Where can I (most ethically) buy... (Boycott support thread)

Maybe boycotts don’t work but then look at Tesla stock. Maybe it’s just harder to boycott suppliers of things we need more than Teslas, like socks and bathroom cleaner and tissues and cold meds and laundry detergent and a frozen pizza (and preferably at one store not 5).

Anyway maybe we can crowdsource better votes for our dollars?

[ETA there may not be perfect solutions… and this is not pressure for anyone to avoid specific vendors. More like a place to find alternatives if you are looking… ]


Current and upcoming conundrum(s):

  • toothpaste
  • shower liner

Same yo.

I’m getting toothpaste from Costco because of their ongoing commitment to DEI and at least in the last a strong commitment to treating employees right and promoting from within (but I don’t know anyone who works there anymore and haven’t been following anything closely so please tell me if they are terrible!)


Costco is on my green list :blush:


I’ve gotten most of mine at Kohl’s. Not sure where they stand RE: Ethics


There’s a small store near me that is specifically about plastic free items, they have tooth tablets (toothpaste substitute) along with a ton of other minimal/zero waste items. Maybe there’s a store like that near you?


I’m also struggling with where to get things. I’ve boycotted Walmart for a long time which left me with Target or Amazon, but I’ve slowly been weaning off Amazon and doing more Target but now Target is bad too?? Where can I go to get my children underwear, pull-ups, and compound w? I want to support the boycott but we also have consumable items that need to be replaced so that she did at Costco :woman_facepalming:

I did find the special sunscreen we use on eBay! I’m assuming eBay is less bad since there a literal other person on the other end? But what about everything else?


This is such a hard question, no ethical consumption under capitalism, etc etc.

In addition to Costco, Kroger seems to be “ok”. They still have their DEI stuff up. Meijer too for those in the midwest. I’ve been told Aldi still has there DEI program although they took down their external website.

I’m trying, when possible, to buy secondhand first (or even better from Buy Nothing!), then from small/local shops. Ace Hardware rather than HD/Lowes. No Amazon unless absolutely necessary (and let’s face it, Amazon/Walmart/etc have been very effective at bankrupting smaller business for the last 30 years so this is not easy).


Oh yeah, and around here, nearly all the small/local shops seem to be MAGA. Especially restaurants. So that’s frustrating!


Toothpaste - Colgate seems more okay in terms of donations than Crest. I just buy it at Costco or the grocery store.

Kohls does have a decent selection of things like shower curtains if you need it right now, but that really is the sort of thing that turns up in droves at the thrift store. If you buy a good cloth shower liner it should last you a decade.

I have rarely shopped at Target which I honestly think is more glitz that quality, but I’m mourning the convenience of Amazon. Oh, well.

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Dude I wish. Idk if it’s because I rent or what, but the orange slime finds me in about a year even with diligent washing.


Bleach has worked wonders for me with that.

I have a cloth decorative curtain but I’ve always used it with plastic liners…I suppose I’ve seen cloth liners at hotels but never seen them retail?

Interestingly most of the tags say not to bleach. (I do it anyway.)

we use a microfiber liner and wash it a few times a year when the pink mold shows up!

currently i’m looking for a curved tension shower curtain rod. i found a moen one on wayfair but wayfair sucks. maybe i can buy it directly from


Sorry I derailed y’all I am confident I wash/bleach the liners enough and yet. AND YET! I just wanted to provide a different picture for those feeling like they might not be doing enough to avoid this issue for a decade lol

Go forth and buy your ethical curtains!!


yaah and every city’s water is disgusting in a completely unique way :laughing:


My take on Target is that their “ending DEI” is more to avoid lawsuits than like, embracing bigotry. But I’m kinda mad they’re complying in advance so I’m trying to do the boycott and change my spending patterns for a couple months/weeks. But I’m not ruling out going back, at least for needs not wants, but maybe I’ll develop some new habits by then.

All this to say I don’t blame you if Target is the lesser evil right now as a busy family! I see this thread as a way to look for alternatives if we want to :blush:


Something about the aggressive way my husband takes a shower gets a cloth liner completely soaked and covered in soap scum with one shower. This leads to nasty stuff growing on it very very quickly. We use plastic liners and we replace them when they get nasty, but I am not in charge of buying the liners so I have no idea where he procures them!

Can anyone confirm if Lowe’s is still less evil than Home Depot?


Wayfair sucks too? Argh.

I need some basic household items like a bath mat and a bed skirt. Skeeved out by buying either used. I do not have a Costco membership. What do? I would have done Amazon or target in the past. I want specific colors for each.

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