So cute.
OMG. So true. But so hard.
From unfuck your habitat. This was me for ages. Still is sometimes tbh. The association insight was a “woah” moment for me.
Does it refer to becoming upset from cleaning, or cleaning as a stress response mechanism? Or both?
I have become increasingly aware in the past 5 years or so how much external clutter and dirt impacts my emotional state. Like, I put away laundry and unpacked my suitcase and vacuumed last weekend and just Felt So Much Better being in the bedroom (which is also my office and workout room, I leave for meals and TV time).
So like, I will most likely always start cleaning in some degree of distress (if it’s not dirty at all there is nothing to clean). But I also associate it with Improving Things. In fact I find actual cleaning tasks really satisfying due to the instant gratification of the gross-clean transition.
For me at least I read that as “cleaning as a response to stress/bad feels, as opposed to a response to mess” – which then trains you to associate cleaning with that stress/bad feels. (Which then means that cleaning can induce bad feels in turn.)
OK this is very important.
When I feel like this, I need to sleep. Even if I don’t feel like it particularly. It’s a flashing neon sign that my executive function is tapped out if I don’t even want mindless internet or snacks.
Anxiety = (uncertainty) + (underestimation of our ability to cope)