My Tiny Complaint is that a lot of these complaints aren’t really tiny. Now I’m worried about you all.
Over the last couple of years my hands have been getting more and more painful, reaching a critical point lately where I’ve been unable to do a few things. Then on Wednesday I subluxated my wrist and ended up with a pinched nerve in my right arm, so from my shoulder to my fingertips I have a lot of pain and some intermittent paralysis.
The pinched nerve should be fixed fairly easily. The frequent joint subluxations are part of my disorder and are just going to keep happening. The gradual degradation of the joints in my hands and wrists is not reversible, but maybe I can get splints and strengthen parts of my hands to recover some use.
So normally they aren’t this bad, but normally they are bad.
I stayed up until 11:00 to take a “midnight” saliva cortisol test, but I don’t understand the collection kit instructions. The paperwork says to go to a website for a video demonstration, but the model shown in the video is nothing like this one. So now I’m trying to decide if it’s worth going back to the lab to have them explain it to me, or if I should just skip it.
Cushings is serious but treatable. Do the test.
I have 90% of the 1000ish data sources I’m working with analyzed. So close to done. But I don’t wanna look at the rest of them.
I may have a broken / bruised butt (tailbone).
That could be a pain in the bum for months. Hope it isn’t that severe
Yeowch. May it be only a mild bruise.
I was able to nap in my car during my lunch break. I am not still napping, nor am I able to nap at home right now cause work.
Okay, Moooooooom. You guilted me into it and I drove over there. But hahahahaha they don’t know how to use it, either. If the serum cortisol and ACTH they drew yesterday come back as elevated, I’ll try harder.
Of course I would want to nip any recurrence in the bud, but based on how I feel, I would be shocked if I’m not still in remission. My BP is perfect, my A1c is perfect, and I have way too much pain and stiffness for there to be a bunch of wild steroids running around in there. Silver lining - I have zero chance of subluxating any body part anytime soon. Nothing moves enough!
I just waded in mud. Although… I could go back and dig deeper and get a warning
It’s cold outside my bed.
I had a dream that I went to an ex-boyfriend’s house (like, haven’t seen in nearly 20 years ex) and tried to seduce him while his wife was in the next room. In the dream, ex-boyfriend was all for it. Also his face was current boyfriend’s (Howie’s) not ex-boyfriend’s, even though he was definitely ex-boyfriend. Now I’m pissed at ex-boyfriend, myself, and oddly, Howie.
Also I just realized my first response sounded asshole-ish. I don’t mean to trivialize the pain you’re dealing with. I’m sorry.
I didn’t take it that way at all. I was just being bossy.
I had a NIGHTMARE in which I had not just Ewok, but an identical little brother for Ewok who was just a year younger than him, and the two of them were doing all the worst things (screaming, climbing, running away) and I was somehow meant to manage both of them? And they were kind of evil? And old ladies kept telling me how ADORABLE they were while I was trying to stop them from climbing out bus windows into fast traffic.
I had this NIGHTMARE in one of my fifteen minute naps between hour-long bouts of Ewok screaming and coughing and puking overnight.
Ewok needs to chill. This is unacceptable.
I’ve been there and you have all my sympathy. I hope this phase ends soon.
I really miss sleep. I can’t believe that until recently he would (mostly) sleep through the night, no big deal, and now instead he is a screaming mess, or happy enough but wide awake, all night every night.
That’s really hard. ((Hugs)) and a BIG cup of coffee.
I’m on vacation with my family of Trump supporters. Send help.