Tiny Complaints

Oh Smacky, you didn’t fail! There’s no refuge from the bad stuff right now. It’s overwhelming so many of us. Super hugs.


It’s monday, which means I don’t want to accept that I’m supposed to be working. I did update 30 documents with new information and fix formatting, but that was the least important thing on my to-do list. Still avoiding making that presentation. Maybe tomorrow.


Monthly complaint that I’ve gotten paid but my retirement account hasn’t updated with my contributions so I’m just waiting to do my monthly accounting.


Someone just posted in my BN off topic group asking if anyone was doing lashes/nails in their home because she “knows some ladies in need. No nasty comments please”

…I have nasty comments.


Ack! Nails and lashes are not a need! Especially when everyone should STAY THE FUCK HOME.


Half the stuff I bought at Costco last week is now on sale. I tossed the receipt, but I wonder if they would refund the difference as they can see the purchase on file? I read that they will refund up to 30 days for price changes. Any idea?

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I really wanted to be like “Oh yeah my friend at 1453 Stay The Fuck at Home Lane does them! You’ll love her!”


Yes, I’d it wasboth under your membership they have it in the computer. Apologies for under baby type


All the furniture is moved!

  • the new house looks like a thrift store furniture warehouse. There isn’t room to walk in some rooms.
  • the old house has piles and drifts of the detritus of daily life. We have so much shit.
  • towards the end I started blacking out. Now I’m in bed ( a mattress on the floor) with a fever and almost no use of my body.

The cost of accomplishment is high.


Boy Cat is/was pre-diabetic. We have to give Girl Cat egg yolk powder to prevent hairballs and daily vomiting. We used to put the egg yolk in their shared food but then tried to give it to Girl Cat as a snack so that Boy Cat wouldn’t get the extra calories. It was amazing because she loved it! But now she won’t touch it anymore, even if we add water. So we’re back to putting it in the food, and hopefully playing with Boy Cat for 15 minutes every day will help to keep his weight off so he doesn’t get diabetes :frowning:


Kiddo has homework. He’s in preschool. WTF.

(This is through public school, the teachers need something to show their bosses.)


sigh. my mom just sent me a video titled “Doctor exposes everything The Deep State is trying to hide about Covid-19”



What even would be homework for a little kid like that?

Target cheated me out of entire bag of limes. I paid for them. I did not get them.


Playing I Spy in the house. Parent’s job is to print out the worksheet (we don’t have a functional printer) that has a list like animal, clothing, food, ocean creature, insect, tool, something hot, something cold, etc. then do the activity with the kid and encourage the kid to say the word properly (e.g. lion instead of wion) and it will also help increase their vocabulary I guess?


That’s nonsense. How can they expect everyone to have a printer? Encouraging the kid to say the word properly seems linguistically suspect to me as well…


This is what happens when a speech therapist has to send out the same assignment for Pre-K through 5th grade students. :pensive:

I hand wrote out a bunch of the items and we’ll do it later just as an activity, I’m not worried about correcting his speech. He does have a telehealth PT session tomorrow, I realized yesterday that it might interfere with Mr. Meer’s work space since he’s in the living room so I have no idea how that’ll work. We also need to set an appointment to talk to his teacher and maybe set up a time for his OT as a once a week appointment but I’m waiting till we see how the PT session goes. Thank dog my boss and coworkers are understanding. Getting kid stuff sorted is a part time job right now.


My head is too large for the no sew mask examples.


Even the T-shirt one?


If it were up to me, I would take one of my cleaning towels and use that. But my wife has very specific things that are and aren’t ok. She doesn’t want it to “look weird”.

Who cares if I look weird. I’m not going to get any worse interaction out of the people here than I usually do.