Tiny Complaints

I think you did the right thing.

The other day some nosy person on Nextdoor was asking if he should call the cops on a black man rolling up newspapers and making “weird” noises in his car (sounded like he was potentially just jamming out to music). I had to tell him that he shouldn’t call the cops on a potentially mentally ill black man who was minding his own business and not hurting anyone. :roll_eyes:


Good for you for saying something.

I stand by not calling the cops, it just didn’t occur to me to even do that in the first place even if the circumstances had been different. I’ll at least keep it in mind in the future as an option instead of just glaring out the window through the blinds. I’m shaping up to be an excellent old lady neighborhood busy body at this rate, lol.


Howie is a Diet Coke fiend. He drinks about two liters per day. Normally most of this consumption is done at work, so I don’t have to deal with procuring that much Diet Coke. But now he’s at home all day, and that is just a shit-ton of liquid to be moving into our house.

I like Diet Coke too, but I floated the idea of cutting back during a pandemic. Howie doesn’t drink anything else with caffiene and nearly hissed when I suggested cutting back. He said a high-stress, working from home time is not the time for him to cut back. Which I get. But damn, that is just a lot of volume of liquid to deal with!

We’ve been grocery shopping once a week and it’s my turn this week. I swear I am going to buy an entire cart full of Diet Coke to try to get a stockpile going. (We are of differing opinions about if “we are low on Diet Coke” is a reason to make an extra grocery trip.)


That is… a lot of cola. Does he drink out of the 2L bottles? That might be easier to wrestle. I say make him do it. Also, sorry I can delete if you just wanted to rant. :smiley: I totally get that too.


Nah, no worries! His work subsidizes their pop machines, so he usually buys 3 20-oz bottles while at work, and then sometimes has some at home on top of that. I buy the 2-liters for at home, but now that all the Diet Coke consumption is at home, we are just tearing through them. I’m trying to be generous and remember that everyone has their thing, and that his priorities aren’t my priorities. It’s just SO MUCH LIQUID to deal with.


We are going through this exact issue in my household re milk. It is maddening. How can a grown man drink that much milk?

(To be fair, it’s not like he’s drinking more milk than he did before, but, now he can’t stop at the store for more every couple days. Even though he REALLY REALLY wants to)


Boyfriend’s work sent him the stuff he had in his cube (what? Who broke social distancing to go to the office and do that?!). The box was full of ants.

This is some sort of metaphor for how shitty that place was, I swear.

(I should note that it did contain his stuff too. It wasn’t JUST a box of ants, haha.)


Soda stream and their diet coke syrup? Calculating how much syrup and how many spare canisters…

I prefer to avoid artificial sweeteners, but am using their syrup and my soda stream. I did NOT calculate extra canisters and Canadian tire is closed now. So plan better than me

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My soda stream is sputtering and suffocating. And I’m almost out of cola. And am still expected to function


The only internet service available at my new apartment is $59 a month. Sigh. It’s really good internet, but I don’t need really good internet, mediocre cheap internet would have been just fine.


At least I have a car and easy access to big suburban grocery stores!

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A soda stream would definitely be a good idea! I think I would feel kind of like an asshole going out and buying one right now, though. (I mean, I kind of feel like an asshole buying a cart full of Diet Coke at the grocery store, but at least I can justify it by saying that I’m getting actual needed groceries too). Maybe it wouldn’t be too asshole-y to buy one from Target and have it delivered? It wouldn’t make the Diet Cola consumption any cheaper (we actually buy the store brand Diet Coke, so it’s like 80 cents for a 2-liter) but it would sure help on the obnoxious volume front.

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It might be cheaper. A new canister is $30 and refills/exchanges are $15. A canister makes 60 liters (so 25 cents per liter). A bottle of syrup is $5-10.

But for sure is less waste and less volume coming in and out of your household :+1:


This was a party thrown by/for white adults, so a LOT simpler to figure out.

This was 100% me even before the quarantine :upside_down_face:


I did a New Thing to my back. Like, in my sleep or something. I just woke up with it. It’s not the worst pain I’ve ever been in, but I hate the uncertainty of new pain. Like, how long will you be here, pain? Will you ruin my life forever, or just for a few weeks? Blehhh :tired_face:


Netflix isn’t working on the upstairs TV so I’m relegated to finding something to watch on Amazon Prime and the selection is crappy.

Also the user interface for xbox360 is absolute crap.


Husband’s work has given everyone in the company a 10% pay cut, despite his office having increasing work coming through and having to do overtime to get it done (which they have put a hold on paying out). He’s not that annoyed about it as he’s happy to still have a job but I’m annoyed on his behalf.


I have one more that I just need to blurt out to stop it festering inside me.

Husband’s parents are 70+ and claim to be self isolating (after I was a bit rude to them on a video call when they said they weren’t doing much then went on to say that they visited Bunnings then the grocery store the next day, then went into town the next day) but we heard from his brother that they went to his brothers house for dinner during the week. Husband’s brother is still going into work and they have 2 young kids who were crying a few weeks ago that they don’t want nanna to die. Nanna has only recently recovered from breast cancer and chemo. I’m sick of holding so much heart ache worrying about his parents not protecting themselves. They live in a small country town and grow most of their own veggies, they can very easily just stay the fuck home.


Marvelous Mrs. Maisel? Worth it for the outfits alone.


Pretty sure withholding overtime pay for exempt employees is just as illegal as withholding regular pay under the FLSA(so federal, so it doesn’t vary by state). Not sure now is the time to push on that, though.