…

Unless I do the prelim step of learning to use the machine those 2 just won’t happen and I’ve spent a lot of money and thought about what I wanted to do, for naught.

There are times I truly wish we lived oh several 100 miles closer my friend!

On the other hand, I can now GET to the machine on its typing table, it was surrounded by piles of books in the bedroom… that is definite progress of its own sort.