Tiny Complaints

I think my roommate is playing garbage can chicken with me. She knows I can’t empty it because it’s too heavy (it’s a really big can). I do other chores instead to compensate for the ones that are too hard for my back. She hasn’t emptied the trash in 2 weeks, and she hasn’t put the big cans on the curb for pickup in 3 weeks. If I say something she will flip her shit because I am not allowed to mention any problems I may have with the living situation. So I am just dealing for 5 more days until I get to permanently be in my new apartment


I’m so glad you’ll be out soon! And then the pile of trash will be 100% her problem.


I had a lot of feelings and I ate a lot of things. Now it’s 2.30 and I’m having digestive issues. This is why people shouldn’t have feelings.


I’m low on, or out of appropriate clean baby clothes. Also the baby is dirty.


I’m thankful my baby was a summer baby. He spent a lot of time in very little clothing. I hope that’s an option for you soon (no idea what your weather is like but snacky had snow recently so ???)


Mr. Meer eats cereal loudly. As in he bangs the spoon on the bowl a lot. You are not calling people in from working on the field, you’re eating cereal. And now he’s home every. day. eating cereal every. day.

I mean I’ll live, I’ll ignore it in the interest of us surviving as a household, but how the hell can someone be that loud eating effing cereal for pete’s sakes?

(Oh god, what am I doing that’s annoying the shit out of him?)


Years ago I had a roommate who was only allowed to eat out of a wooden bowl, for the sake of preventing murder.


:rofl: Maybe wisest not to ask…?


Yup, definitely not opening up that can of worms lol. No one wins that game.


Warmer than smackster, snow forecast mid week. So it’s no longer an issue that he grew out of his parka, but not quite nudie time


Boss found an article where someone did something that looks similar to something else. But it’s just a picture that they used as a prop. There’s no data, methodology, code, or process. Just a picture. But boss wants it.

Don’t mind me, I’ll just be over here in the corner throwing a tantrum.


Power outage this morning, and now the VPN is down. My first hour of the day has been SO productive. :roll_eyes:


Coworkers marking emails “high importance” unnecessarily. I will do my job, and it will be done in the timeframe that it takes to be done correctly and to procedure. :grimacing::grimacing::grimacing:


I sent two things I’ve worked way too hard on over to others for review. I really really really need a mental break from those two things, but I’ve already gotten a response back necessitating more work on one of the items. Oh, and I keep having anxious work dreams related to this work. I feel as if I mentally put in a full 8-hour day before even getting out of bed today.

EDIT: I just received feedback on the other item as well. I guess I should be glad that someone is prioritizing my work, but I still could really use a break from these two items. They are both related to my top two priorities, so that isn’t going to happen, unfortunately.


Under pressure I tend to hold up decently, physically speaking. As soon as that pressure is removed I tend to collapse. Yesterday and today I can barely walk and my hands are the worst they’ve ever been.

After periods of high stress I have sudden, extreme loss of ability. It’s happened twice before. I don’t know if the loss will happen now that I’m done renovating and moving or if it will hold off until after corona (or both?) But I’m pretty sure it will happen and I’m scared. Loss of ability is crushing.


Not a tiny complaint.


Thought client call was at 12, called client - no answer. Client call is not until 1.

What even is time any more, anyway?


What even is time any more, anyway?

What even is time any more, anyway?

What even is time any more, anyway?

aka i feel ya bro


I feel super weird counting down to debt freedom because every time I update it I think “but what even is time so this is dumb…”


I’ve gotten error messages whenever I’ve tried to check my unemployment app status. Went through it today only half paying attention to the questions, just trying to click through to where it tells me they need further info or not, and accidentally put Last Day Worked as today.

Of course THIS was the time it goes through no problem. I can now apply starting next week but not this week for last. :woman_facepalming: