Tiny Complaints

MIL says it wasn’t her. So now I’m stuck trying to figure out who might have done such a thing and has my home address.
I am a little freaked out.


I saw a new spine doctor today. After telling him my history, and the pain I’ve been dealing with, I told him all of the alterations I’ve made to my lifestyle (basically I almost never go out, because of pain, I don’t lift things, etc) how careful I am at work/home, all of the at home PT I do, all of the treatments I’ve had, etc…and asked what else I could do/what we could try differently…and he said “well you want to make sure you don’t bend over to pick up things off the floor and don’t sit for too long”
No Shit Sherlock!!! :roll_eyes: I wanted to cry when he said that…I don’t even know why I bother to give such details about what I’m dealing with when I see new doctors, it’s not like they listen to what I’m saying, or use the information I give them to give me advice that is actually new and helpful. I haven’t lifted anything over 10 pounds in several years…I think I’m way past “no bending/lifting/twisting” recommendations :roll_eyes::roll_eyes::roll_eyes:


I’m deeply afraid that the great American experiment is over.


We gotta start a Large Complaints thread to handle that one…


Or a Despair thread.


I’m offering two awesome wool peacoats on Buy Nothing and no one wants them :frowning:

(The black one is snug on me and incompatible with Boy Cat hair. The cream one fits and is really warm and a cashmere mix, but it’s cream and I can’t deal with clothes that show dirt easily.)


Could you dye the cream colored coat? Seems a shame to get rid of it.

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I don’t think it’d dye well in grey or tan, my preferred colors!

It’s a great coat but I’ve also owned it since high school. I was hoping someone would like it…

My bff from childhood is so bad with money and it’s hard to watch. I’m afraid she will never get out of the poverty cycle :frowning: but I don’t feel like I can do much to help her.


Why is the Technical Service Engineer asking the Finance Manager (me) how to set up a new printer on his computer???


Oh. I love peacoats. What size are your coats? because I would totes pay some shipment.

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The black one probably fits 4P, although it’s marked 0P (never in my life have I fitted anything 0 sized). I’m 36-30-36 and it’s a little bit snug-- I’m still wearing it but it’s bulging a bit and hopefully the grey coat on its way will be perfect! This coat is nice quality and has never pilled at all so I’d love for it to find a good home!

The cream one is marked 4P, probably fits more like 6P. It fits me fine, is snug but still comfortable if I layered up underneath! I got this one in Canada years ago and it’s warmer than the other one. I’ve only worn it a handful of times since it was last drycleaned :slight_smile:

I like petite coats because I’m on the shorter side and then the arms aren’t too long. Would they fit you?


Aw man, the small one would probably fit me, and as we know I am currently sans spring/fall coat, but the arms would be stupid short. :sob: (My last pea coat was a petite, and yeah, so short. I miraculously found it at a thrift store for like $10 so it was worth it, but I eventually gave it away because the short arms made me suuuuuuper self conscious.)


I have a pimple right where the underwire of my bra is. Not wearing a bra is not a realistic option. Ouch.


The cream one might, though may also be right on the edge of being too tight. HMMM. Let me think. And also re-measure myself.


Putting one of those hydrocolloid patches over it will help calm down the pimple and protect it from being irritated by the bra.


New tiny complaint: I don’t have a hydrocolloid patch. :wink:


I’m just really tired.


I got a taker for it on BN!! :slight_smile:


A bandaid and an antibiotic cream with lidocaine would help. Or spray with bactine and then bandaid.